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685 lines
XTENSION= 'TABLE ' / Table extension
BITPIX = 8 / Character data
NAXIS = 2 / Simple 2-D matrix
NAXIS1 = 376 / Number of characters per record
NAXIS2 = 31917 / Number of records in the table
PCOUNT = 0 / No "random" parameters
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
TFIELDS = 120 / Number of data fields per record
EXTNAME = 'MERCG_DATA' / Merged Catalogue of Galaxies
AUTHOR = 'Kogoshvili' / Catalog author(s)
REFERENC= '1986 ' / Catalog reference(s)
DATE = '11/10/88' / Date FITS table verified (dd/mm/yy)
HISTORY This FITS header is NOT a complete scientific document for the subject
HISTORY catalog. It serves only as a minimal description of the general
HISTORY format and structure of the data file.
HISTORY A copy of "Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version of the
HISTORY Merged Catalogue of Galaxies", Raugh 1987, Doc. No. STI-T-5810-510-87,
HISTORY should accompany any computer-readable version of the catalog.
HISTORY Source Catalog Reference: Kogoshvili, N.G. 1986, Merged Catalogue
HISTORY of Galaxies, unpublished.
COMMENT Note that the Merged Catalog uses a large number of single-character
COMMENT codes to describe the structural details of the appearances of the
COMMENT galaxies. The ADC document listed above contains a complete list of
COMMENT of these codes and their definitions.
TTYPE1 = 'MCG ' / Number from Morphological Catalog of Galaxies
TBCOL1 = 1 / Start column
TFORM1 = 'A11 ' / Fortran format
TTYPE2 = 'NAME ' / NGC, IC, or Anonymous RC1 number
TBCOL2 = 13 / Start column
TFORM2 = 'A6 ' / Fortran format
TNULL2 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE3 = 'ADD_INFO' / "*" if additional information is given
TBCOL3 = 20 / Start column
TFORM3 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL3 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT ADD_INFO (field 3); It is not clear what "additional information" this
COMMENT flag alludes to.
TTYPE4 = 'RAHR ' / Hours RA, epoch 1950.0
TBCOL4 = 21 / Start column
TFORM4 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT4 = 'HR ' / Units are hours
TTYPE5 = 'RAMIN ' / Minutes RA, epoch 1950.0
TBCOL5 = 24 / Start column
TFORM5 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT5 = 'MIN ' / Units are minutes of time
TTYPE6 = 'RASEC ' / Seconds RA, epoch 1950.0
TBCOL6 = 27 / Start column
TFORM6 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT6 = 'SEC ' / Units are seconds of time
TTYPE7 = 'DECDEG ' / Degrees DEC, epoch 1950.0
TBCOL7 = 30 / Start column
TFORM7 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT7 = 'DEG ' / Units are degrees
TTYPE8 = 'DECMIN ' / Arcminutes DEC, epoch 1950.0
TBCOL8 = 34 / Start column
TFORM8 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT8 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TTYPE9 = 'INTMAG ' / Integrated magnitude
TBCOL9 = 37 / Start column
TFORM9 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT9 = 'MAG ' / Units are magnitudes
TNULL9 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE10 = 'MAG_ACC ' / Magnitude accuracy code
TBCOL10 = 43 / Start column
TFORM10 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
COMMENT MAG_ACC (field 10) codes are: 1 = accurate to 0.01 magnitude,
COMMENT 2 = accurate to 0.1 magnitude, 3 = accurate to 1 magnitude
TTYPE11 = 'MAG_REF ' / Magnitude reference code
TBCOL11 = 45 / Start column
TFORM11 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
COMMENT MAG_REF (field 11); The full forms of the references are listed by
COMMENT code number in table MERCG_REF.
TTYPE12 = 'MAG_CMBFLAG' / "Z" if INTMAG is from 2 or more gal., combined
TBCOL12 = 50 / Start column
TFORM12 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL12 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE13 = 'MAG_CMBNUM' / Number of galaxies contributing to INTMAG
TBCOL13 = 51 / Start column
TFORM13 = 'I1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL13 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE14 = 'MAJAXIS_INNER' / Major axis, inner part
TBCOL14 = 52 / Start column
TFORM14 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT14 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL14 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE15 = 'MINAXIS_INNER' / Minor axis, inner part
TBCOL15 = 58 / Start column
TFORM15 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT15 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL15 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE16 = 'SURF_BR ' / Surface brightness of inner part of galaxy
TBCOL16 = 66 / Start column
TFORM16 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL16 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT SURF_BR (field 16) is as listed in the MCG on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1
COMMENT is completely black and 6 is barely visible.
