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│ Thabean Knights Version 1.3 (1990-1992) ║
│ ---------------- ║
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│ Sysop Documentation & Files List ║
│ ║
Originally started in early 1990, a lot of spare time has gone
into the Thabean Knights door game. It started as a simple text
game with about 10 statistics for each player (including name,
weapon, armour, attributes, and little else). Now, however, it's
a bit more complicated and involving.
The game is easy enough to operate that little documentation is
needed for it. Sounds good and is mostly true, however, the true
reason for the short documentation is that I'm not one to find the
words to explain things easily. Suffice to say that I've tested it
on almost all of the popular BBS packages that support doors and
have had almost no problems with it.
If you have ever set up a door for your BBS, you'll find the
installation for Thabean Knights is more similar than it is
Thorough testing of any software package is a big part of good
programming. However, not every situation and hardware configur-
ation can be explored and explained easily so I make no claims that
this software will definitely work on your system.
I suggest that you back up your computer's media not only before
installing the Thabean Knights, but also before you install any
software on your system. It is still the best insurrance against
loss of data due to corrupted software.
Because this is a shareware package and not straight from the
dealer, I am not responsible for missing, third party, or corrupted
files within the package.
Just to cover my posterior, I'll say this; By using this soft-
ware, you agree that the Author is in no way responsible or liable
for the software's performance or lack thereof and that the Author
is no way responsible for any damages incurred by the use of this
Thabean Knights uses a FOSSIL driver for modem communications.
This reduces the size of the program and insures its compatability
with the variety of modems available today.
The two most widely used FOSSIL drivers are Ray Gwinn's X00 and
David Nugents BNU. Either will work with Thabean Knights. Many
doors and BBS programs use a FOSSIL driver to handle the modem so
they are available on almost any BBS.
To install Thabean Knights, create a seperate directory from your
BBS's directory and copy the files within this package to the new
Run the TKEDIT.EXE file to create the files needed for the game.
The first time TKEDIT is executed, you will configure the game to
your specific BBS.
Answer/Complete each question in the list (Name, BBS Name, BBS
Directory, Thabean Knights Directory, Fossil Hot, etc) as it applies
to your system setup.
The description of the item you are editing is displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
Once you are finished, press the ESC Key to save the configuration.
If at any time you wish to edit the configuration, it is available
on the main menu of TKEDIT.
TKNIGHTS.EXE is the main program for the game.
To Run Thabean Knights as a door, create a batch file to execute
the file TKNIGHTS.EXE. Here is an example of how to set it up as a
shell from your BBS:
REM *> Copy the Rankings and News for displaying from the BBS <*
There are 3 command line parameters (switches) you can use when
running the game- LOCAL, SYSOP and MAINTAIN.
TKNIGHTS - Runs the game using the fossil driver.
This is used for normal BBS door mode.
TKNIGHTS LOCAL - Uses the TKLOCAL.SYS file to get player
Full Name of Player - SYSOP
Time Remaining in Minutes - 999
ANSI (1=Yes, 0=No) - 1
This is used for Local Only mode.
TKNIGHTS SYSOP - Reads the configuration file and uses
the Sysop's Name. The time remaining
is set at 999 minutes and ANSI defaults
to on.
This is used for Local Only mode.
TKNIGHTS MAINTAIN - Cleans the game (deletes old players,
messages, tales, etc).
It also pays the Guild Leaders and adds
interest to all bank loans so make sure
it is only run once per day (as one of
your BBS's nightly events).
TKEDIT.EXE is your all-in-one control program for the game. All
items within the game may be edited from this program. The players,
foes, magic items, weapons, armours, and guilds may be added,
updated, or removed from the game with TKEDIT.
To maneuver through the Editor, use the cursor keys to highlight
the item you wish to edit. The ESC key will exit and save the item.
The description and/or limit of the highlighted option is shown
at the bottom of the screen.
Review the items that already exist to quickly see how each item
is configured. Also note the values set for each item. You would
not want a normal Knife to do a maximum of 200 damage.
