home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- cls
- if %1a == a: goto WHATDRIVE
- if %1b == b: goto WHATDRIVE
- if %1 == c: goto START
- if %1 == C: goto START
- if %1 == d: goto START
- if %1 == D: goto START
- if %1 == e: goto START
- if %1 == E: goto START
- if %1 == f: goto START
- if %1 == F: goto START
- echo
- echo ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Word Search Puzzle Maker Hard Disk Installation ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ * This will create a directory called %1\WSPM on your hard disk, ║
- echo ║ and will install Word Search Puzzle Maker and its files in that ║
- echo ║ directory. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ * To run the program, type WSPM and press ENTER. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ * If you don't want Word Search Puzzle Maker installed at this ║
- echo ║ time, press Ctrl + C. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- pause
- cls
- echo Making directory %1\WSPM . . .
- if exist %1\WSPM\*.* goto EXISTS
- md %1\WSPM
- if exist WSPM.EXE goto CONTINUE
- echo
- echo Place the disk containing Word Search Puzzle Maker and its files in
- echo active drive.
- echo
- pause
- goto CHECK
- echo
- echo Copying Word Search Puzzle Maker and its files . . .
- copy *.* %1\WSPM
- if not exist %1\WSPM\WSPM.EXE goto INSTALLERROR
- cd %1\WSPM
- echo
- echo Word Search Puzzle Maker is installed on your hard disk. To run it,
- echo type WSPM.
- %1
- echo
- goto DONE
- cls
- echo Installation Error: To install Word Search Puzzle Maker on your hard
- echo disk, you must include the drive as part of the install command. For
- echo example, to install Word Search Puzzle Maker on drive C, type INSTALL C:
- echo and press ENTER.
- cls
- echo Installation Error: The hard drive letter can be a letter from C to F,
- echo For example, INSTALL C: will install Word Search Puzzle Maker on drive
- echo C. You must include a colon after the drive letter.
- cls
- echo Installation Error: Do you have enough space on your hard disk?
- echo Did you give the proper hard drive letter?
- cls
- echo Installation Error: WSPM Directory already exists on this drive.
- echo Delete this directory and all files in it, then try installing again.
- echo
- echo Word Search Puzzle Maker was not installed correctly.
- echo