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- ==================
- This program automatically creates matching and multiple choice
- quizzes, word searches, cryptolists, vocabulary bingo cards, flash
- cards, magic number squares, and word juggles from your words and
- clues. Word list files are 100% compatible with CROSSWORD POWER from
- WISCO Computing. Includes foreign language character support.
- Version 3.00
- for use with
- IBM PS/2, XT, PC and compatibles
- 512K and DOS 2.1 or greater required
- VOCABULARY POWER (tm) is a copyrighted program distributed for
- EVALUATION. All rights are reserved. You may make 1 copy of
- this program and documentation for a 21 day evaluation.
- If you decide to continue to use this program, you must pay a
- registration fee of $39.95 plus $2.00 shipping/handling. Checks,
- MasterCard, and VISA are accepted. Purchase orders are accepted
- from schools and Fortune 1000 companies. Building site licenses
- are also available. All references to SHAREWARE and evaluation
- software are removed from the print outs of the registered
- versions of this program. To order the registered version, use
- the order blank that can be printed from the pull down menu.
- Registered owners will receive a printed manual, diskette with
- all improvements since the distribution of this evaluation
- version, removal of all references to evaluation shareware,
- notification of major updates, and voice/fax telephone support.
- This program can only be updated and improved when you support
- my efforts.
- Manual by Terry L. Jepson
- WISCO Computing, P. O. Box 8
- Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-0008
- Entire contents (C)Copyright Terry L. Jepson 1989 - 1995
- Published by WISCO Computing. All rights reserved.
- Modem support is available on the Rapid River BBS (715) 435-3855
- Free BBS access 300 to 38,400bps V.32bis/V42bis 24 hr. 8/N/1
- MasterCard and VISA orders accepted (715) 423-8189
- Voice Support only available to registered users (6-10 pm CST)
- This program automatically creates matching and multiple choice
- quizzes, word searches, cryptolists, vocabulary bingo cards,
- flash cards, and word juggles from your words and clues. Word
- list files are 100% compatible with CROSSWORD POWER from
- WISCO Computing. Includes foreign language character support.
- The word search size can be varied up to 36 columns and 20 rows.
- Below the word search, the hidden word, a definition of the word,
- or the first letter of the hidden word with trailing blanks
- can be printed.
- A variety of VOCABULARY BINGO CARDS can also be created and
- printed from your list of vocabulary words. The optional FREE
- SPACE may be placed in the center of the card. Multiple cards
- can be automatically printed.
- CRYPTOLISTS substitute a different letter of the alphabet for
- each letter of the vocabulary word. Users attempt to find the
- pattern for the other words.
- JUGGLE WORDS juggle the letters of a word. JUGGLE WITH CLUES
- juggles the letters of the word and provides the clue for help.
- FLASH CARDS may be printed six different ways. The FLASH CARDS
- can also be used as the calling cards for BINGO.
- MATCHING QUIZZES select words and clues from the word list,
- then randomly rearrange the clues.
- MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZZES select clues, than randomly choose four
- words for the choices.
- MAGIC NUMBER SQUARES select words and clues from the word list.
- When correctly matched, each row and column total to the same number.
- The word lists created are 100% compatible with our other
- product CROSSWORD POWER. This allows these vocabulary
- words to be automatically arranged in crossword puzzles with
- their definitions printed below.
- WISCOSET.CNF Configuration file
- WISLANG.CNF Foreign Language Configuration file
- CAPITALS.WL Sample word list file
- COUNTRY.WL Sample word list file
- FRIENDS.WL Sample word list file
- HOMONYMS.WL Sample word list file
- SPANISH.WL Sample word list file
- XMASWORD.WL Sample word list file
- WISORDER.DOC Order blank for WISCO COMPUTING products
- FILE_ID.DIZ Short description for BBS and Vendors
- INSTALL.TXT Installation instructions
- READ-ME This file
- WISCO Computing is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the share-
- ware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve
- a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
- the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
- Ombudsman can help you resolve a problem with an ASP member,
- but does not provide technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send Compuserve message via
- Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- Differences between Evaluation and Registered Versions:
- There are no differences between the evaluation and registered
- versions for the bingo cards, flash cards and word searches.
- The evaluation version places up to 16 words in other activities.
- The registered version supports 25 words. The evaluation version
- does not include the 730K dictionary. The registered version may
- also include additions to this program since the release of this
- evaluation version.
- To remove this product from your computer, delete all files in the
- program directory and any files you created in the data subdirectory
- you indicated on initial setup.