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- NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 84-02
- VERSION 1984
- Nancy G. Roman and Wayne H. Warren Jr.
- January 1984
- National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)/
- World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites (WDC-A-R&S)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
- VERSION 1984
- An updated, corrected and extended machine-readable version of the catalog is
- described. Published and unpublished errors discovered in the previous ver-
- sion have been corrected, and multiple-star and supplemental BD identifica-
- tions added to stars where more than one SAO entry has the same Durchmusterung
- number. Henry Draper Extension (HDE) numbers have been added for stars found
- in both volumes of the extension. Data for duplicate SAO entries (those re-
- ferring to the same star) have been blanked out, but the records themselves
- have been retained and flagged so that sequencing and record count are identi-
- cal to the published catalog.
- iii
- Section 1 - INTRODUCTION AND PROCEDURE .............................. 1-1
- Section 2 - TAPE CONTENTS ........................................... 2-1
- Section 3 - TAPE CHARACTERISTICS .................................... 3-1
- Section 4 - REMARKS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND REFERENCES ................. 4-1
- Table
- 1 Tape Contents .................................................. 2-1
- 2 Explanation of HD Codes ........................................ 2-4
- 3 Visual Magnitude Sources ....................................... 2-5
- 4 Star-Number Sources and Footnotes .............................. 2-6
- 5 Photographic Magnitude Sources ................................. 2-6
- 6 Proper-Motion Sources .......................................... 2-7
- 7 Spectral-Type Sources .......................................... 2-7
- 8 Miscellaneous Coded Remarks for Duplicity and Variability ...... 2-8
- 9 References for the Source Catalogs ............................. 2-9
- 10 Tape Characteristics ........................................... 3-1
- 11 References for Changes to the SAO Catalog, Version 1984 ........ 4-1
- 12 Explanatory Notes to Individual Changes ........................ 4-2
- v
- A character-coded machine-readable version of the Smithsonian Astrophysical
- Observatory Star Catalog (SAO, SAO Staff 1966) was prepared by T. A. Nagy
- (1979) from a packed binary tape obtained from the Smithsonian Astrophysical
- Observatory. In addition to certain format modifications, equatorial
- coordinates in radians and cross identifications from the Table of
- Correspondences SAO/HD/DM/GC (Morin 1973) were added to the converted version;
- however, the known errata lists were not incorporated at that time. This
- version of the catalog served as a starting point for the new version
- described here. As a prelude to creation of the new SAO, a new version of the
- SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index was prepared (Roman, Warren and Schofield 1983) since
- most of the changes and extensions for the SAO involve data presently in the
- Cross Index. The current version of the SAO contains the corrected and
- extended cross identifications, all errata published up until the date of this
- version (January 1984) and known to us, numerous errors forwarded to us by
- colleagues, and errors discovered at the Astronomical Data Center during the
- course of this work.
- This document describes the new version of the machine-readable SAO Catalog.
- It outlines the procedures used to correct and extend the previous version and
- is intended to enable users to read and process the data without problems and
- guesswork. The following section describes the analysis and methods used to
- cross identify the stars and to add component identifications for stars where
- more than one SAO record has the same Durchmusterung (DM) identification.
- Section 2 provides detailed descriptions of the catalog format and codes used
- in the data records, while Section 3 contains information on the character-
- istics of the magnetic tape file. Miscellaneous remarks and sources for the
- corrections incorporated into this version are given in Section 4, which also
- contains bibliographical references. A sample listing of data records
- exactly as they are recorded on the tape comprises Section 5. A copy of this
- document should accompany any machine-readable version of the SAO Catalog.
- The assignment of components to SAO stars for which more than one entry has
- the same DM number was done when preparing the new SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index,
- and that procedure is described in Roman et al. (1983). A somewhat less
- detailed description is given here for completeness.
- Components were assigned according to the Index Catalogue of Visual Double
- Stars (IDS, Jeffers et al. 1963; Worley 1980); for stars not in the IDS,
- components were labeled according to visual magnitude. Supplemental
- (footnoted) BD stars (Warren and Kress 1980) were identified and entered with
- lower case letters. Corrections and additions to cross-identification data
- were made as necessary. Some duplicate DM numbers actually referred to the
- same star for which SAO data had been obtained from different source catalogs.
- In these cases, all data were deleted for one entry, normally for the one
- 1-1
- whose position was judged to be of lower accuracy. However, the data records
- have been retained and the deleted entries indicated by placing a "D"
- immediately following the SAO number of each deleted star.
