IMAGE 0_99\41.Lbm,The EROS Data Center at Sioux Falls, North Dakota, which is the centre for processing Landsat and other Earth-resources data.
IMAGE 800_899\872.Lbm,At the EROS Data Center in South Dakota a researcher is analysing a Landsat image of Hawaii.
IMAGE 0_99\67.Lbm,This false-colour image of New Orleans and the Mississippi delta was taken by Skylab astronauts during Earth-resources experiments.
IMAGE 100_199\153.Lbm,A Landsat image of Western Scotland. The false colours have been chosen to bring out details in the vegatation.
IMAGE 200_299\211.Lbm,The Remote Sensing Division of RAE Farnborough in Hampshire, England, produced this false-colour image of part of China using Landsat 1 data.
IMAGE 500_599\542.Lbm,A colourful mosaic created by processing Landsat data. It shows a coastal region near Newquay in south-west England.
IMAGE 800_899\856.Lbm,Earth photography: infrared photograph of the Gulf of California, showing vegetation (red) growing in the irrigated valley.
IMAGE 800_899\865.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: shuttle imaging radar picture of the Suwannee River, Florida, taken at night. Cultivated areas are coloured dark green and purple.
IMAGE 800_899\866.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: shuttle imaging radar picture of northern Florida, showing three lakes - Ocean Pond, Palestine Lake and Swift Creek Pond.
IMAGE 800_899\867.Lbm,Earth-resources imaging: shuttle imaging radar picture showing interesting rock structure in the Peruvian Andes.