IMAGE 0_99\14.Lbm,Alan Shepard in Freedom 7 rides the Mercury-Redstone rocket as it soars from the Cape Canaveral launch pad on May 5, 1961.
IMAGE 200_299\288.Lbm,The rocket park at the Visitors Center at the Kennedy Space Center, where examples of early US space hardware can be seen, including at left the Mercury-Redstone and Mercury-Atlas vehicles and at right the Gemini-Titan.
IMAGE 200_299\290.Lbm,The size of the Apollo lunar module can be appreciated from the full-size replica at the Kennedy Space Center's Visitors Centre.
IMAGE 500_599\573.Lbm,Virgil Grissom lifts off the launch pad on a Redstone rocket on the second suborbital Mercury mission in Liberty Bell 7.
IMAGE 800_899\847.Lbm,A Mercury-Redstone rocket under test. This was the vehicle that launched Alan Shepard and Virgil Grissom on their suborbital flights in the Mercury programme.
IMAGE 800_899\855.Lbm,The Redstone rocket boosts the Mercury capsule Freedom 7 from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. Alan Shepard begins a 15-minute suborbital hop into space and back.