ST-Computer Leser-CD 2000 January
Text File
738 lines
· 23.12.1998 Start of the project
· 11.01.1999 First half-way working version.
· 27.02.1999 Write docs (V1.0 alpha ready)
· 01.03.1999 V1.0 beta ready and published
-+- Release of Version 1.0 -+-
· 03.03.1999
- Block selection now also past the start position and with
- Limits for Find/Replace parameters (replaying scripts gave
crashes when outside the text).
- Area contraction dialog altered (function remains disabled).
- Block selection scrolling improved (not faster, better! =:)
- Block selection with proportional fonts was sometimes peculiar
- Find-and-immediately-crash-with-funny-character-bug discovered
and sorted.
- With proportional fonts cursor-in-background-during-window-
movement-faulty-repositioning-bug discovered and killed in
cold blood.
- Cutting out lines now additionally with [CTRL]-[Y] (invisible)
built in due to Bernd-and-his-habits...
- Shortcut for 'Cursor to end of text' altered to [CTRL]-[Shift]-
[ClrHome] (is [End] on PC keyboards).
· 04.03.1999
- Block-marking-and-text-disappears-bug built in yesterday
- Iconifying for all systems incorporated.
- Iconify-icon pixellated.
- Text marker can now be operated from the keyboard.
- New environment-routine written.
- Possible environment variable for the Clipboard is now read
- Home-directory will now be used when active.
· 09.03.1999
- OLGA incorporated (Luna is a server).
- Iconify incorporated.
- Column-block incorporated.
- Bug when positioning cursor with [Shift]+[<-] and [->] (in
memory) removed.
- Window is no longer closed and opened during reloading or
creating new.
· 10.03.1999
- Group block incorporated (discontinuous blocks).
- Bug when cutting a block removed.
The new closed-up line was set at the wrong position.
- Bug when pasting removed. The cursor was set one line lower
than necessary.
- Automatic indentation made switchable and extended.
· 11.03.1999
- Pagewise jump now also with [Shift] (GEM).
- Wordwise jump with [Control] incorporated (cursor keys
- Group block cutting now more intelligent (adaptation of the
remaining block markings).
· 13.03.1999
- [Backspace] word deletion with [Control] incorporated.
- 'Delete word' now with [Control], 'Delete line' has now
wandered to [Shift]+[Delete].
- The several-blocks-mark-and-sometimes-white-block-bug
shot in cold blood.
- The cut-block-and-cursor-to-startpoint-bug removed with it.
· 14.03.1999
- Automatic indentation now also to text end, when active also
normal mode with [Control]+[Return] or [Shift]+[Return].
- Kürzel (abbreviations) parser corrected, cursor now at correct
position, multi-line Kürzel are now also output correctly.
- Missing slider adaptation with cursor scrolling corrected.
· 15.03.1999
- Various forms of cursor display incorporated, selected via a
popup menu.
- Kürzel parser corrected, spaces were not recognised.
- Object block incorporated (possibility of directly editing
individual marked blocks of a group block), all controlled
via a popup (right-click in the block).
- AV_PATH_UPDATE incorporated.
· 16.03.1999
- Find/Replace function corrected. Wrong positioning (in X-axis)
for option 'All'.
- First tests for multi-window management.
- Calculation functions incorporated in the object popup (only
the calls).
· 18.03.1999
- Multi-window version completed and moved to hold-partition
(multiple start is, funnily wnough, more efficient).
- Bug with column block selection removed (character transposition
typo in variable name).
- Compiled with LicomLIB LB6 -> memory for variables could be
reduced by 40 kB.
· 24.03.1999
- Tab expansion can be switched on/off.
- Global menu can be switched on/off.
· 27.03.1999
- Block calculation functions completed.
· 28.03.1999
- Movable object blocks incorporated ([Control]+click).
- Release of Version 1.1-beta.
· 31.03.1999
- Mouse-disappearance-in-menu-bug removed.
· 01.04.1999
- Sporadic memory shortage with Drag&Drop removed.
- Offset calculation for window slider with more than 200,000
lines removed.
- A new hypertext is being written by Andreas Schley.
-+- Release of Version 1.1c -+-
· 03.04.1999
- ACC name entry indented by two spaces.
- Global menu thrown out again.
· 05.04.1999
- MAGXDESK error (CR at end of command line) removed.
- Luna can run as ACC under MagiC (and N.AES?)
· 06.04.1999
- Kürzel was not removed for Kürzels starting with line-breaks.
- Without GDOS, proportional fonts were reported.
· 07.04.1999
- Overwrite mode incorporated.
- Mode-dependent block insertion incorporated.
- Global menu finally thrown out again (massive cause of errors).
