IMAGE 1700_99\754.Lbm,Scene inside Mariner mission control room at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in November 1971. Mariner 9 is now in Martian orbit.
IMAGE 700_799\753.Lbm,A mosaic of Mars, prepared from the pictures taken by Mariner 9 in 1971/72. At top is the rugged terrain surrounding the north polar ice cap.
IMAGE 800_899\809.Lbm,Mariner 9 spied this crater complex projecting through the clouds of dust that covered Mars in December 1981. It is the summit of one of the three high volcanoes on the Tharsis Ridge.
IMAGE 1700_99\755.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: the northern hemisphere of Mars, showing the ice cap shrinking in the northern spring. At upper left is Mars's huge volcano, Olympus Mons.
IMAGE 1700_99\756.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: Olympus Mons is surrounded by lava flows from ancient eruptions.
IMAGE 1700_99\757.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: Olympus Mons, 550 km across at the base, rises dramatically from the surrounding plain.
IMAGE 1700_99\758.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: the summit caldera (crater) of Olympus Mons, which measures some 60 km across.
IMAGE 1700_99\759.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: a region where the surface has fractured, leaving a web of canyons.
IMAGE 1700_99\760.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: this mosaic, covering a distance of 120 km, shows a channel that looks as if it was made by flowing water.
IMAGE 1700_99\761.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: a Martian 'Alpine Valley', similar to that on the Moon.
IMAGE 1700_99\762.Lbm,Mariner 9 at Mars: a global mosaic of Mars based on some 1,500 Mariner pictures, showing at centre the north polar ice cap.