- Many stars occur in two DM catalogs (CD, CPD) in the southern hemisphere. The
- SAO gives numbers from different catalogs for the components of some double
- stars; hence, although there are no duplicate DM numbers, component confusion
- can occur. Although a search for such systems was not exhaustive, the catalog
- was searched for adjacent entries with declinations within 3' of each other.
- Most of these entries proved to be double stars and were appended with letter
- designations as if their DM numbers had been the same. These DM numbers were
- not changed.
- An important subset of rather bright stars in the published SAO Catalog has
- no DM numbers given. (Most of the stars in this subset were identified as FK3
- double stars which were omitted from the FK4.) Many of these had been
- identified by W. L. Stein, who supplied probable DM numbers. The positions
- for these stars were compared manually with their positions in the various
- DM catalogs and many additional identifications were made.
- Although the Henry Draper Extension (Cannon 1925-1936) stars from Harvard
- Annals, Volume 100, having DM numbers listed in the original catalog, were
- included in the SAO, those listed with AG numbers only (Astronomische
- Gesellschaft, zones +50 to +54, Harvard, Rogers 1892; zones +55 to +59,
- Helsingfors-Gotha, Kruger 1890) had not been cross identified and inserted
- into the machine version. The Yale Zone Catalogues (YZ, Barney et al. 1959a,
- 1959b), which identify stars by their AG numbers, but also give corresponding
- DM numbers, were used to cross identify the AG stars. This was accomplished
- by using the magnetic tape versions of the YZ and HD catalogs and matching the
- stars by machine. A cross index of Henry Draper Extension stars from Harvard
- Annals, Volume 112 (Cannon and Walton Mayall 1949) and DM numbers (Bonnet
- 1978) was used to insert HDE numbers from the final HD volume.
- Since the GC (Boss 1937) numbers in the SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index had been
- assigned by comparing with HD numbers in the GC, stars without HD numbers in
- the Cross Index were missing GC identifications. The magnetic tape file of
- the GC was therefore searched by DM number for all stars having no GC numbers
- in the Cross Index. Additional GC numbers were found manually (by position)
- for the few remaining stars without DM numbers. Fourteen GC stars were found
- not to be in the SAO Catalog. HD numbers in the GC were then compared with
- their counterparts in the Cross Index for stars in common, leading to the
- detection and correction of a number of additional errors.
- The catalog contains a numerical code appended to each HD number. The code
- originally followed the convention of the Strasbourg Catalog of Stellar
- Identifications (CSI, Ochsenbein et al. 1981) which assigned the numbers 1, 2,
- ... for individual components of multiple systems and the digit 9 if two
- contiguous HD stars are included in the entry (the lower HD number is usually
- given with code 9). Since the component codes were assigned to CSI entries
- without regard to letter designations, and because letter designations have
- now been added, the HD code was changed to a consistent indication of major
- contamination of the spectral type of the component to which the entry
- applies by the spectrum of another star (see Table 2). A visual magnitude
- 1-2
- difference of 0.3 mag. was used as the limit for which contamination was
- indicated. Although photographic magnitudes would have been more appropriate,
- the visual magnitudes in the SAO appeared to be more consistent.
- Many HD numbers were added to the SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index and subsequently to
- the SAO, and quite a few incorrect HD numbers were changed. The SAO already
- contained spectral types for many of these stars; those types were compared
- with the types in the HD, and discrepancies were corrected only where it
- seemed desirable. For stars with new HD numbers and no spectral types in the
- SAO, the latter were inserted using the machine version of the HD for the main
- catalog and the first extension. Spectral types were read from the charts of
- the second extension (Harvard Annals 112) and approximately 5000 inserted
- manually; types were also inserted for other HD stars for which they were
- missing in the SAO. For components of multiple stars, spectral types were
- added or removed according to the likelihood that the star contributed the HD
- type.
- Following completion of the Cross Index, all appropriate cross-identification
- data were replaced in the new SAO. Additional corrections involving the SAO
- only were then made. In certain cases, SAO positions had been found in
- error, but correct positions in the SAO system could not have been derived
- without a re-reduction of all the original data. Since this would clearly
- have been impracticable, positions were taken from the Cape Photographic
- Catalogues for 1950.0 (CPC). (Errata for the CPCs have been published in the
- zone catalog for -80 to -90 [Stoy 1968]). The CPC proper motions were
- applied to the positions at epoch to bring them to epoch 1950.0.