· 08.04.1999
- [Control]+[Y] wrongly only deleted words instead of copying
the line to the clipboard.
- Object type G_SHORTCUT (MagiC 6) supported.
· 11.04.1999
- When using 'Paste' while a block is selected, the old block is
removed before the new one is inserted.
· 15.04.1999
- GEM-conform keyboard shortcuts for the HOME functions.
- Optical improvements.
· 22.04.1999
- Conversion to multi-windows without constant crashes now
· Up to 26.05.1999
- Various redraw errors removed.
- Display and Program settings now separate.
- Interface appearance improved.
- Custom line-end markers possible, selection now also in
Program settings.
- Backup file option, with choice of extension.
- Establishing of the system paths changed, incorrect input
of a system path is now corrected to suit.
- Block-filter modules possible.
- Cursor-position display can be switched off.
- In the popup, selection can optionally also be shown as
inverse video.
- Fade-in effect for popups incorporated, may be switched off.
- Luna is now keyware/shareware.
- Blocks can now also be pasted as column blocks (!).
- Find/Replace routine rewritten, is now somewhat faster.
- When executing a script this is now displayed in the window
- Saving is now nice and fast, thanks to a new routine (in GFA
of course =:).
· 01.06.1999
- Small bugfix in line updates (harmless).
- Now one can also clear a block (convert text in block to
· 02.06.1999
- ARGV incorporated
- Luna now also recognises files with spaces in the filename.
· 03.06.1999
- For/next loops in Luna's script language incorporated.
- 100 kB less memory required from AES4 (N.AES/MagiC newer
versions) onwards by not using the now surplus XRSRC routines.
· 05.06.1999
- Malloc() error found, which under Single-TOS displayed the
message 'Not enough memory!' even if plenty was still
- Line length can now also be reduced immediately, without
needing a restart.
- Crash when joining lines (e.g. using [Backspace] at start of a
line) removed and automatic line-length adaptation incorporated.
- Word selection with cursor [CTRL]-[ALT]-[left/right arrow]
- UNDO is now somewhat better...
-+- Release of Version 1.2 -+-
· 10.06.1999
- Bugfix Find/Replace: Now also works with 'Replace with nothing',
incorrect string manipulation with different lengths of Find and
Replace text strings.
- First English version 1.21E, thanks to Joe Connor's translation
of the RSC file.
· 11.06.1999
- Bugfix for [ClrHome]: Cursor positioning faulty (appearance).
- Bugfix Find/Replace: From start/From cursor were wrong way
- Bugfix when switching to group blocks: The old block was not
incorporated after switching to the group block, but was still
displayed. Old block is now incorporated in the group block.
- Bugfix: Script function 'tput', cursor was incorrectly
- Optimisation: Text display.
· 13.06.1999
- Bugfix: Block selection.
- Optimisation: Block selection.
- Optimisation of the loading routine:
Test: 1.3 MB text in 39,184 lines on a TT030 in 1024x768x256
under MagiC.
Luna : 3s
FRED : 5s
Everest: 6s
7UP : 9s
Jane : 13s
QED : 15s
- Luna now stores the last-edited filename even after quitting.
· 17.06.1999
- Icon bar incorporated (switchable).
- Switchable: Automatic adaptation of the line length.
- Bugfix: Cursor hung at end of line.
· 18.06.1999
- Various debug output messages inserted (visible on errors).
- Bugfix: Sporadic crashing at 'New' (memory block destroyed,
or Error -69 etc.).
- Icon logic completed.
· 19.06.1999
- Bugfix: Find, window offset wandered to negative, which could
cause a crash.
- Current window can now have a replacement text loaded into it
([Control]+[D], menu entry 'Load replacement'); with this
there is the option in 'Settings' of saving the last text
· 21.06.1999
- Bugfix: Backspacing had serious errors due to optimisation
- Bugfix: Redraw errors with backspacing removed (prop. fonts).
· 22.06.1999
- Bugfix: Extracting numbers from a character-string was
· 23.06.1999
- Bugfix: Line redraw when typing with large, proportional fonts.
- Bugfix: Window slider for many lines and at the end of the
text sometimes at maximum size,
- Change: Word selection altered from [CTRL]+[ALT] to [CTRL]+
- Bugfix: Slider dimensions for Tab expansion extended.
- Change:nge: B/w icons now 1:1 to the colour icons, but just in b/w =:)
· 24.06.1999
- Bugfix: Cursor positioning with proportional fonts after
[Return] was sometimes incorrect.
- New: With [Return] one can suppress automatic indentation with
· 26.06.1999
- New: TAG-Links!, see SPECIMEN.TAG
- Bugfix: Help with keyword didn't work with a group block.
