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A Catalogue of Constellation Boundary Data
A.C. Davenhall [1]
S.K. Leggett [2,3]
February 1990
A computer readable catalogue of constellation boundary data is
presented in a form suitable for the construction of star charts and
atlases. Two files are available, one for equator and equinox 1875 and
the other for equator and equinox 2000.
The definitive list of constellation boundary data was published by Delporte
(1930). A computer-readable catalogue compiled from these data has been
produced by Roman (1987) and is available from the International Network
of Astronomical Data Centers (catalogue number 6042). However, the format
of this catalogue has been chosen to facilitate locating the constellation in
which a given object lies and is unsuited to the construction of star charts
and atlases. The present catalogue was also constructed from Delporte's lists,
but the files are arranged in a format suitable for constructing star charts
and atlases.
Two files are available in a computer-readable form. The first gives the
boundaries as delineated by Delporte, in their original orientation, 1875. The
second file gives the boundaries computed for equator and equinox 2000. In
equator and equinox 1875 the lines joining the corners of the constellations
were great circles of right ascension and parallels of declination. However,
precession to equator and equinox 2000 distorts the boundaries so that they
no longer lie along lines of constant right ascension or declination. Thus,
prior to precession to equator and equinox 2000, points were interpolated at
one degree intervals along the boundaries in order that they should continue
to enclose the same area of sky (and thus the same set of stars).
Brief details of the two files of the catalogue are given below.
[1] Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, Scotland.
[2] Dept. of Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ,
[3] Present address, US Naval Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.
2.1 Equator and equinox 1875 file
The data in this file was taken directly from Delporte with the exception that
several extra points were added to the constellation Octans (which covers the
South Pole) in order to facilitate plotting in some projections. These extra
points `traverse' the line of 0hr right ascension to the Pole and `return' at
The file consists of the right ascension and declination of every corner of
every constellation. Each record consists of a single point along the con-
stellation boundary and contains the right ascension and declination of the
point and an abbreviation identifying the constellation of which it is a part.
The abbreviations used to identify each constellation are taken from Delporte,
and for completeness they are listed together with the full name in Table 1.
All the abbreviations consist of three characters except those for Serpens
Caput and Serpens Cauda which contain four. All records referring to a given
constellation occur contiguously in the file. Successive records correspond to
successive points along the constellation boundary. The last point in the
constellation should be joined to the first. Table 2 gives details of the
structure of each record.
The following fragment of FORTRAN could be used to read a single
record from the file
READ(13, 1000) RA, DEC, CONNAM
1000 FORMAT(F8.5, 1X, F9.5, 1X, A4)
2.2 Equator and equinox 2000 file
In equator and equinox 1875, lines joining the corners of constellations are
either great circles of right ascension or parallels of declination. When the
coordinates are converted to equator and equinox 2000, the boundaries are
distorted by precession so that they no longer lie along lines of constant right
ascension or declination. In order that the new boundaries should enclose the
same area of sky (and thus include the same stars) it is necessary that points
should be interpolated along the boundary prior to calculating the precession.
Thus the orientation 2000 file was generated from the orientation 1875 file
with points interpolated at one-degree intervals along the boundaries. When
the file is used to construct a chart, a smooth curve should be drawn through
the interpolated points (but obviously not through those original points that
define corners).
Records in the file are ordered into constellations and successive corners
within each constellation in a similar fashion to the orientation 1875 file.
Table 3 lists the details of the structure of each record. Like the orienta-
tion 1875 file, each record contains the right ascension and declination of a
point together with an abbreviation for the constellation to which it belongs.
However an additional field indicates whether the point is an original point
taken directly from Delporte (code `O') or an interpolated point (code `I').
It should be noted that original points can be points along a meridian or
parallel where three constellations meet as well as corners.
The following fragment of FORTRAN could be used to read a single
record from the file
1001 FORMAT(F10.7, 1X, F11.7, 1X, A4, 1X A1)
The present catalogue of constellation boundary data is complementary to
that of Roman (1987). Roman's catalogue should be used to determine which
constellation an object lies in. The present catalogue is more suited to the
construction of star charts and atlases.