- A total of 12,373 SAO records was corrected or supplemented with 17,915
- individual data changes. All changes are itemized on the microfiche cards
- accompanying this document (see Section 4).
- 1-3
- A byte-by-byte description of the contents of the machine-readable SAO Catalog
- is given in Table 1. The suggested format specifications apply to FORTRAN
- formatted read statements and can be modified depending upon individual
- programming and processing requirements. All data fields with primary A-format
- specifications are blank for missing data; hence the alternate numerical
- specifications used for machine searches will produce zero values. Data are
- always present in fields for which primary numerical formats are given, except
- where specifically noted.
- Table 1. Tape Contents. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog.
- Version 1984.
- Suggested
- Byte(s) Units Format Description
- 1- 6 --- I6 SAO number
- 7 --- A1 "D" if this SAO entry has been blank
- filled due to the deletion of a
- duplicate star from the catalog. In
- this case the record contains only the
- SAO number and a "D" in this byte.
- 8- 9 hours I2 Right ascension 1950.0 equinox and epoch.
- 10- 11 min I2 Right ascension
- 12- 17 sec F6.3 Right ascension
- 18- 24 sec F7.4 Annual proper motion in R.A.
- 25- 26 0.001 arcsec/yr I2 (F2.3) Standard deviation of R.A. proper motion.
- 27 --- A1 A "+" or "-" to indicate that the
- minutes of time associated with the
- seconds portion of R.A. (bytes 28-33)
- must be increased or decreased by 1,
- respectively; otherwise blank (if bytes
- 28-23 is the same minute as in bytes
- 12-17).
- 28- 33 sec F6.3 Seconds portion of R.A. at original
- epoch, precessed to 1950.0 (i.e. 1950
- position modified by proper motion).
- 34- 35 0.01 arcsec/yr I2 (F2.2) Standard deviation of bytes 28-33.
- 36- 41 years F6.1 Epoch of bytes 28-33.
- 2-1
- Table 1 (continued)
- Suggested
- Byte(s) Units Format Description
- 42 --- A1 Sign of declination.
- 43- 44 deg I2 Declination 1950.0 equinox and epoch.
- 45- 46 arcmin I2 Declination
- 47- 51 arcsec F5.2 Declination
- 52- 57 arcsec F6.3 Annual proper motion in Dec.
- 58- 59 0.001 arcsec/yr I2 (F2.3) Standard deviation of Dec. proper motion.
- 60 --- A1 A "+" or "-" to indicate that the arc-
- minutes associated with the arcseconds
- portion of Dec. (bytes 61-65) must be
- increased or decreased by 1,
- respectively; otherwise blank (if bytes
- 61-65 is in the same minute as bytes
- 47-51).
- 61- 65 arcsec F5.2 Seconds portion of Dec. at original
- epoch, precessed to 1950.0 (i.e. 1950
- position modified by the proper motion).
- 66- 67 0.01 arcsec/yr I2 (F2.2) Standard deviation of bytes 61-65.
- 68- 73 years F6.1 Epoch of bytes 61-65.
- 74- 76 0.01 arcsec/yr I3 (F3.2) Standard deviation of position at epoch
- 1950.0.
- 77- 80 mag F4.1 Photographic magnitude (99.9 if no
- value present). When both magnitude
- fields are 99.9, the miscellaneous code
- (byte 95) should be checked for possible
- variability, in which case magnitudes
- may not be reported.
- 81- 84 mag F4.1 Visual magnitude (99.9 if no value
- present).
- 85- 87 --- A3 Spectral type ("+++" for composite
- spectra).
- 88- 89 --- I2 Coded source of visual magnitude (see
- Table 3).
- 2-2
- Table 1. (continued)
- Suggested
- Byte(s) Units Format Description
- 90- 91 --- I2 Coded source of star number and
- footnotes (see Table 4).
- 92 --- I1 Coded source of photographic magnitude
- (see Table 5).
- 93 --- I1 Coded source of proper motions (see
- Table 6).
- 94 --- I1 Coded source of spectral type (see
- Table 7).
- 95 --- I1 Coded miscellaneous remarks for
- duplicity and variability (see Table 8).
- 96 --- I1 Accuracy of visual magnitude: 0
- indicates that the magnitude in the
- source catalog is reported to 0.00 mag;
- 1 to 0.0 mag.
- 97 --- I1 Accuracy of photographic magnitude:
- same coding as for byte 96.
- 98- 99 --- I2 Code for source catalog (see Table 9).
