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134 lines
Title : "daedalus" Levels Five and Six
Filename : DAEDLUS3.WAD
Author : Mike Hardie (Mike H. or "daedalus" on Compuserve)
EMail Address : 102025,3102 (Compuserve ID)
Misc. Author Info : One of the few DOOM II level creators to believe that
making a level interesting does NOT require a
Cyberdemon or Spiderdemon in every bloody room.
Description : This .WAD file is the third installment of the
"daedalus" series, a replacement for levels 5 and 6.
They are, appropriately enough, considerably harder
and more complex than any of the previous levels. If
you liked the first four levels, you should love
Level Descriptions:
-Level 05, "The Bastion"
As you materialize on a teleport pad in a small
brick room, the first thing to assault your senses is
the putrid smell of rotting flesh. Turning around,
you see that the source of this smell -- a dismembered
Archvile chained to the wall. Not a good sign...
But where the hell ARE you? Glancing up through
the skylight (we'll pretend this is Heretic) you see
that you have been transported deeper into
the mountain range. The exact nature of this complex
eludes you, however -- it must have been mostly
constructed by the demonic invaders.
In this level, your greatest challenge is the
Bastion itself -- two large gates that are virtually
crawling with enemies. If you can pass these, you
can escape into the dark tunnels beyond. Don't be
tempted to just run through this last section of the
level, unless you're playing it on a really low
difficulty level -- on most levels, your only chance
is a series of "hit and run" attacks.
-Level 06, "Research Labs"
You stumble into the darkness of the underground
passage, bloodstained and weary from your last battle.
Pausing for a moment to catch your breath, you look
The first thing that becomes clear to you is that
these are not natural tunnels. The walls here are
metallic, not earthen, and the now-familiar smell of
seeping radioactive ooze permeates the area.
You recall some rumours, back before the invasion,
that there were hidden UAC research facilities in this
part of the mountain range -- soon enough, you'll find
out that those rumours were true. As for the specific
type of research involved... well, you'll find THAT
out soon enough, too.
The darkness ahead fills you with an inexplicable
dread, but you really only have two choices: strike
ahead into the unknown depths, or turn back and allow
the rest of your race to be butchered...
Notes: : This .WAD was meant to be used in combination with
DAEDLUS2.WAD (the first four levels). If you have
that the DAEDLUS2.WAD file, make sure you load DOOM
with this command line:
This will ensure that any resources common to both
files will be updated to the newest version. (By the
way -- there is no need to get DAEDLUS.WAD, the very
first installment. This is simply an older version
of the same levels found in DAEDLUS2.WAD.)
Note, however, that the DAEDLUS2.WAD file is not at
all necessary. The main reason for using that file
as well is that it will allow all the new sounds to
be used with the next two levels.
There is another file included in this download,
D3SPRITE.WAD. This file has some new sprite entries
which will replace the ordinary Chaingun weapon, but
I unfortunately have no access to any program that can
make these sprites universally usable. If you have a
program that will let you use the sprites, great; if
not, just leave the file alone.
The response to my last set of levels was favourable,
(though minimal) and here again I would highly
appreciate any comments or suggestions. I would
particularly appreciate any kind of suggestion as to
how I can make the @#$%ing sprites usable for people
without special .WAD tools.
Also, I still have no idea whether my levels work
in Cooperative Mode or Deathmatch. If anyone happens
to try, please E-Mail me and let me know the results.
The levels do have multiplayer and Deathmatch
starting points...
* Play Information *
Level # : Maps 05 and 06.
Single Player : Yes.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Maybe...?
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Maybe...?
Difficulty Settings : All, though the levels have really only been tested
on Ultra-Violence mode.
New Sounds : Yes. This level is meant to be used with all the
sounds from DAEDLUS2.WAD, and has quite a few new
sounds of its own.
New Graphics : Yes. There are a few new wall textures and another
new sky texture. If you have a way to use them,
there are also the Chaingun sprites in D3SPRITE.WAD.
New Music : No.
Demos Replaced : No.
* Construction *
Base : Built from scratch.
Editor(s) used : WinDeu 5.23 and DETH (editors), WarmDos (builder),
NWT (WAD manipulation), MVP Paint (crappy artwork).
Known Bugs : Obviously, I'd fix any bugs I _knew_ about.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use these levels as a base to build additional levels, so long
as they make mention of them in their own accompanying text files and give me
some kind of E-Mail to let me know. (You don't need my permission, I just
want to know if anyone is using the levels).
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this text file. You
may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
as long as you include this file intact.