IMAGE 1200_99\201.Lbm,The 7-tonne UARS (upper atmosphere research satellite) in the payload bay of Discovery shortly before the payload-bay doors are closed three days before launch on the STS-48 shuttle mission.
IMAGE 1200_99\202.Lbm,Carrying the UARS, Discovery blasts off into a cloudy Florida sky on September 12, 1991.
IMAGE 1200_99\204.Lbm,Artist's impression of the UARS in orbit about 585 km above the Earth. The near 7-tonne spacecraft measures about 10 metres long and 4.5 metres across. It carries a package of 10 scientific instruments to monitor the Earth's environment.
IMAGE 1200_99\205.Lbm,High concentrations of the ozone-destroying gas chlorine monoxide are spotted over Antarctica by the UARS in September 1991. Red shows the highest concentration.
IMAGE 1200_99\206.Lbm,The UARS detects large amounts of ozone-destroying chlorine monoxide over northern Europe in January 1992. Red shows the highest concentration.