- 100-104 --- I5 Number in source catalog.
- 105-106 --- A2 Durchmusterung (DM) identification (BD =
- Bonner Durchmusterung; CD = Cordoba
- Durchmusterung; CP = Cape Photographic
- Durchmusterung). All DM fields are
- blank if no DM identification present.
- 107 --- A1 Sign of DM zone.
- 108-109 --- I2 (A2) DM zone
- 110-114 --- I5 (A5) DM number.
- 115-116 --- A2 Component identification if there are
- two or more SAO stars having the same
- DM number. For multiple systems
- included in the Index Catalogue of
- Visual Double Stars (IDS, see Worley
- 1980) the IDS components are given;
- for non IDS stars, components were
- 2-3
- Table 1 (concluded)
- Suggested
- Byte(s) Units Format Description
- assigned on the basis of magnitude. If
- two components of southern double stars
- are listed, DM numbers from different
- catalogs are often quoted for the com-
- ponents. In these cases, component
- identifications are usually given with-
- out changing the DM numbers.
- 117 --- A1 Lower case letter identification for BD
- supplemental stars (Warren and Kress
- 1980).
- 118-123 --- A6 (I6) Henry Draper (HD or HDE) Catalogue
- number.
- 124 --- A1 (I1) HD code (1, 2, ... for component
- identifications where more than one star
- has the same HD number [not necessarily
- equivalent to A, B, ... or to the com-
- ponent identifications in the IDS]; 9 in
- cases where HD and HD+1 are included,
- e.g. 179957/8; 0 otherwise.
- 125-129 --- A5 (I5) Number in General Catalogue of 33342
- Stars for 1950 (GC, Boss 1937).
- 130-139 rad F10.8 Right ascension (1950.0).
- 140-150 rad F11.8 Declination (1950.0).
- Table 2 gives a detailed description for each HD code that can occur in byte
- 124 of a data record.
- Table 2. Explanation of HD Codes.
- Code Meaning
- 0 Single star, or primary with a companion > 0.3 mag (visual) fainter.
- 1 Brighter component with a companion <= 0.3 mag fainter.
- 2 Fainter component with a companion <= 0.3 mag brighter.
- 9 The SAO Catalog entry refers to two consecutive HD numbers, the lower of
- which is given.
- 2-4
- Tables 3 through 9 give data sources and duplicity / variablility codes.
- Table 3. Visual Magnitude Sources.
- Photo-
- Visual visual Magnitude source
- 0 Does not appear in source catalog
- 1 Determined by source catalog
- 2 Determined by source catalog or by authority in footnote
- 3 23 Source cited in source catalog introduction
- 24 Source unspecified
- 5 Taken from Bonner Durchmusterung
- 8 Based on Durchmusterung magnitudes and visual estimates
- 9 Taken from AGK1
- 10 Taken from Cordoba Zones (Resultados)
- 12 Taken from CGA (Perrine 1911a, b) or Cordoba Zones
- 13 Taken from Harvard publications
- 14 Taken from Harvard or San Luis photometry
- 15 Taken from the Henry Draper Catalogue
- 16 Combined magnitude of component stars
- 17 Arithmetic mean of maximum and minimum magnitudes of a variable
- star
- Always check the duplicity / variability code (Table 8) when using magnitudes.
- When blank, code = 0 and field = 99.9.
- 2-5
- Table 4. Star-Number Sources and Footnotes.
- Footnote
- without with Star Number
- 0 16 Source catalog only
- 1 17 Source catalog and BD
- 2 18 Source catalog and CD
- 3 19 Source catalog and CPD
- 4 20 Cordoba B (Resultados) and CD
- 5 21 Cordoba A (Resultados) and CD
- 6 22 AGK1 and BD
- 7 GC and BD
- 8 24 Cordoba B (Resultados) and CPD
- 9 Cordoba A (Resultados) and CPD
- When blank, the code for DM is 0 or 16, footnote is 0 through 9, and field is
- all zeros. Footnotes and star numbers are those appearing in the source
- catalogs.
- Table 5. Photographic Magnitude Sources.
- Code Source
- 0 Does not appear in source catalog
- 1 Determined by source catalog
- 4 Taken from magnitudes of the CPD and diameters of the Cape Astrographic
- Catalogue
- 8 Source cited in source catalog introduction
- 9 Columbia Contributions Numbers 30 and 31 (Schilt and Hill 1937, 1938)
- When blank, code is 0 and field is all zeros.
