\<COLOUR 1> DATE OF BIRTH: \<COLOUR 0> August 16, 1939
\<COLOUR 1> FIRST FLIGHT: \<COLOUR 0> October 9, 1977; in Soyuz 25/Salyut 6
\<COLOUR 1> ACHIEVEMENTS: \<COLOUR 0> On his second flight into orbit in 1979 (Soyuz 32/ Salyut 6), Ryumin and fellow cosmonaut Vladimir Lyakhov smashed the space duration record by spending over 175 days in orbit; the following year he returned to space (Soyuz 35/Salyut 6), with Leonid Popov, for over 184 days; he became the first person to spend a total of more than a year in space, suffering no apparent long-term effects.