\<COLOUR 1> LAUNCH DATE: \<COLOUR 0> February 11, 1990
\<COLOUR 1> LAUNCH SITE: \<COLOUR 0> Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Central Asia
\<COLOUR 1> FLIGHT TIME: \<COLOUR 0> 179 days 1 hr 26 min
\<COLOUR 1> CREW: \<COLOUR 0> Anatoli Y Solovyov, Alexander Balandin
\<COLOUR 1> HIGHLIGHTS: \<COLOUR 0> Mission to Mir; overlapping with previous crew; they process 3 kg of semiconductor materials in Kristall technology module, which docks with Mir on June 10; they spacewalk twice in July to repair the Soyuz TM- 9's torn thermal insulation; return in TM-9.