- 2-6
- Table 6. Proper-Motion Sources.
- Code Source
- 1 Determined by source catalog
- 3 Determined by comparison of catalog and Greenwich AC
- 5 Determined by comparison of catalog and AGK1
- 6 Determined by comparison of catalog and Greenwich AC on the basis of the
- smallest difference in positions (see page xiii of source reference)
- 6 Determined by comparison of catalog and AGK1 on the basis of the
- smallest difference in positions (see page xiii of source reference)
- Table 7. Spectral-Type Sources.
- Code Source
- 0 Taken from the Henry Draper Catalogue or no spectrum in source catalog
- 1 Taken from the HD with M stars reclassified by Miss Cannon
- 2 Classified by G. G. Cillie
- 3 Classified by Goedicke
- 4 Classified by D. Hoffleit
- 5 Classified by M. W. Mayall
- 6 Classified at Leander McCormick Observatory
- 7 Classified by Nassau and Seyfert
- If the spectrum is composite, "+++" is stored in the field and the code is 0.
- 2-7
- Table 8. Miscellaneous Coded Remarks for Duplicity and Variability.
- Code Meaning
- 0 No additional information
- 1 Double star - see source catalog for source
- 2 Double star in Aitken's Double Star Catalogue (Aitken 1932)
- 3 Double star in Burnham's Double Star Catalogue (Burnham 1906)
- 4 Variable star in visual magnitude in source catalog
- 5 Variable star in photographic magnitude in source catalog
- 6 Variable star in both magnitudes
- 7 Both double and variable, in either visual or photographic magnitudes
- When blank, code is 0, no field involved.
- 2-8
- Table 9. References for the Source Catalogs
- No. Abbreviated Title
- 01 AGK2, Volume 1
- 02 AGK2, Volume 2
- 03 AGK2, Volume 5
- 04 AGK2, Volume 6
- 05 AGK2, Volume 7
- 06 AGK2, Volume 8
- 20 Yale Transactions 11
- 21 Yale Transactions 12 Part I
- 22 Yale Transactions 12 Part II
- 23 Yale Transactions 13 Part I
- 24 Yale Transactions 13 Part II
- 25 Yale Transactions 14
- 26 Yale Transactions 16
- 27 Yale Transactions 17
- 28 Yale Transactions 18
- 29 Yale Transactions 19
- 30 Yale Transactions 20
- 31 Yale Transactions 21
- 32 Yale Transactions 22 Part I
- 33 Yale Transactions 22 Part II
- 34 Yale Transactions 24
- 35 Yale Transactions 25
- 36 Yale Transactions 26 Part I
- 37 Yale Transactions 26 Part II
- 38 Yale Transactions 27
- 40 Cape Annals 17
- 41 Cape Annals 18
- 42 Cape Annals 19
- 43 Cape Annals 20
- 48 Cape Zone
- 60 Melbourne 3
- 61 Melbourne 4
- 70 GC
- 71 FK3
- 74 FK4
- 2-9
- The information in Table 10 is sufficient for a user to describe the indigenous
- characteristics of the machine-readable Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- Star Catalog, Version 1984 to a computer. Not included is information easily
- varied from installation to installation, such as block size (physical record
- length), blocking factor (number of logical records per physical record), total
- number of blocks, tape density, number of tracks, and internal coding (EBCDIC,
- ASCII, etc.). These parameters should always be transmitted if secondary copies
- of the catalog are supplied to other users or installations.
- Table 10. Tape Characteristics. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star
- Catalog, Version 1984.
- NUMBER OF FILES ................................................ 1
- LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH (BYTES) .................................. 150
- RECORD FORMAT .................................................. FB*
- TOTAL NUMBER OF LOGICAL RECORDS ................................ 258997
- * Fixed block length (last block may be short)
- 3-1
- As mentioned in Section 1, the individual data corrections, additions and
- changes included in this version of the SAO Catalog number 17,915, with 12,373
- records (4.8%) having at least one change. Since many of the changes involve
- corrections to data given in previously published catalogs, it is important for
- a user to have access to the individual changes if a discrepancy is found
- between this catalog and a previously published one. For this reason, we have
- prepared a complete table of all changes made to the previous version to
- produce this one. The corrections and changes table was prepared by comparing
- the uncorrected file against the new version with a computer program which
- compared the data fields one by one and produced a formatted changes table. The
- complete table is given on the mirofiche cards contained in the envelope inside
- the back cover of this document. If a data entry is blank in either version,
- it is blank for the corresponding item in the table. The column labeled "S"
- gives the source of the change, as defined in Table 11 by its numerical code.
