Text File
117 lines
ESCAPE FROM GAZA C 1995 Richard Wallace All rights reserved.
The object of the game is to fight your way to the jet in level
6. The game ends and just hit ESC to go back to DOS.
This game runs from DOS and has 256 color capability. It also
supports soundblaster .wav files; midi files, and joystick/mouse.
This is the shareware version having five (6) levels. The
shareware version gives a good idea of what the action is; the
color schemes and possible outcomes. Yes there are a number of
similar games; but they're also 2 to 3 times the price.The
registered version has fifteen levels, more weapons, and more
animation sequences.You also get a printed manual of
tips/strategies. The registered version is $15.00 in the
continental US and Canada. The price for the rest of the world is
386 or better pc
3 meg of ram
590-600k of conventional ram free to run the engine
VGA video card supporting at least 16 colors(256 recommended)
Soundblaster (optional)
Joystick or mouse (optional)
FIRST AID First aid is extra health. Depending on your
health status, it could raise you 10-25%.
RADAR (Registered version)This gives a view of the level
from your aspect.You're the white dot in the
ARMOR (Registered version only)Just what it says...it
protects you from enemies.
KEYS Keys are color coded i.e. blue, red, green. They
usually open doors but may open pushwalls or
KEYCARD (Registered version only.) Same function as keys.
DOCUMENT Documents may hold clues or status reports about
the mission.
SHOTGUN When you pick up a shotgun, you have 50
shells.This is a doublebarrelled shotgun, so once
the shells eject, another two rounds are loaded.
Holding down the CTRL,ALT, or spacebar will fire
both barrels.
MACHINEGUN This has 125 rounds when you pick it up.
LAUNCHER (Registered version)This weapon has one round.
GAS GRENADE Gas grenade(Registered version) knocks out some
guards while stunning others. You need a gas mask
for the gas not to affect you.
GAS MASK You need this to avoid the effects of your gas
HAND GRENADE (Registered version) Wipe out enemies with
this.Good for small rooms.
GOOGUN This covers the enemy with goo.
BOMBS (Registered version)Place these when enemies
follow you.
AMMO There are shotgun ammo , machine gun, generic, and
rocket packs. All except the rocket will have
variable amounts of additional ammo. The rocket
will only be one.
The object of the game is to blast your way through the enemies
and find the jet in level 6. There are doors which open
with/without keys. There are also hidden wall panels (which have
goodies in them)that move when pushed.
As you approach an inventory item, it will be viewed on the small
screen on the left side of the screen. Press I, and then it will
be the same thing as picking it up. The item will either be
immediately displayed in the center viewscreen, or it will appear
as an icon on the bottom of the screen in the small windows. Each
of these windows will hold at least one inventory item.
If you were to pick a goo gun up, it would contain 2 shots. It
would also be displayed on either the center screen or the bottom
of the screen as an icon. If you were to pick up another goo gun,
you'd have four rounds...which would show as four on the main
screen or be represented by one icon on the bottom screen. It's
easier to understand if you experiment with it.
Changing Weapons
You hit S for select; move the arrow cursor to the weapon or
inventory item you want; hit enter, and then I. This will
exchange the stored inventory item with the one currently in use.
We hope you support the game. This is the first in what we hope
to be a few projects. Another project is a non-violent one, so
there's no blood/guts scenes. Why not ?
Order from: Agility Software, Box 2098, Danbury CT 06813-2098
We accept both VISA/Mastercharge.
The full game is expected 3/1996.