· 27.06.1999
- New: Document-history in the first menu; entry can be cleared
with [Shift]+click.
- Bugfix: Paste icon did not work, though function permitted.
· 30.06.1999
- New: DHST-protocol supported.
- Bugfix: Missing pixels in characters when writing with large
- New: Switchable alert box for 'Discard' icon.
- Undo improved (Cue: With a selected text block, pressing a
key substitutes its character for the block; with [Undo]
this character is removed and the block contents restored).
· 02.07.1999
- Binding to PixArt achieved, Luna now works exclusively
together with PixArt (custom update-icon etc.).
· 03.07.1999
- Removal of all alert box texts to the RSC file (for translators).
- Bugfix: Cursor positioning at line changes.
- New: Bubble-help for the icons of the icon bar (help automation
is supported).
- For/next loop optimised somewhat: ~8000 run-throughs/sec (TT).
· 04.07.1999
- Bugfix: tput now also with line-wrapping.
· 06.07.1999
- Bugfix: Icons were sometimes drawn at the incorrect position
at block selection.
- New: Drag & Drop now also between Luna windows (works like
copying window A and Pasting window B).
· 08.07.1999
- Bugfix: Find & Replace routine once again rewritten (including
redraw logic).
· 09.07.1999
- In the 'Special' menu two menu entries have been replaced
(above 'Go to line'). These are two new functions, 'Go to
character' (can be selected in 'extended settings') and 'Go to
paragraph' (a paragraph is recognised by a following blank
· 11.07.1999
- Bugfix: File-list passing did not work (Starting from the
desktop with selected file-list).
- New: Window-oriented text rulers (i.e. individual ones
available for each window).
· 13.07.1999
- MagiC font-selector call integrated as well. If present it
will be used, if not then diversion will be made to an XFSL
font-selector. If this doesn't exist either, then a
corresponding alert will be output.
- Ruler display optimised.
- Ruler logic integrated:
With the left mouse key one can set or remove various
markers (toggle).
Without modifier key: Table-tab marker (symbol: '∙')
With [Shift] : Jump marker (symbol: '»')
If one presses [Shift]+[Tab], spaces will be created up to
the next table-tab marker in the ruler. If there are no
tab markers in the ruler, then nothing happens.
Jump marker:
If one reaches a jump marker while typing, then (if tab
markers are set in the ruler) a table-tab will be created
so that the cursor lands at the next table-tab marker
defined in the ruler and one can carry on typing from there.
This function is very useful for editing or creating tables.
The text rulers and its functions work only with non-
proportional fonts (e.g. the system font) and can be defined
individually for each window. Loading and saving of rulers is
possible as well.
Further ruler symbols
╝ = Current line-wrappping position, can be moved by
left-clicking on the new position while pressing
[CTRL]. The line-wrapping symbol is only displayed if
line-wrapping is enabled.
| = Current end of the line (can only be altered with
· 19.07.1999
- Bugfix: 3-bom crash during loading removed (on 68000s an
address eerror.
· 24.07.1999
- Script commands cut()/copy()/paste() extended to filename
Example: cut("scrap.001") or paste("scrap.001")
Only file specification permitted, the clipboard path is used!
- Changes in the script language for the brackets test.
- Script language extended to paragraph-jump and character-jump:
1. Paragraph-jump: goto_heel()
2. Character-jump: goto_char(..) (Ascii value can be entered.
Example: goto_char(32) = Jump to next space character).
· 28.07.1999
- Script selection also via popup list (using the popup entry
'Script select').
· 08.08.1999
- ASCII->HTML block-filter module completed (Warning: Make sure
the line length is set large enough. One can get a crash when
the module has to convert the longest text line (by inserting
the HMTL TAGs); work is ongoing for a solution).
- Preselection of menu entries under cursor incorporated.
- Tick in menu now also for Modules/Plugins.
- Ruler was drawn in black after Script popup list.
Known bugs:
- RUNTIME ERROR #-05: It's a mystery to me what this is and when
it appears (on the TT it has never appeared, on the MSTE it
has been seen occasionally). Please be sure to send me a
message if this is reproducible, quoting hardware details.
- Rulers can not be switched on or off in every window.
Questions to Beta testers:
- Split up global/local Settings/Flags in the menu?
· 08.08.1999 (Sunday, an hour later (Lisa has cancelled)) =:(
- Bugfix: Establishing internal window index sometimes went awry
(RUNTIME-ERROR #-05 - the cause?)
- Rulers and other things can again be switched on and off
nicely for each window.