TTYPE17 = 'MAJAXIS_WHOLE' / Major axis, whole galaxy
TBCOL17 = 66 / Start column
TFORM17 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT17 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL17 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE18 = 'MINAXIS_WHOLE' / Minor axis, whole galaxy
TBCOL18 = 72 / Start column
TFORM18 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT18 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL18 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE19 = 'DIAM_UNC' / ">" if fields 17 and 18 are lower limits
TBCOL19 = 79 / Start column
TFORM19 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL19 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE20 = 'SURF_BR1' / Surface brightness, first outer region
TBCOL20 = 81 / Start column
TFORM20 = 'I1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL20 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT SURF_BR1 (field 20) is as listed in the MCG on a scale of 1 to 6, where
COMMENT 1 is completely black and 6 is barely visible.
TTYPE21 = 'SURF_BR2' / Surface Brightness, second outer region
TBCOL21 = 82 / Start column
TFORM21 = 'I1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL21 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT SURF_BR2 (field 21) is as listed in the MCG on a scale of 1 to 6, where
COMMENT 1 is completely black and 6 is barely visible.
TTYPE22 = 'INCL ' / Est. inclination of principal plane to LOS
TBCOL22 = 83 / Start column
TFORM22 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL22 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT INCL (field 22); The numbers 1-5 correspond to the Roman numerals I-V
COMMENT found in the MCG: 1 = face on, 5 = edge on.
TTYPE23 = 'MAJAXIS_BLUE' / Major axis from POSS blue print
TBCOL23 = 85 / Start column
TFORM23 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT23 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL23 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE24 = 'MINAXIS_BLUE' / Minor axis from POSS blue print
TBCOL24 = 91 / Start column
TFORM24 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT24 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL24 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE25 = 'MAJAXIS_RED' / Major axis from POSS red print
TBCOL25 = 97 / Start column
TFORM25 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT25 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL25 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE26 = 'MINAXIS_RED' / Minor axis from POSS red print
TBCOL26 = 103 / Start column
TFORM26 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT26 = 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL26 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE27 = 'POSS_UNC' / Code for uncertainty in POSS diameters
TBCOL27 = 109 / Start column
TFORM27 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL27 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT POSS_UNC (field 27); 0 = all values certain, 1 = blue print values
COMMENT uncertain, 2 = red print values uncertain, 3 = all values uncertain.
TTYPE28 = 'POSANG ' / Position angle from Uppsala Gen. Catalog
TBCOL28 = 111 / Start column
TFORM28 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT28 = 'DEG ' / Units are degrees
TNULL28 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE29 = 'POSANG_UNC' / Code for uncertainty in position angle
TBCOL29 = 115 / Start column
TFORM29 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL29 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT POSANG_UNC (field 29); 0 = certain, 1 = uncertain, 2 = face-on spiral,
COMMENT 3 = assymetric system.
TTYPE30 = 'GEN_APP ' / General appearance code
TBCOL30 = 118 / Start column
TFORM30 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL30 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE31 = 'GEN_DET1' / Structural detail 1
TBCOL31 = 119 / Start column
TFORM31 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL31 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE32 = 'GEN_DET2' / Structural detail 2
TBCOL32 = 120 / Start column
TFORM32 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL32 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE33 = 'GAL_STAR' / Faint galaxy or superimposed star description
TBCOL33 = 121 / Start column
TFORM33 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL33 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT GAL_STAR (field 33) is "*" if a star image is projected onto the galaxy,
COMMENT otherwise the general description code for a faint galaxy seen in
COMMENT contact with the main galaxy.
