Scottish Schools Equipme… Research Centre Graphics
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Work with two windows on Draw. The first window
allows you to have an overview of more than
just your A4 paper. It is handy for shuffling
Drawfiles around to get them roughly in
position. If the second window is made visible
behind the first you can drag Drawfiles across
across the window edge from one to the other:
WINDOW 1 - Zoom 1:2, A2, Portrait, Show paper
limits, no Grid visible, no auto-adjust, lock
to hidden grid of inches with 10 divisions
switched on. Use this window for moving objects
across the full width & height of the paper.
Click on the 'straight line' icon at the top of
the TOOLBOX and draw a very short diagonal line
in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper.
WINDOW 2 - Zoom 3:2 or 1:1, A2, Portrait, Show
paper limits, Grid on, no auto-adjust, lock to
grid on cm with 10 divisions.
Using ElecSymb from the directory structure
Call up ElecSymb by double clicking on its
icon. The files within this directory are made
up of Drawfiles each of which contain a number
of electrical symbols. The filename should be
clicked on by the SELECT button on the mouse
and keeping the key pressed, drag the icon down
to the bottom left-hand corner of the 1:2 zoom
window WINDOW 1. You may Ungroup an individual
symbol if you want to edit it. Most symbols
include an enclosing transparent rectangle
which ensures that the connections will remain
snapped onto grid points even if you rotate the
group by 90 deg., or reflect it in the X or Y
axes. Click on the TOOLBOX 'Select' (arrow) and
make as many copies of each symbol as is
required for your circuit diagram.
Press the mouse SELECT button to drag them into
the A4 area on the A2 page. Repeat this process
until you have all the symbols you need. All
apparatus edges should match in to the 1/10th
inch grid. If it is apparent that they do not
then you have forgotten to switch the grid on.
Using NewElSymb from the directory structure
NewElSymb contains directories with the same
names as the Drawfile combinations seen in
ElecSymb. Each subdirectory contains individual
Drawfiles for each separate electrical symbol -
easier for those who are doubtful of the names
of individual components. Drag each component
icon in to the A2 WINDOW2 as required. Repeat
the drag for more than one of the same symbol.
BREADBOARD within ElecDraw has 4 groups,
designed to make it easy to make larger (or
smaller) boards.
STRIPBOARD within ElecDraw can be Ungrouped to
select and copy a few rows of holes to make a
smaller board, or to add to several Copies of
the original group to make a larger board.
Stripboard doesn't have any edges because you
might want any size; just use the rectangle
drawing facility. Wires are designed to be used
over the top of Stripboard to show a lead
passing up through an enlarged hole, then the
stripped end passing through another hole
before being soldered.
To show a wire passing behind the edge of the
stripboard, use a rectangle with a white
filling for the edge of your board, with the
holes in front, and the wire behind.
To examine the contents of any file, it is only
necessary to double click on it - all the
figures will be within the window as initially
Don't scale any of our electronics graphics
until you've finished your drawing, then scale
the whole drawing together as a group, to
whatever size you like. Save an unscaled
version first, in case you ever want to edit.
Hint about conductor lines
Use the wee double box symbol (5th down on the
Toolbox menu) to make all conducting lines, or
at least as many as possible, part of the same
path. i.e. draw a straight line between two
symbols, click Select button on the mouse to
chop this line, then continue to draw lines
elsewhere until all the circuit is drawn.