IMAGE 300_399\340.Lbm,In the Vertical Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center the Magellan Venus probe is mated with the inertial upper stage (IUS), ready for installing in orbiter Atlantis for STS-30.
IMAGE 300_399\341.Lbm,On May 4, 1989, Magellan is deployed from Atlantis (STS-30), the first stage on its journey to Venus.
IMAGE 1000_99\64.Lbm,Mosaic image of Venus produced from the radar scans by the orbiting Magellan probe in 1991. The view is centred at 90 degrees east longitude.
IMAGE 1000_99\65.Lbm,Mosaic image of Venus produced from scans by Magellan's radar in 1991. The view is centred at 0 degrees east longitude.
IMAGE 1000_99\66.Lbm,A computer-simulated view of the surface of Venus, based on radar scans by Magellan in 1991. It shows a volcanic crater with a diameter of about 25 km, surrounded by numerous lava flows.
IMAGE 200_299\269.Lbm,A remarkable view of the surface of Venus obtained by Magellan's radar, showing rugged terrain on a plateau (Lakshmi Planum) in Ishtar Terra, one of the two big continents on the planet.
IMAGE 200_299\270.Lbm,A Magellan radar image of the surface of Venus, showing what appear to be a volcanic crater and lava flows.
IMAGE 200_299\271.Lbm,False-colour imagery has been used to enhance features in a Magellan radar scan of Venus. At bottom right is an impact crater, and surrounding flows of ejected material.