· 08.08.1999 (Sunday evening (after Lisa)) =;)
- Problem solved: Changes to line-lengths with filter modules
that change the length (e.g. Umlaut converter GEM->HTML) which
could lead to a crash (if the user hasn't set a sufficiently
long line-length) has been got around in an elegant way.
The problem arose if the longest line in the text was filtered
in such a way that the result of the filtering produced a
line longer than the maximum column number set for the text
(-> crash).
Specification change:
A filter module can now create and return lines of a length
(working buffer)*4. Luna adapts the number of columns and the
associated memory blocks automatically (new line-length+1),
i.e. the filter module now has space in the destination memory
block of (working buffer)*4.
- Bugfix: Further candidate for the incorrect establishemnt of
the window index discovered (replacement text loaded into
wrong window).
· 14.08.1999
- The neat user-popups incorporated (for their definition see
- Bugfixes: Some errors removed (search for RUNTIME ERROR #-05).
· 15.08.1999
- Bugfix: Save-and-quit-exeption-bug found.
· 16.08.1999
- Bugfix: Window-in-background-click-and-crash-bug, as well as
save-and-quit-crash-bug removed.
· 19.08.1999
- Bugfix: Mouse droppings in connection with the editing cursor
· 21.08.1999
- Change: With 'NONAME.TXT', selecting 'Save' now calls the
file selector.
- New: Window tab bar (file index bar) incorporated. This
permits fast and simple swapping between text windows.
- Change: XFSL, if installed, now takes preference to the MagiC
font selector. So the order is: XFSL -> MagiC-FS -> alert box.
· 04.09.1999
- Bugfix: If 'Invert selection in popup' was active in the
'Options'/'Display' dialog, no box was drawn round the title.
- Change: Markers now have position information attacvhed (I'd
forgotten to do that).
· 05.09.1999
- Change: All REQUIRED texts of the application have been moved
to the RSC file, for ease of preparing versions in various
- Optimisation: Luna now loads faster (MagiC font selector
initialisation is no longer performed at program start, as it
takes too long).
- Bugfix: Pixel dirt when cutting out line.
· 06.09.1999
- Bugfix: Cursor run-on.
- Bugfix: Search routine: Search-text at end of line wasn't
- Bugfix: Search routine: Sometimes didn't jump to found
- Bugfix: Internal, line things.
· 08.09.1999
- Bugfix: Freezing of the system under Single-TOS.
- Tidy-up: Buttons with shortcuts are now drawn by the system
(only MagiC-compatible AESs)
- Bugfix: Some ticks in the 'Flags' menu were not updated.
· 12.09.1999
- Bugfix: Error message 'Gemdos Error at mfree(..)' during Drag
& Drop removed, which also fixed text shredding by the text in
the already released memory block.
- Change: Under Single-TOS the file selector is passed the path,
filename and the extender only in capitals.
- Bugfix: Pixel droppings at the bottom line with window index
tabs fixed.
- Change: File selector appears also at 'Quit' and when saving
· 19.09.1999
- During shutdown Luna tried to open an alert box, but didn't
get to it and saved automatically only under the current
filename (altered to await the alert box)
· 21.09.1999
- The whole window drawing routine (moving windows in the
background, mover dragable with the mouse, pagewise scrolling
etc.) optimised (intelligent drawing).
- By pressing [Shift] while left-clicking one can select a block
(if 'Group block' not activated) running from the cursor
position to the position clicked on (in principle this would
also work for group blocks, but as this could give very
confusing results this function is not active for group
· 24.09.1999
- Bugfix: Unfortunately some lines were lost during saving.
- Being worked on: 'Mouse droppings' (redraw errors under the
mouse cursor).
· 25.09.1999
- 'Mouse droppings' now fixed.
· 03.10.1999
- Bugfix: Ruler, window index tabs, icon bar - redrawing in
other windows faulty when switching on/off, faulty offset text
- Change: Ruler background/foreground colour now the same as
the colour display in the text window.
- New: Rulers may be switched on globally.
· 05.10.1999
- Cosmetic changes.
· 08.10.1999
- Adapted for the new N.AES with MagiC objects.
- *Automatic* recognition of the system language and
corresponding loading of the appropriate RSC file:
German : luna-g.rsc
English : luna-e.rsc
French : luna-f.rsc
...or : luna.rsc
- First English hypertext written.
· 03.11.1999
-+- Publication of version 1.42c -+-
· 14.11.1999
- Bugfix: Group block selection via [Alternate] now works
- Bugfix: Printing via GDOS now not only from window #0
(window index was lost).
- Altered ruler display.
- Altered file-index display.
- Import functions incorporated; for the first time filtering
available during loading through file type assignment
'Options'/'Import' and loading via 'File'/'Import'.