\<COLOUR 1> NAME: \<COLOUR 0> Leonid Denisovich Kizim
\<COLOUR 1> DATE OF BIRTH: \<COLOUR 0> August 5, 1941
\<COLOUR 1> FIRST FLIGHT: \<COLOUR 0> November 27, 1980; in Soyuz T-3/Salyut 7
\<COLOUR 1> ACHIEVEMENTS: \<COLOUR 0> On his second flight (Soyuz T-10), beginning on February 8, 1984, he was part of a three-man crew that spent a record 237 days in orbit in Salyut 7; on March 15, 1986, he and fellow-cosmonaut Vladimir Solovyov (in Soyuz T-15) were the first to enter and power up the newly launched Mir space station; during this last 124-day mission, they also visited Salyut 7 - the first time any transfer had taken place between space stations.