The default items included with this package have been tested
thoroughly and are integrated with the default Quests. Deleting
one of the default items may result in random results for those
Quests or other items that reference it, so do not delete an item
or make major changes to the items included with this package.
Sysop Hot-Keys:
ALT-C (Registered Only) Enters Chat Mode with player.
Press the ESC key to exit chat mode.
ALT-D Deletes the player on-line.
ALT-G (Registered Only) Toggles Game-Op status of
the player on-line.
ALT-H (Registered Only) "Hangs-Up" on the Door and
returns the player to the BBS.
ALT-J (Registered Only) Jumps to a DOS Shell. Type
Exit to return to the Game.
Up Arrow Increases number of turns remaining.
Dn Arrow Decreases number of turns remaining.
Rt Arrow Increases player's hit-points
Lt Arrow Decreases player's hit-points
F1-F8 Current Player's Statistics
F9 Hot Key help
F10 Turn off Status Bars at the bottom of the
Game Operators:
(Registered Only) Having a Game-Op or two is a good way
to share the responsibility of the sysop. Game-Ops can
edit any of the players during the game. Because of this
power, they tend to get very enthusiastic about the game
and draw people into it.
Another power for the Game-Op (and Sysop) is the ability
to exit any battle without losing by selecting [Q]uit from
the battle menu.
Make sure that the Game-Op(s) you choose are reliable and
will not abuse their privelleges. They do have the ability
to edit your character as well (to some extent).
Game Documentation:
TKFILE.DOC This file.
TKSYSOP.DOC Sysop documentation (installation and operation)
TKQUEST.DOC Quest writing documentation.
PLAYDOC.EXE Player Documentation executable. Should be made
available for download by the players.
Game Executables:
TKEDIT.EXE Game Editor, Configuration
TKLSTFOE.EXE Creates TKFoes.LST for Quest Writing
TKMKQST.EXE Quest???.RAW Quest Compiler and Testing Utility
Data Files:
Created by TKEDIT.EXE
ARMOURS.TK Armour Data File
WEAPONS.TK Weapons Data File
ENEMIES.TK Foe Data File
GUILDED.TK Guild Data File
MAGICAL.TK Magic Item Data File
PLAYERS.TK Player Data File
MESSAGE.TK Message Text File
MSGSIDX.TK Message Index File
TKCHALL.TK Challenges Data File
TKPLAYS.TK Encrypted News File
TKTALES.TK Tavern Tales Data File
Created/Compiled by TKMKQST.EXE
QUEST???.RAW Raw (un-compiled) Quest File (??? = Level Number)
QUEST???.DAT Quest Data File (??? = Level Number)
QUEST???.IDX Quest Index File (??? = Level Number)
Control and Display Files:
TKLOCAL.SYS If found, will be read instead of the DORINFO?.DEF
or DOOR.SYS for Player Name when in TKNIGHTS LOCAL
TKDEATH.ANS/ASC If found, is displayed when Player dies instead of
the default announcement.
TKLEVEL.ANS/ASC If found, is displayed when Player finishes all
Quests instead of the default announcement.
TKNOPLAY.LST List of Players (real names) not allowed to enter
the game.
TKNOKILL.LST List of Players (real names) to save from deletion
TKFOES.LST Created by TKFOELST.EXE, list of foes with index
numbers for writing quests.
TKRANK.ANS/ASC Created by TKNIGHTS.EXE, list of current Players
ranked by level (sorted by Name and Living vs Dead
each level).
TKNEWS.ANS/ASC Created by TKNIGHTS.EXE, list of daily news
(players' actions).
Quest Files (Send to players wishing to write quests for you):
TKQUEST.DOC Quest Writing Documentation
TKMKQST.EXE Quest Compiler and Testing Utility
QUEST000.RAW (As an example file for them to refer to)
Log and Watch Files:
TK_ERROR.LOG Records any run-time errors before returning to BBS.
TKGAMEOP.LOG Records all game-op editing activity.