IMAGE 800_899\885.Lbm,Skylab astronauts snapped this picture of a curious looped prominence shooting high above the Sun's surface.
IMAGE 100_199\136.Lbm,One of the spectacular false-colour pictures of the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, taken by the Skylab astronauts in 1973.
IMAGE 100_199\137.Lbm,A false-colour Skylab picture showing the stormy surface of the Sun, taken in 1973.
IMAGE 200_299\275.Lbm,One of the most remarkable Skylab solar pictures, showing a massive prominence erupting from the surface.
IMAGE 200_299\276.Lbm,A false-colour picture of the Sun taken by Skylab astronauts in ultraviolet light. Dark areas show where there are "holes" in the corona, or outer atmosphere.
IMAGE 500_599\583.Lbm,The Earth eclipses the Sun as the Apollo 12 astronauts make their way to the Moon, heading for a second lunar landing.
IMAGE 800_899\821.Lbm,The Skylab astronauts carried out extensive investigation of the Sun. They spied such phenomena as this huge prominence leaping high above the surface.
IMAGE 900_999\993.Lbm,A group of sunspots, disturbed regions of the Sun where the temperature is some 2,000 degrees lower than the surroundings.