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- The MODHUNT.ARC file (or whatever it's called) should contain the
- following files:
- MODHUNT.PRG - The Actual Game. Double Click to Run
- KILL.PIC - Wall data. This picture can be modified to make
- Custom Walls if you wish. just 32K of screen
- Data.
- README.DOC - The instructions. (THIS!!)
- Well, This game is just a computerized version of Hide-and-
- go-seek. Since It's really hard to 'hide', special enhancements
- allow both people to 'hunt' for the other. The computer is used
- to keep score and make sure both players are playing fair.
- IMPORTANT, everything must be moved into a folder called
- \KILL\ on any drive. Second arrange the baud at which the modems
- will be set and who will call who when. The program will prompt
- you for the baud and number if you are dialing. For touch-tone,
- type 'T' before the number. Press RETURN if both modems connect
- properly or click on Redial to try again. Then start playing and
- enjoy!!
- After the modems connect, the dialing computer generates a
- 23x15 maze and sends it to the receiving computer. After this is
- done (10-20 seconds), play begins. The dialer starts in the upper-
- left corner and the other player is in the bottom-right. Each
- person begins with one of everything, and can purchase more. When
- one person is killed, another maze is created and play starts
- again.
- __________________________________________________
- / F1 / F2 / F3 / F4 / F5 / F6 / F7 / F8 / F9 / F0 / /|\ ATARI ST
- -------------------------------------------------- _______
- E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = ` BS |_H_|_U_|
- Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] ^D |I_|^|Cl|
- Ctl A S D F G H J K L ; ' RET \ |< |V| >|
- Sft Z X C V B N M , . / Sft -------
- All of the alpha-numeric keys are used for messages. Also,
- most of the punctuation is allowed in messages. The un-shifted
- Function keys (F1-F6) correspond to the Six Actions (see ACTIONS
- section). The shifted F-keys (Shft-F1 to Shft-F6, and Shft-F10
- are used in the purchase of action tokens (see TOKENS section).
- The arrow keys are used in movement. Also, Ctrl-Q allows the user
- to exit the program.
- In the middle of the screen (Top to bottom middle) there are
- two message windows. The right hand one is the one in which you
- type messages you want to send to the other person while playing.
- These messages are limited to 30 characters in length (to keep
- modem delay time to a minimum). Press Return to send them to the
- other person or use <Backspace> to edit the message. Whenever you
- receive a message, it will be shown in the left hand box.
- There are six different special actions that you can do
- instead of moving. They correspond to the six F-keys
- F1 - Fire a missle. Once fired, the keyboard controls the
- missle (leaving the person vulnerable) but the screen
- does not show its point of view, leaving steering up to
- memory and the map. They can destroy mines and Blind
- bombs without harm to themselves or can destroy porta-
- walls or injure the other player. Note: both people can
- always see the missle on the map (unless blinded).
- F2 - Deploy a Mine. This option lays a mine in front of the
- player. It is then invisible and can hurt both players.
- These can be destroyed by missles or deactivaters.
- F3 - Deploy a Blind Bomb. This option lays a blind bomb in
- front of the player. It doesn't hurt as much as a mine,
- but renders the hapless victim sight-less.
- F4 - Use a Deactivater. One deactivater will destroy all
- mines, bombs or porta-walls within one square or you.
- F5 - Use an Other-finder. This device shows you the location
- of the other person on your map until the other person
- moves again.
- F6 - Put a Porta-wall. This puts a porta-wall up in front of
- you. It looks like a wall but does not show up on the
- map and can be destroyed.
- Note: Some things may be ineffective when used alone but can
- become deadly when used in combination.
- These show the number of special actions you have "bought".
- The Shifted F-keys are used. Shift-F1 to Shift-F6 choose which one
- you want to buy (or reminds you what each F-key does...) and
- Shift-F10 'buys' one. Each purchase decreases your health. To help
- you gauge how much health you would have after a purchase, the
- green section on your health bar shows you how much one purchase
- would subtract from your health.
- Movement is controlled by three keys the Up, left and right
- arrows. The up arrow moves forward, the left turns left 90
- degrees, and the right arrow turn right 90 degrees. Usually this
- controls your 'sphere' but will control your missle if one is
- launched. The map should reflect these moves.
- I spent about a month planning, programming and pulling hair
- out of my head. Please distribute this game freely. IT IS NOT TO
- BE SOLD!!! If you have any questions about the game, (I'm not sure
- I'm willing to release the messy source code) You can contact me,
- Senor Geehaus, on the SuShI BaR BBS (no f-net number as of yet or
- maybe ever). My thanks to Pete (Calvin and Hobbes) the SYSOP of
- the SuShI BaR for helping me test the game out. (A mini-thanks to
- Spudnix also). The number is (301) 989-0746. Please, if you enjoy
- the game send $10 to:
- Won Rhee
- 14312 Sturtevant Rd.
- Silver Spring Md. 20904
- Note:This game should be played on a relatively noise-free line,
- because it does no error-checking of its own.
- I don't think I'll get rich off this, but if you don't send money
- to me at least use it to buy some commercially available product
- in your local computer store. PLEASE SAVE ATARI, DON'T PIRATE!!!