We are grateful to Mr D.A. Pickup for useful discussions about the format
of Delporte's lists and the effect of precession on the shape of the constel-
lation boundaries and to Dr W.H. Warren Jr for several useful suggestions.
All computations were carried out on the Starlink VAX 11/780 at the Royal
Observatory Edinburgh, and the catalogue was precessed using the SCAR
astronomical database software available within the Starlink software collec-
tion. This work was carried out as part of a contract with the Edinburgh
publishers John Bartholomew and Son Ltd. to provide data for a revised
edition of `Norton's Star Atlas'.
Delporte, E. 1930, Delimitation Scientifique des Constellations (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press).
Roman, N.G. 1987, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 99_, pp695-699.
| Abbrev. | Constellation Name | | Abbrev. | Constellation Name |
| AND | Andromeda | | LEO | Leo |
| ANT | Antila | | LMI | Leo Minor |
| APS | Apus | | LEP | Lepus |
| AQR | Aquarius | | LIB | Libra |
| AQL | Aquila | | LUP | Lupus |
| ARA | Ara | | LYN | Lynx |
| ARI | Aries | | LYR | Lyra |
| AUR | Auriga | | MEN | Mensa |
| BOO | Bootes | | MIC | Microscopium |
| CAE | Caelum | | MON | Monoceros |
| CAM | Camelopardis | | MUS | Musca |
| CNC | Cancer | | NOR | Norma |
| CVN | Canes Venatici | | OCT | Octans |
| CMA | Canis Major | | OPH | Ophiuchus |
| CMI | Canis Minor | | ORI | Orion |
| CAP | Capricornus | | PAV | Pavo |
| CAR | Carina | | PEG | Pegasus |
| CAS | Cassiopeia | | PER | Perseus |
| CEN | Centaurus | | PHE | Phoenix |
| CEP | Cepheus | | PIC | Pictor |
| CET | Cetus | | PSC | Pisces |
| CHA | Chamaeleon | | PSA | Pisces Austrinus |
| CIR | Circinus | | PUP | Puppis |
| COL | Columba | | PYX | Pyxis |
| COM | Coma Berenices | | RET | Reticulum |
| CRA | Corona Australis | | SGE | Sagitta |
| CRB | Corona Borealis | | SGR | Sagittarius |
| CRV | Corvus | | SCO | Scorpius |
| CRT | Crater | | SCL | Sculptor |
| CRU | Crux | | SCT | Scutum |
| CYG | Cygnus | | SER1 | Serpens Caput |
| DEL | Delphinus | | SER2 | Serpens Cauda |
| DOR | Dorado | | SEX | Sextans |
| DRA | Draco | | TAU | Taurus |
| EQU | Equuleus | | TEL | Telescopium |
| ERI | Eridanus | | TRI | Triangulum |
| FOR | Fornax | | TRA | Triangulum Australe|
| GEM | Gemini | | TUC | Tucana |
| GRU | Grus | | UMA | Ursa Major |
| HER | Hercules | | UMI | Ursa Minor |
| HOR | Horologium | | VEL | Vela |
| HYA | Hydra | | VIR | Virgo |
| HYI | Hydrus | | VOL | Volans |
| IND | Indus | | VUL | Vulpecula |
| LAC | Lacerta | | | |
Table 1: Abbreviations for constellation names.
| Number of records | 1566 |
| Record size (bytes) | 25 |
| Field | Units | Starting byte | Format |
| Right ascension | Decimal hours | 1 | F8.5 |
| Declination | Decimal degrees | 10 | F9.5 |
| Constellation | | 20 | A4 |
| Type of point | | 25 | A1 |
Table 2: Format of equator and equinox 1875 file.
| Number of records | 13422 |
| Record size (bytes) | 29 |
| Field | Units | Starting byte | Format |
| Right ascension | Decimal hours | 1 | F10.7 |
| Declination | Decimal degrees | 12 | F11.7 |
| Constellation | | 24 | A4 |
| Type of point | | 29 | A1 |
Table 3: Format of equator and equinox 2000 file.