IMAGE 500_599\511.Lbm,An emblem for the Viking mission to Mars, carried by the two Viking landers that set down on the planet in 1976.
IMAGE 0_99\75.Lbm,A full-scale model of the Viking lander that set down on Mars in 1976. In the foreground is the extendable sampling arm.
IMAGE 1700_99\737.Lbm,Testing the Viking lander at Martin Marietta Aerospace, Denver, Colorado.
IMAGE 300_399\344.Lbm,The Viking orbiter probe, having just released the lander module, which will soon touch down on the surface of Mars.
IMAGE 1700_99\743.Lbm,Midsummer scene at Mars's north pole, pictured by a Viking orbiter. Much of the polar ice cap has melted.
IMAGE 0_99\94.Lbm,A false colour picture of Mars's giant volcano Olympus Mons, obtained by computer processing data from the Viking orbiters.
IMAGE 100_199\199.Lbm,This Viking picture of the Martian surface shows what appears to be a watercourse, formed aeons ago by flooding.
IMAGE 200_299\200.Lbm,The Viking 1 orbiter snapped this picture of a "face" etched in the Martian landscape. Some have suggested that intelligent beings carved it.
IMAGE 200_299\201.Lbm,Part of the Viking 1 lander can be seen in this close-up picture of the Chryse plain of Mars. The tool on the right is the digging arm used to pick up soil samples.
IMAGE 1700_99\739.Lbm,A computer-generated 'fisheye' view of Mars from the Viking 1 lander.
IMAGE 1700_99\740.Lbm,View from the Viking 1 lander of drifted dunes on Mars.
IMAGE 1700_99\741.Lbm,Viking 2 view of the Martian plain of Utopia, remarkably similar to the Viking 1 view.
IMAGE 1700_99\742.Lbm,Model of the chaotic canyon lands on Mars, based on Viking pictures.