TTYPE34 = 'NUC_NUM ' / Number of nuclei seen in contact
TBCOL34 = 123 / Start column
TFORM34 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL34 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE35 = 'NUC_INN1' / Nuclear inner region detail 1
TBCOL35 = 126 / Start column
TFORM35 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL35 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE36 = 'NUC_INN2' / Nuclear inner region detail 2
TBCOL36 = 127 / Start column
TFORM36 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL36 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE37 = 'OUT1_SEP' / Outer region 1 separation symbol
TBCOL37 = 129 / Start column
TFORM37 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL37 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE38 = 'OUT1_NDET' / Outer region 1 number of details
TBCOL38 = 130 / Start column
TFORM38 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL38 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE39 = 'OUT1_GEN' / Outer region 1 general description
TBCOL39 = 131 / Start column
TFORM39 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL39 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE40 = 'OUT1_DET' / Outer region 1 structural details
TBCOL40 = 132 / Start column
TFORM40 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL40 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE41 = 'OUT1_UNC' / Outer region 1 structure uncertainty flag
TBCOL41 = 135 / Start column
TFORM41 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL41 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE42 = 'OUT2_SEP' / Outer region 2 separation symbol
TBCOL42 = 137 / Start column
TFORM42 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL42 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE43 = 'OUT2_NDET' / Outer region 2 number of details
TBCOL43 = 138 / Start column
TFORM43 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL43 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE44 = 'OUT2_GEN' / Outer region 2 general description
TBCOL44 = 139 / Start column
TFORM44 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL44 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE45 = 'OUT2_DET' / Outer region 2 structural details
TBCOL45 = 140 / Start column
TFORM45 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL45 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE46 = 'OUT2_UNC' / Outer region 2 structure uncertainty flag
TBCOL46 = 143 / Start column
TFORM46 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL46 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE47 = 'OUT3_SEP' / Outer region 3 separation symbol
TBCOL47 = 145 / Start column
TFORM47 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL47 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE48 = 'OUT3_NDET' / Outer region 3 number of structure details
TBCOL48 = 146 / Start column
TFORM48 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL48 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE49 = 'OUT3_GEN' / Outer region 3 general description
TBCOL49 = 147 / Start column
TFORM49 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL49 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE50 = 'OUT3_DET' / Outer region 3 structural details
TBCOL50 = 148 / Start column
TFORM50 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL50 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE51 = 'OUT3_UNC' / Outer region 3 structure uncertainty flag
TBCOL51 = 151 / Start column
TFORM51 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL51 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE52 = 'OUT4_SEP' / Outer region 4 separation symbol
TBCOL52 = 153 / Start column
TFORM52 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL52 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE53 = 'OUT4_NDET' / Outer region 4 number of details
TBCOL53 = 154 / Start column
TFORM53 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL53 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE54 = 'OUT4_GEN' / Outer region 4 general description
TBCOL54 = 155 / Start column
TFORM54 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL54 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE55 = 'OUT4_DET' / Outer region 4 structure details
TBCOL55 = 156 / Start column
TFORM55 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL55 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE56 = 'OUT4_UNC' / Outer region 4 structure uncertainty flag
TBCOL56 = 159 / Start column
TFORM56 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL56 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE57 = 'OUT5_SEP' / Outer region 5 separation symbol
TBCOL57 = 161 / Start column
TFORM57 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL57 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE58 = 'OUT5_NDET' / Outer region 5 number of details
TBCOL58 = 162 / Start column
TFORM58 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL58 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE59 = 'OUT5_GEN' / Outer region 5 general description
TBCOL59 = 163 / Start column
TFORM59 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL59 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE60 = 'OUT5_DET' / Outer region 5 structure details
TBCOL60 = 164 / Start column
TFORM60 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL60 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE61 = 'OUT5_UNC' / Outer region 5 structure uncertainty flag
TBCOL61 = 167 / Start column
TFORM61 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL61 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE62 = 'HUBBLE_SRC' / Source of revised Hubble class
TBCOL62 = 169 / Start column
TFORM62 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL62 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT HUBBLE_SRC (field 62); U = UGC, R = RC1
TTYPE63 = 'HUBBLE_RING' / Revised Hubble class outer ring
TBCOL63 = 171 / Start column
TFORM63 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL63 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE64 = 'HUBBLE_TYPE' / Revised Hubble type
TBCOL64 = 172 / Start column
TFORM64 = 'A4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL64 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE65 = 'HUBBLE_PEC' / Revised Hubble class peculiarities
TBCOL65 = 176 / Start column
TFORM65 = 'A2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL65 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE66 = 'MORGAN_TYPE' / Morgan classification type
TBCOL66 = 179 / Start column
TFORM66 = 'A3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL66 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE67 = 'MORGAN_SPC ' / Morgan classification spectral class
TBCOL67 = 182 / Start column
TFORM67 = 'A2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL67 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE68 = 'MORGAN_PEC' / Morgan classification peculiarities
TBCOL68 = 184 / Start column
TFORM68 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL68 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE69 = 'CLASS ' / Hubble or van den Bergh classification
TBCOL69 = 186 / Start column
TFORM69 = 'A8 ' / Fortran format
TNULL69 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT CLASS (field 69); This field contains a classification in either the
COMMENT Hubble or van den Bergh system. The structure of the field differs
COMMENT depending on the classification type. See the ADC documentation for
COMMENT a complete description of the format of this field in both cases.
