IMAGE 200_299\261.Lbm,A photograph of Saturn taken through an Earth-based telescope.
IMAGE 200_299\263.Lbm,This Hubble Space Telescope picture of Saturn shows more detail of the atmosphere and rings than Earth-based photos.
IMAGE 200_299\257.Lbm,A photomontage of Saturn and its major moons (Voyager 1 photos) shows at top Titan, in the foreground Dione; the others (from the left) are Rhea, Enceladus, Mimas and Tethys.
IMAGE 200_299\236.Lbm,A beautiful picture of Saturn and its shining ring system taken by Voyager 2 from a distance of some 43 million km in July 1981.
IMAGE 200_299\262.Lbm,Pioneer Saturn (Pioneer 11) snapped this picture of Saturn in August 1979 when it became the first probe to visit the planet. The moon visible is Tethys.
IMAGE 600_699\602.Lbm,Pioneer-Saturn (Pioneer 11) returned this image of Saturn in August 1979. The moon in the picture is Titan.
IMAGE 200_299\240.Lbm,False-colour imagery from Voyager 2 data has brought out detail in Saturn's banded atmosphere. The two moons visible are Dione (top) and Enceladus.
IMAGE 200_299\264.Lbm,Violent storms are raging in Saturn's atmosphere in this picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990.
IMAGE 100_199\181.Lbm,Voyager 1 took this picture of the underside of Saturn's rings after passing through the ring plane on November 12, 1980. The thin outermost F ring cannot be detected from Earth.
IMAGE 200_299\223.Lbm,This false-colour Voyager picture shows Saturn's A, B and C rings, each composed of thousands of individual ringlets.
IMAGE 200_299\237.Lbm,A Voyager 2 picture showing Saturn's A ring, with its dark Encke division.
IMAGE 200_299\238.Lbm,Computer processing of Voyager 2 data emphasizes in false colours the difference in composition in the B ring particles.
IMAGE 600_699\603.Lbm,This Voyager 1 image shows details of the ring structure around Saturn. The little arc at the outer edge of the rings is part of the F ring, discovered by Pioneer-Saturn.
IMAGE 600_699\631.Lbm,Saturn's rings from 4 million km, showing the mysterious spokes in the B ring. (Voyager 2)
IMAGE 100_199\192.Lbm,Two of the many new moons Voyager 2 discovered when it encountered Uranus. They appear to be shepherd moons, keeping ring particles in place.
IMAGE 100_199\196.Lbm,This Voyager 1 picture of Saturn's largest moon Titan shows in blue the haze in its thick atmosphere.
IMAGE 600_699\604.Lbm,The night side of Saturn's largest moon, Titan (Voyager 2). Note the brightness around the limb of the moon caused by the presence of its atmosphere.
IMAGE 200_299\241.Lbm,Fault lines and craters cover Saturn's icy moon Enceladus, in this Voyager 2 image.
IMAGE 500_599\584.Lbm,Saturn's moon Hyperion is an irregularly shaped body some 375 km across. (Voyager 2)
IMAGE 500_599\515.Lbm,An artist's idea of how Saturn would appear from the surface of its large moon Titan, painted long before the Voyager probes visited the planet and showed the moon to be shrouded in a thick atmosphere.