ST-Computer Leser-CD 2000 January
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Wibbly Wave version 0.6
╜1996, 1997, 1998 Electronic Cow freeware
Wibbly Wave is a sample synthesizer for all Ataris with at least 512k
of memory, and a 640 x 400 display (or better). It uses a set of
controls to generate analogue-style 8- or 16-bit *.AVR samples, that
can then be used in your favourite sample editor or tracker
This program is completely free and unrestricted and it may be freely
copied for all to use, as long as it remains in tact, unaltered, and
no-one benefits financially from its distribution! By all means,
include it on your cover-mount disk/CD-ROM, FTP/WWW site, CD-ROM
compilation or public domain library (the further it goes, the
better!), but don't expect Electronic Cow to be responsible in any
way for any loss or damage to your system as a direct or indirect use
and/or misuse of this program. But hey, it works! The moral is don't
tamper with it, else it won't. Besides, you wouldn't like us to visit
your home, and ruin your work, so don't do it to ours please :)
Wibbly has four pre-set DCO waveforms to choose from: square,
pulse, sawtooth and triangle/sine, and these influence the timbre of
the sound created. Square waves and pulse waves produce a sort-of
metallic sound (the latter sounding much thinner), whilst triangle
and sawtooth waveforms are better for string sounds (like violins and
so on...).
In addition to selecting a waveform shape, as from v0.6 you can
now also choose to add modulation to it! There are two dial controls:
depth and rate. Depth controls the range of the frequency oscillation
(up to 48Hz), and rate controls the speed at which the oscillator
After selecting an oscillator waveform, you need to pick a DCA
envelope. This setting controls the amplitude shape of the sound, and
there are three pre-set envelopes to choose from: typical ADSR shape
(fairly slow attack, sustained period, follwed by a relatively long
decay), Percussion (fast attack and decay), and Constant (flat
envelope with a smooth fade). Using Constant allows you to draw-in
your own wave shape in your sample editor later on. There's now also
a volume control, and this sets the start amplitude of the DCO before
the envelope is applied.
To turn the dials, press the left button on the object. Clicking
on the left side of the dial, decrements the control's value, whilst
clicking on the right side, increments the value.
Other controls:
Wibbly Wave now lets you control the pitch of the resultant sound
much more easily, using an on-screen one octave keyboard. To generate
a sample with the fundamental frequency equivalent of middle C (circa
260Hz), you now just have to press the C key on the keyboard, rather
than twiddle with a dial! Then you can resynthesize the same sound at
a different pitch which is ideal for multi-sampling.
Pressing any key on the keyboard will start the sample rendering
process, which won't take any longer than ten seconds on the slowest
Ataris, then you can play it back using the play button, or by
pressing [p] on the Atari keyboard. Sounds can be saved as either
eight or sixteen-bit AVR samples (use the toggle buttons to set the
export bit-depth), by pressing the disk icon button. Press the smiley
button to find out more about this program :)
Note that you must have either an STE/TT or Falcon to playback
digital audio, as Wibbly uses the hardware present in these machines.
STFM owners can generate samples but must use a separate player to
hear them.
Revision History:
v0.6: (22nd August 1998)
fixes to v0.6. Forgot that pre-TOS2.0 machines don't use
Mxalloc(). Sorry! Fixed memory allocation bug now...
Fixed small problems in mono and colour resources.
complete re-write of the code, resulting in even faster
wibbles! Now added modulation depth and rate controls to the
DCO waveform generator. Made triangle wave more soft, so
it sounds more like a sine wave now! Re-designed the
interface, and improved Falcon-audio support. Added a
keyboard for choosing oscillator pitch exactly. Now doesn't
automatically call the file selector to save the sound (that
was annoying!).
fixed a few bugs, and made the whole sample rendering
process miles faster! Added 16-bit export, and sample
similar controls, but modulation adds noise rather than AM.
Uses floating point arithmetic and so is quite slow on
computers without an FPU.No DMA sample playback and only
8-bit samples are saved.
If you like this program, then please visit our web page for more:
Or e-mail us to tell us you liked it!
Electronic Cow
350 Broadwater Crescent, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG2 8EZ, UK
Telephone: 0411 544133 or 01426 281347