TTYPE70 = 'CLASS_SRC' / Source of the CLASS (field 69)
TBCOL70 = 195 / Start column
TFORM70 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL70 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE71 = 'HEL_RV ' / Heliocentric radial velocity
TBCOL71 = 196 / Start column
TFORM71 = 'I7 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT71 = 'KM/SEC ' / Units are kilometers per second
TNULL71 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE72 = 'HEL_RV_REF' / Heliocentric radial velocity reference code
TBCOL72 = 203 / Start column
TFORM72 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL72 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE73 = 'CORR_RV ' / Radial velocity corrected for solar motion
TBCOL73 = 207 / Start column
TFORM73 = 'I7 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT73 = 'KM/SEC ' / Units are kilometers per second
TNULL73 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE74 = 'CORR_RV_REF' / Corrected radial velocity reference code
TBCOL74 = 214 / Start column
TFORM74 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL74 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE75 = 'ROT_VEL ' / Rotational velocity
TBCOL75 = 218 / Start column
TFORM75 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT75 = 'KM/SEC/KPC' / Units are kilometers per second per kiloparsec
TNULL75 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE76 = 'R_H ' / On rot. curve, dist. from center to bending pt.
TBCOL76 = 222 / Start column
TFORM76 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL76 = ' ' / Null value
COMMENT R_H (field 75); If ROT_VEL_REF (field 77) is 11, units are minutes of
COMMENT arc. If ROTV_REF is 12, units are kiloparsecs.
TTYPE77 = 'R_H_UNC ' / ">" if R_H (field 75) is a lower limit
TBCOL77 = 229 / Start column
TFORM77 = 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL77 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE78 = 'ROT_VEL_REF' / Rotational velocity reference code
TBCOL78 = 230 / Start column
TFORM78 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL78 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE79 = 'SN_YR1 ' / Year of first observed supernova
TBCOL79 = 234 / Start column
TFORM79 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL79 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE80 = 'SN_YR2 ' / Year of second observed supernova
TBCOL80 = 237 / Start column
TFORM80 = 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL80 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE81 = 'SN_NUM ' / Number of observed supernovae
TBCOL81 = 240 / Start column
TFORM81 = 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL81 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE82 = 'HII_NUM ' / Number of H II regions
TBCOL82 = 242 / Start column
TFORM82 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL82 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE83 = 'HII_REF ' / H II region reference code
TBCOL83 = 246 / Start column
TFORM83 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL83 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE84 = 'U-B_INT ' / Integrated U-B
TBCOL84 = 250 / Start column
TFORM84 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT84 = 'MAG ' / Units are magnitudes
TNULL84 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE85 = 'U-B_REF ' / Integrated U-B reference code
TBCOL85 = 256 / Start column
TFORM85 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL85 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE86 = 'B-V_INT ' / Integrated B-V
TBCOL86 = 260 / Start column
TFORM86 = 'F5.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT86 = 'MAG ' / Units are magnitudes
TNULL86 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE87 = 'B-V_REF ' / Integrated B-V reference code
TBCOL87 = 265 / Start column
TFORM87 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL87 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE88 = 'U-B_FACE' / Integrated face-on U-B, from RC1
TBCOL88 = 269 / Start column
TFORM88 = 'F6.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT88 = 'MAG ' / Units are magnitudes
TNULL88 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE89 = 'B-V_FACE' / Integrated face-on B-V, from RC1
TBCOL89 = 275 / Start column
TFORM89 = 'F5.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT89 = 'MAG ' / Units are magnitudes
TNULL89 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE90 = 'INT_SPEC' / Integral spectrum
TBCOL90 = 281 / Start column
TFORM90 = 'A2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL90 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE91 = 'FLUX_178' / Flux density at 178 MHz
TBCOL91 = 283 / Start column
TFORM91 = 'F5.1 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT91 = 'JANSKYS ' / Units are janskys
TNULL91 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE92 = 'REF_178 ' / 178MHz flux density reference code
TBCOL92 = 288 / Start column
TFORM92 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL92 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE93 = 'FLUX_780' / Flux density at 780 MHz
TBCOL93 = 292 / Start column
TFORM93 = 'F5.1 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT93 = 'JANSKYS ' / Units are janksys
TNULL93 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE94 = 'REF_780 ' / 780 MHz flux density reference code
TBCOL94 = 297 / Start column
TFORM94 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL94 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE95 = 'FLUX_1400' / Flux density at 1400 MHz
TBCOL95 = 301 / Start column
TFORM95 = 'F5.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT95 = 'JANSKYS ' / Units are janskys
TNULL95 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE96 = 'REF_1400' / 1400 MHz flux density reference code
TBCOL96 = 306 / Start column
TFORM96 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL96 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE97 = 'FLUX_2700' / Flux density at 2700 MHz
TBCOL97 = 310 / Start column
TFORM97 = 'F5.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT97 = 'JANSKYS ' / Units are janskys
TNULL97 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE98 = 'REF_2700' / 2700 MHz flux density reference code
TBCOL98 = 315 / Start column
TFORM98 = 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL98 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE99 = 'FLUX_5000' / Flux density at 5000 MHz
TBCOL99 = 319 / Start column
TFORM99 = 'F5.2 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT99 = 'JANSKYS ' / Units are janskys
TNULL99 = ' ' / Null value
TTYPE100= 'REF_5000' / 5000 MHz flux density reference code
TBCOL100= 324 / Start column
TFORM100= 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL100= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE101= 'CGCG_NUM' / Number from Cat. of Gal. and Clusters of Gal.
