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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Issue 1, Volume 1 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Suite 299 *
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- * College Park, MD 20740 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine (c) 1989, is a COMMERCIAL effort. *
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- New Atari Hardware: The Next Generation?
- As I write this a LOT has been happening out in Sunnyvale.
- Since this is our premiere issue, I want to state that this
- section on new product announcements refuses to "gloss" over
- the topic of vaporware, nor do we plan to endorse any products.
- I will attempt to simply "state the facts" with nothing "inferred"
- or "submitted" by me for your approval. Many ST publications
- right now enjoy mixing and matching the release of new product
- information with an attitude of either blind Atari loyalism or
- hell-bent Atari bashing. I do not intend to let that occur in
- this particular column.
- Now for the news:
- Atari has shown the 68030 Atari in Germany at an Atari-
- specific show in Dusseldorf. Reports coming in from there from
- both attendees who have posted their findings and from official
- Atari releases that have been made public show that so far, all of
- the specs have not yet been confirmed, and the release date is
- set, apparently in stone, as being "by the end of 1989". Sig
- Hartmann, who is VP at Atari Corp. in Sunnyvale has even stated
- that should the 68030 machine not appear in the U.S.A. on time, he
- would be leaving Atari, so there is apparently more than a little
- enthusiasm about this new machine in the higher echelons of Atari
- Corp.
- The specifics so far indicate that the machine will be based
- around a 16mhz 68030 chip, like the Macintosh SE/30. From
- information posted by Atari representatives on UseNet, the new
- 68030TT can apparently run as much as ten times faster than the
- current generation of STs, but on average, will yield a speed
- increase by a factor between 3 - 5 (which means, it'll go 3 - 5x
- faster than a stock ST/Mega). Official Atari Corp. literature
- claims the new machine won't be using a BLiTTer like the MEGA ST
- or STE to speed up graphics routines, but specifications on
- exactly what type of chipset it uses is sketchy at best, so we
- will report on that information when it becomes available.
- The TT is also touted as having full ST hardware
- compatibility, and the hardware registers will be in the usual
- locations so that programs written for the ST specific chipset
- should work on the 68030 machine providing it uses either the
- current ST chipset or a specially "reverse engineered" chipset
- that is 100% compatible with the original design.
- The new machine will have enhanced graphics capabilities that
- border on the SuperVGA PCs and clones, while also providing a new
- sound chip that is described as a "stereo 8-bit PCM sound chip",
- with the number of channels being programmable. As it stands now,
- the sound chip sounds a bit like the information released back in
- 1987 about a potential enhancement to the ST called the AMY sound
- chip that was discussed in ST magazines at the time.
- The graphics support the following modes:
- 1280x960 monochrome
- 640x480 w/16 colors from a palette of 4096 colors.
- 640x400 w/2 colors from a palette of 4096 colors.
- [this is no longer just monochrome, but a new
- mode that truly gives two selectable colors.]
- 640x200 w/4 colors, from a palette of 4096 colors.
- 320x480 w/256 colors from a palette of 4096 colors.
- 320x200 w/16 colors from a palette of 4096 colors.
- Initial information from both the conferences on GEnie and
- from the press releases state that the ST native graphics modes
- are fully supported (320x200x16,640x200x4, and 640x400 mono) and
- that a new video chip is used for the 640x480x16 and 320x480x256
- color displays. Also, since the STE and the JRI ST4096C board use
- the same technology the TT is using to remain ST compatibility, it
- sounds plausible that the "JRI technique" is also in use in the
- 68030 box, at least for the ST-based modes.
- The machine shown in Dusseldorf had three Vme Bus slots,
- which are a Motorola standard, and were used in Vaxes as well as
- some Sun workstations. Atari has already stated that should users
- want to enhance the capability of the 68030TT, they should be able
- to use VME expansions to do so, but there is no word on whether
- any modification is needed or if the system will recognize the
- expansions under GEM.
- The machine also has a new high speed chip to handle
- communications as well, which should allow for the usage of high
- speed hardware, such as 19.2k baud modems and other interesting
- hardware products.
- Atari also added new 15 - pin analog joystick/mouse
- connectors to it to complement the current 9 - pin connectors.
- Whether these connectors will be able to accept controllers used
- by another system, or if they are based on the controller ports on
- the old Atari 5200 game system is unknown.
- Some of this technology in the new 68030 machine will also be
- used in its "little brother", the Atari 1040STE. So far, it has
- been confirmed that the machine has identical capability to the
- current STs, and is 68000 based, but includes graphics identical
- to a ST4096C enhanced ST, as well as the new digital sound chip
- used in the 68030TT.
- The prices on the new machines has yet to be confirmed,
- however it is expected that the 68030 Atari as well as the new
- 1040STE should be seen at Atari shows, and possibly, at the WAACE
- AtariFest '89 in Fairfax, VA. As it stands now, the release date
- for the 1040STE is currently not set to a specific time, but Atari
- has firmly stated it will be releasing the 68030TT by the end of
- 1989.
- Another interesting development in the Atari ST/Mega
- community that will add a needed dimension is the release of TOS
- 1.4 to the userbase. Right now, some dealers are having trouble
- getting it, but for the most part, it appears the ROMs *ARE* out.
- The suggested list price is $99.95 for the ROMs, not including
- installation. Contact your local authorized dealer for further
- details.
- In addition to the aforementioned products, the ST line
- should also be welcoming the addition of the STacy laptop, which
- is slated for a late-1989 release. The STacy laptop will have a
- 640x400 LCD display, which has been reputed to be backlit,
- although the model shown at earlier shows was NOT. In fact, a
- review of the STacy in Atari Explorer mentions that it is not
- backlit at the time of the review, and mentioned no plans to make
- it so, but apparently Atari has reconsidered, and gone ahead with
- plans to backlight the LCD display. The STacy will not have the
- STE's or TT's enhanced chipset, but will have a MEGA-style buss
- connector (which is female, while the one inside the MEGA STs is
- male... this will require some alteration for expansions to be
- ported from one to the other), and will run all current ST
- software. It also has all standard ST ports, including the
- Centronics, monitor, RS-232, MIDI, and joystick/mouse ports. It
- will come in a base configuration for $1500 with a double sided
- drive. So far, Atari claims the STacy will run for about 4 hours
- straight on battery power.
- (NOTE: The STacy laptop is reportedly shipping in Europe. This
- was discovered after this article had acutally been written.)
- Surpassing even the STacy in portability is the new
- Atari Portfolio, which is a 4.77mhz IBM PC compatible that is
- "slightly smaller than a videotape" according the Atari
- Corp. Apparently, as we write this, the Portfolio is nearing
- shipping and Atari has established an 800 number to recieve
- orders for the new machine. It comes with a 40x2 display and
- should be in high demand judging from the response Atari has been
- recieving.
- (NOTE: The Portfolio is OUT! This too was discovered at a local
- Atari dealer [L&Y Electronics in Woodbridge] one week before this
- issue was to be released at the WAACE AtariFest '89!)
- Finally, saving what many may term "the best" for last, Atari
- finally introduced the ATW in America. Apparently the decision to
- do so was done immediately before SIGRAPH (an annual show in
- Boston that features the best of the video and computer graphics
- industry), and the ATW was formally shown at SIGRAPH doing true
- 16.8 million color graphics (using 32 bit planes) and apparently
- getting a bit of attention. It is not known yet whether the ATW
- will be configured as an add-on for existing MEGA STs or if it
- will be a completely new machine that has a built-in ST as the
- "front-end" terminal. However, no solid pricing or information on
- the availability of this new wunderkind has been formally
- announced, so no release date is known.