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Configuration utility for DOOM 1.2 modem-vs-modem play
v1.0ß 2/18/94
Changes the default port and IRQ settings of the SERSETUP.EXE program!
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK and back up your original SERSETUP.EXE first.
I assume no responsibility for anything this program directly or
indirectly does.
JoSHua Lehan
Borland C++ 3.1
Set tab stops to 3 spaces to properly indent code
written from 1:30 AM to 6:30 AM so there may be bugs...
I have an 8250 UART, hopefully DOOM does not change the port
address and IRQ's when referring to different types of UART's
or any other system changes. Here's the info, so if this program
does not work for some reason, you can find what went wrong and
fix it... email me (jlehan@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu) if you can
improve this program!
At offset 18378 (47CAh) in the SERSETUP.EXE program, the default
port addresses and IRQ's are stored as 16-bit words (LSB first).
This is the order they appear in:
1Port 2Port 3Port 4Port 1IRQ 2IRQ 3IRQ 4IRQ
Offset 47CAh 47CCh 47CEh 47D0h 47D2h 47D4h 47D6h 47D8h
Defaults F8 03 F8 02 E8 03 E8 02 04 00 03 00 04 00 03 00
All this program does is change these values, saving the user the
trouble of using a disk editor.
Why iD did not include a way to change these from within the
DOOM setup program, I do not know. The code to allow temporary
changes on the command line seems to exist within SERSETUP.EXE
(undocumented -irq and -port options), but I was completely unable to
get these to work. After downloading DOOM 1.2, I was really
looking forward to modem-vs-modem "DOOMwars". Imagine my frustration
when the game started to use the wrong configuration and there was
seemingly nothing I could do about it. After staying up all night
coding and hacking, I was playing ModemDOOM! And by using this
program, so can you... :-)
#include <stdio.h>
#define DRIVERSIZE 36567l
#define HACKOFFSET 18378l
#undef DEBUG
/* #define DEBUG */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define dprintf(x) printf("==-- %s --==\n",x)
#define dprintf(x) ;
unsigned Com, Port, Irq;
unsigned Settings[8];
FILE *Driver;
void PrintTitle(void)
printf("\nDOOMODEM JoSHua Lehan\n");
printf("v1.0ß 2/18/94 jlehan@galaxy.csc.calpoly.edu\n\n");
void PrintHelp(void)
printf("Changes the default port and IRQ settings of the SERSETUP.EXE program!\n\n");
printf(" Usage: DOOMODEM com port irq All numbers must be _IN HEX_!!\n");
printf("Example: DOOMODEM 3 3e8 5\n Sets -com3 to port address 3E8h, IRQ 5h\n\n");
printf("This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN. Use and distribute freely!\n");
void HackSettings(void)
Settings[Com - 1] = Port;
Settings[Com + 3] = Irq;
int Hexify(unsigned *Value, char Str[])
char *ParsePtr = Str;
char Nybble;
unsigned Num = 0;
while (*ParsePtr != 0)
Nybble = *ParsePtr;
if (Nybble >= 'a' && Nybble <= 'f')
Nybble -= 32;
if (Nybble < '0' || Nybble > '9')
if (Nybble < 'A' || Nybble > 'F')
printf("Character '%c' is not a valid hex digit!\n", Nybble);
return 1;
Nybble -= 55;
Nybble -= 48;
Num <<= 4;
Num += Nybble;
ParsePtr ++;
*Value = Num;
return 0;
int CheckBounds(void)
if (Com < 1 || Com > 4)
printf("COM ports only range from 1 to 4! \"%X\" won't work.\n\n", Com);
return 1;
if (Port != 0x3F8 && Port != 0x2F8 && Port != 0x3E8 && Port != 0x2E8)
printf("WARNING: \"%X\" is a nonstandard port address!!\n", Port);
printf("It might still work, but is not recommended...\n\n");
if (Irq != 3 && Irq != 4 && Irq != 5 && Irq != 7)
printf("WARNING: \"%X\" is a nonstandard IRQ level!!\n", Irq);
printf("DOOM will probably not like it...\n\n");
return 0;
int OpenDriver(void)
long Size;
Driver = fopen(DRIVERNAME, "r+b");
if (Driver == NULL)
printf("Can't open file %s!\n", DRIVERNAME);
printf("Make sure this program is ran in the \DOOM direcory!!\n\n");
return 1;
fseek(Driver, 0, SEEK_END);
Size = ftell(Driver);
if (Size != DRIVERSIZE)
printf("This file %s isn't the DOOM 1.2 serial port driver!!\n", DRIVERNAME);
printf("Was looking for file size %ld bytes, instead found %ld bytes!\n\n", DRIVERSIZE, Size);
return 2;
dprintf("File opened successfully!");
return 0;
void CloseDriver(void)
int ReadSettings(void)
int Loop;
fseek(Driver, HACKOFFSET, SEEK_SET);
for (Loop = 0; Loop < 8; Loop ++)
if (!fread(&Settings[Loop], 2, 1, Driver))
printf("ERROR trying to read the file!!!\n");
return 1;
dprintf("Data read correctly!");
return 0;
int WriteSettings(void)
int Loop;
fseek(Driver, HACKOFFSET, SEEK_SET);
for (Loop = 0; Loop < 8; Loop ++)
if (!fwrite(&Settings[Loop], 2, 1, Driver))
printf("ERROR trying to write out the new settings!!!\n");
return 1;
dprintf("Data written correctly!");
return 0;
void PrintSettings(void)
int Loop;
for(Loop = 0; Loop < 4; Loop ++)
printf("COM%X: port address %Xh, IRQ %Xh\n", Loop + 1, Settings[Loop], Settings[Loop + 4]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int Success = 0;
if (argc < 2)
return 0;
if (OpenDriver() || ReadSettings())
printf("PROGRAM ABORTED! No changes to the file were made.\n");
return 1;
if (argc == 4)
dprintf("Parse settings here:");
if (Hexify(&Com, argv[1]) || Hexify(&Port, argv[2]) || Hexify(&Irq, argv[3]))
printf("VALUES NOT UNDERSTOOD! Were they typed IN HEX?\n\n");
printf("The old settings have not been changed:\n");
if (CheckBounds())
printf("VALUES OUT OF RANGE! Settings not changed:\n");
if (WriteSettings() || ReadSettings())
printf("UNABLE TO CHANGE THE FILE! Here's the old settings:\n");
printf("Settings of %s have been changed to:\n", DRIVERNAME);
Success = 1;
printf("Command line doesn't have 3 arguments so settings not changed.\n\n");
printf("Current settings of %s are:\n", DRIVERNAME);
if (Success)
printf("\nPROGRAM COMPLETE! You are DOOMed!!!\n");
return 2;
return 0;