TBCOL101= 328 / Start column
TFORM101= 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL101= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE102= 'CCG_FLAG' / "1" if listed in Cat. of Sel. Compact Gal.
TBCOL102= 333 / Start column
TFORM102= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL102= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE103= 'MKN_FLAG' / "1" if listed in Markarian's lists of gal.
TBCOL103= 335 / Start column
TFORM103= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL103= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE104= 'IG_FLAG ' / "1" if listed in Cat. of Isolated Gal.
TBCOL104= 337 / Start column
TFORM104= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL104= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE105= 'IPG_FLAG' / "1" if listed in Cat. of Isolated Pairs of Gal.
TBCOL105= 339 / Start column
TFORM105= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL105= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE106= 'BYU_TYPE' / Byurakan classification of nucleus
TBCOL106= 341 / Start column
TFORM106= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL106= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE107= 'EM_FLAG ' / "1" if ref. 54 lists emission lines in spectrum
TBCOL107= 343 / Start column
TFORM107= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL107= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE108= 'COMP_FLAG' / Non-blank if the galaxy has a companion
TBCOL108= 344 / Start column
TFORM108= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL108= ' ' / Null value
COMMENT COMP_FLAG (field 107); 1 = companion with MCG number, 2 = companion with
COMMENT no MCG number, 3 = more than one galaxy with a single MCG number.
TTYPE109= 'MULT_CODE' / Multiple-galaxy membership code
TBCOL109= 347 / Start column
TFORM109= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL109= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE110= 'MCG_COMP' / MCG number of companion galaxy
TBCOL110= 348 / Start column
TFORM110= 'I4 ' / Fortran format
TNULL110= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE111= 'ISOL_DEG' / Degree of isolation
TBCOL111= 352 / Start column
TFORM111= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL111= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE112= 'INTER_NUM' / Number of members observed to be interacting
TBCOL112= 354 / Start column
TFORM112= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL112= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE113= 'INTER_FLAG' / "B", if evident, "Q", if suspected, interaction
TBCOL113= 357 / Start column
TFORM113= 'A1 ' / Fortran format
TNULL113= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE114= 'INTER_TYPE' / Interaction type
TBCOL114= 358 / Start column
TFORM114= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL114= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE115= 'DISTORT_TYPE' / Type of distortion in form of galaxy
TBCOL115= 360 / Start column
TFORM115= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL115= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE116= 'ANG_SEP ' / Angular separation
TBCOL116= 362 / Start column
TFORM116= 'F4.1 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT116= 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL116= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE117= 'FCOMP_NUM' / Number of faint components
TBCOL117= 366 / Start column
TFORM117= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL117= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE118= 'FCOMP_CODE' / Code for type of faint component
TBCOL118= 368 / Start column
TFORM118= 'I2 ' / Fortran format
TNULL118= ' ' / Null value
TTYPE119= 'FCOMP_MCG' / Faint component MCG number
TBCOL119= 370 / Start column
TFORM119= 'I3 ' / Fortran format
TNULL119= ' ' / Null value
COMMENT FCOMP_MSG (field 119); If FCOMP_CODE (field 118) is "1" this field lists
COMMENT the MCG number of the component, otherwise this is the magnitude of the
COMMENT nearest component.
TTYPE120= 'COMP_DIST' / Angular distance to the nearest companion
TBCOL120= 373 / Start column
TFORM120= 'F4.1 ' / Fortran format
TUNIT120= 'ARCMIN ' / Units are minutes of arc
TNULL120= ' ' / Null value