IMAGE 1300_99\398.Lbm,The European weather satellite Meteosat, which circles in stationary orbit, some 35,900 km above the Equator.
IMAGE 100_199\100.Lbm,A simulated natural colour image of Europe and Africa obtained by processing data returned from a Meteosat weather satellite.
IMAGE 100_199\112.Lbm,The standard cloud-cover image prepared from Meteosat data.
IMAGE 600_699\659.Lbm,A false-colour image produced from Meteosat data, showing Europe and Africa. The satellite is in geostationary orbit on the Equator over Africa.
IMAGE 700_799\727.Lbm,A Meteosat image of Europe and Africa taken in the infrared. Vivid false coloration makes the hot land masses stand out.
IMAGE 800_899\813.Lbm,Cloud cover over the Atlantic, Europe and Africa, as pictured by a Meteosat weather satellite.
IMAGE 1300_99\399.Lbm,Meteosat image showing most of Europe free of cloud.