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-=≡ Order Form ≡=-
│ │ Labrynth of Zeux ver2.01 $10.00 602k Requires EGA
│ │ Z-Cel library $ 5.00 93k Requires EGA and C or C++
│ │ V-Pal library $ 5.00 22k Requires VGA and C or C++
│ │ Mission: Enigma $ 4.00 162k Requires ZZT
│ │ Code Red $ 4.00 871k Requires ZZT
│ │ The Three Trials $ 3.00 206k Requires ZZT
│ │ Robots of Gemrule $ 2.00 132k Requires ZZT
│ │ Dungeons ][ $ 2.00 192k Requires ZZT
│ │ Cannibal Isle $ 2.00 103k Requires ZZT
│ │ Underground Bugtown $ FREE 87k Public Domain, Requires ZZT
│ │ House of Horrors $ 2.00 126k Requires Super ZZT
┌───┐ ZZT Tools: Get extra
│ │ colors, extra power, $ FREE 304k Public Domain, for ZZT
└───┘ and extra fun from ZZT! and Super ZZT
│ │ ZapAttack/Caverns Free w/Purchase 118k Requires ZZT
┌───┐ ZZT 10-Pack: All 10 ZZT
│ │ games listed above! $12.00 2 Meg Requires ZZT ($7 savings!)
└───┘ All of them registered! (and S/H savings!)
* Base cost $_______
* Shipping & Handling $_______ ($2.00 per product)
* Total cost $_______
Shipping and Handling:
To pay for shipping and handling, please add $2.00 per product as
stated above. Please select disk size: (circle)
■ 5.25 HD ■ ■ 3.5 HD ■
Make all checks out to Gregory Janson. If you fail to do this, your
order WILL be returned.
│ │ I would like to recieve a current catalog and order form.
│ │ I would like to recieve mailings on new products (approx. 2x a year)
Please fill out the following so we can better serve you and the shareware
Computer type(s): 286 386 486 Other:___________
Computer speed(s): ________
Graphics type(s): Mono CGA EGA VGA SVGA Other:___________
Sound type(s): None SoundBlaster Adlib PAS-16 Other:___________
Disk drive type(s): 5.25-Low 3.5-Low 5.25-HD 3.5-HD
Types of games/programs preferred:
ZZT RPG Action Strategy Puzzle War Space Board/Classic
Editors for Games Simulation Flight Sim. Sierra-type-Adventure
Other type of games:_______________________________________________________
Other types of programs (IE music, graphics, etc) _________________________
Where did you get this order form and with what software? If you got it from
a BBS, what is the name and number? ________________________________________
Any questions, comments, suggestions, or critisism? We welcome any and all
comments. We feel that the more feedback we get, the better software we can
Thank you for ordering. Please remember to make out all checks to
Gregory Janson, otherwise your order WILL be returned.
Have a nice day!
-=( End of document )=-