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File List | 1989-09-30 | 2.7 KB | 97 lines |
- Goto Main
- Procedure Malloc(Amt,Ptr)
- ' Amt is how much memory we are setting aside, ptr is the pointer to the start
- ' of this memory...
- Local Pg
- ' Pg is used to calculate an address divisible for 256 that is appropriate...
- Pg=Int(Amt/256)
- ' Checks to see if what we will reserve will be enough for what we wanted...
- ' If not, we increase it...
- If Amt Mod 256<>0
- Inc Pg
- Endif
- ' We set up how much we will actually reserve with Malloc...
- Malloc_amt=Pg*256
- ' Reserves the memory, away from GFA Basic...
- Reserve Fre(0)-Malloc_amt
- ' Now we pass ptr to the GEMDOS Malloc() call that will reserve memory from
- ' the ST's OS...
- *Ptr=Gemdos(&H48,L:Malloc_amt)
- Return
- '
- Procedure Mfree(Adr)
- ' Adr is just the starting address of the area reserved...
- Local Er1
- ' Er1 is used to determine if an error occurred with the use of Mfree...
- ' We also give back the RAM to the OS and GFA Basic...
- Er1=Gemdos(&H49,L:Adr)
- Reserve Fre(0)+Malloc_amt-255
- If Er1<>0
- Cls
- Print "Mfree() error ->";Er1
- Endif
- Return
- '
- Procedure Loader
- Local X
- ' x is used to test for the existence of the file...
- X=Exist(Name$)
- If X<>-1 Then
- Cls
- Print "The program needs to have ";Name$;" present on the same path!"
- Print " The program's execution has now been terminated..."
- Stop
- Endif
- Bload Name$,Dest
- Return
- '
- Main:
- ' Now I wanna allocate the memory for BOTH the compressed pic and the final
- ' displayable pic...
- Gosub Malloc(104000,*Adr)
- ' Now, I'm gonna boot in the SPECTRUM 512 compressed pic, into the top most
- ' area of that reserved memory... what fun that will be...hehehehehe
- ' OK, so, anyways, we wanna have space for the TRIO code, for decompression
- ' and displaying of an .SPC pic...
- Show$=Space$(675)
- Show%=Varptr(Show$)
- Decom$=Space$(235)
- Decom%=Varptr(Decom$)
- Name$="\show512.o"
- Dest=Show%
- Gosub Loader
- Name$="\decomp.o"
- Dest=Decom%
- Gosub Loader
- '
- Main2:
- Fileselect "\*.SPC","demo.spc",Name$
- If Name$="" Then
- Goto Termn8
- Endif
- Spc%=Adr+52000
- Dest=Spc%
- Gosub Loader
- ' Now, I run the decompression routine, supplied by TRIO Engineering...
- ' First we define the destinations for the bitmap and color data...
- Bitm%=Adr
- Colm%=Bitm%+32000
- Dummy=C:Decom%(L:Spc%,L:Bitm%,L:Colm%)
- If Dummy<>0 Then
- Cls
- Print "The SPECTRUM picture could not decompress... Reboot and try again!"
- Stop
- Endif
- ' Now we put the SPECTRUM pic onscreen until the user presses a key...
- Void C:Show%(1,L:Bitm%,L:Colm%)
- Repeat
- Until Inkey$<>""
- ' We have to get the machine out of SPECTRUM mode...
- Void C:Show%(0)
- ' We give memory back that was used for the .SPC and decompressed SPECTRUM
- ' pics...
- Goto Main2
- Termn8:
- Gosub Mfree(Adr)
- End