IMAGE 400_499\447.Lbm,Emblem for Apollo 15, July 1971: Scott, Worden, Irwin. First use of the lunar roving vehicle.
IMAGE 1500_99\570.Lbm,Apollo 15 command module pilot Alfred Worden trains in the mission simulator at the Kennedy Space Center.
IMAGE 1500_99\571.Lbm,The lunar rover is collapsed and stowed in the lunar module as preparations proceed for the Apollo 15 mission.
IMAGE 1500_99\573.Lbm,The Apollo 15/Saturn V stack begins its six-hour journey to the launch pad, where it will be readied for a July 1971 lift-off.
IMAGE 1500_99\574.Lbm,Apollo 15 lift-off on July 26, 1971.
xxIMAGE 1500_99\574a.Lbm,Scene at Mission Control, Houston, when it takes over control of the Apollo 15 mission.
IMAGE 1500_99\575.Lbm,The Apollo 16 astronauts snap this beautiful picture of the Full Moon as they head for a fourth lunar landing.
IMAGE 700_799\719.Lbm,Apollo 15 astronauts photographed this beautiful lunar landscape near the edge of the Ocean of Storms, in a region called the Aristarchus Plateau.
IMAGE 300_399\330.Lbm,The CSM in lunar orbit on the Apollo 15 mission, showing the open scientific instrument module (SIM).
IMAGE 500_599\544.Lbm,On the Apollo 15 mission James Irwin salutes the Stars and Stripes. This mission uses the lunar rover (right) for the first time.
IMAGE 1500_99\569.Lbm,The two Apollo 15 astronauts who will ride the lunar rover on the Moon train at the Kennedy Space Center. They are James Irwin (left) and David Scott.
IMAGE 1500_99\576.Lbm,Apollo 15 lands near Mt Hadley, some 4,500 metres high.
IMAGE 1500_99\577.Lbm,This view from the Apollo 15 landing site shows a formation called Hadley Delta.
IMAGE 1500_99\579.Lbm,David Scott salutes by the deployed US flag alongside the lunar module 'Falcon'. (Apollo 15)
IMAGE 1500_99\580.Lbm,James Irwin loads up the lunar rover during the first EVA. (Apollo 15)
IMAGE 1500_99\581.Lbm,An excellent picture of the Apollo 15 lunar rover.
IMAGE 1500_99\582.Lbm,James Irwin works near the lunar rover, with Mt Hadley in the background. (Apollo 15)
IMAGE 1500_99\583.Lbm,James Irwin hangs onto the lunar rover, which is starting to slide down the slope. In the foreground is David Scott's tongs for gathering samples. (Apollo 15)
IMAGE 200_299\206.Lbm,A typical volcanic Moon rock brought back by the Apollo 15 astronauts in 1971. It was nicknamed "Vuggy".