\<COLOUR 1> NO OF STAGES: \<COLOUR 0> 2 plus 9 strap-on boosters plus PAM
\<COLOUR 1> PROPELLANTS: \<COLOUR 0> First stage, kerosene/liquid oxygen Second stage, aerozine/nitrogen tetroxide PAM and boosters, solid
\<COLOUR 1> PAYLOAD: \<COLOUR 0> Navstars, Comsats, military satellites into low-Earth or geostationary orbit
\<COLOUR 1> LAUNCH SITE: \<COLOUR 0> Cape Canaveral, Florida; Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
\<COLOUR 1> COMMENTS: \<COLOUR 0> Taller fourth-generation Delta launch vehicle still current (from 1990); nine strap-ons: six fire with first stage at launch, others cut in later; first Delta 2 launch (6925 variant) in February 1989.