- Table 11. References for Changes to the SAO Catalog, Version 1984.
- Code Reference(s)
- 1 Haramundanis, K. undated, Errata Sheet for the SAO Star Catalog; 1971,
- Note on SAO Catalog Errata (January).
- 2 Stein, W L. and Rudisill, J. C., 1977, Introduction to the Dahlgren
- General Catalog, Naval Surface Weapons Center NSWC/DL TR-3607.
- Stein, W. L. 1978, in Bischoff, M., Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees
- Stellaires, No. 14, 2; No. 15, 103.
- Stein, W. L., private communication.
- 3 Bischoff, M. 1978, Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires, No. 14, 2;
- No. 15, 103.
- 4 Hoffleit, D., private communication.
- 5 Parsons, S. B. 1977, Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires, No. 12, 41.
- 6 Nagy, T. A. 1979, Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version of
- the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog[ue] (EBCDIC
- Version), Systems and Applied Sciences Corporation R-SAW-7/79-34.
- 7 Houziaux, L. and Blondelot-Lickes, J. 1970, Centre Univ. Mons, Fac.
- Sci., Dept. Astrophys., Communication No. 13.
- 8 Stoy, R. H. 1968, Cape Photographic Catalogue for 1950.0, Zones
- -80 to -90, Ann. Cape Obs. 22 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery
- Office).
- 4-1
- Table 11 (concluded)
- Code Sources
- 9 McLaughlin, S. F., private communication.
- 10 Bonnet, R. 1978, Cross Identifications of HDE Stars, Bull. Inf. Cent.
- Donnees Stellaires, No. 15, 155. Magnetic tape version, CDS
- Strasbourg catalog number 4008.
- 11 Warren, W. H. Jr. and Kress, K. 1980, Catalog of Supplemental Stars to
- the Bonner Durchmusterung, Astron. Data Center Bull. 1, 19.
- 12 Errors and additions from the present work.
- 13 Schmidtke, P. C., private communication.
- 14 Herald, D. 1979, Occultation Newsl. 2, 49.
- Table 12 includes further notes on entries in the microfiche table for which
- additional explanations are considered useful to clarify the reasons for
- certain changes.
- Table 12. Explanatory Notes to Individual Changes
- SAO Note(s)
- 6404 The GC incorrectly identifies this star as BD+76 309; GC 11190 is
- BD+76 309, while this star is +77 309.
- 9947 This star is misidentified as BD+70 1162 in the GC, as it is in the
- IDS and ADS (Aitken 1932). Source 3 corrects the DM number to +70
- 1161, assuming that the double entry for +70 1161 represents the two
- components of the double star. This is not the case. SAO 9949 is a
- duplicate entry and should be deleted.
- 15097 The GC incorrectly lists this star as BD+65 761. It is actually
- +65 751, while +65 761 is SAO 15120, which does not appear in the
- GC.
- 17589 The GC incorrectly identifies this star as BD+68 936, whereas it is
- actually +69 936.
- 23221 Source 1 incorrectly gives this star as BD+53 568a. It is actually
- +52 568a.
- 4-2
- Table 12 (concluded)
- SAO Note(s)
- 24753 This star is listed as BD+57 825 in several catalogs. It is not in
- the proper position for the BD star, however. There is a star at
- the SAO position on photographs, but it is not in the BD.
- 29370 These corrections are probably in error. The BD gives +54 1724 as
- 29372 being SW of +54 1725 and lists both stars as magnitude 7.5. The
- SAO, AGK3 and IDS list the brighter star (delta m approx. 0.6 mag)
- as SE. The HD also lists the brighter star as south, but gives the
- same right ascension for both stars. The IDS identifies the
- brighter star as BD+54 1724, as do the HD and the SAO, but the AGK3
- reverses the DM numbers, listing the brighter star as +54 1725.
- 101858 Sources 2 and 3 suggested changing this star to BD+17 2945. It is
- part of a triple system, of which C, the fainter, more distant
- component, is +17 2945. SAO 101858 and 101859 appear to be the A
- and B components, respectively, of +17 2946.
- 238176 The GC is in error. GC 14513 is CP-54 3795 and is not in the HD.
- GC 14517 is CP-54 3797, which is HD 91593.
- We wish to express our appreciation to N. J. Schofield Jr., who worked on an
- early phase of the SAO project in connection with the revised SAO-HD-GC-DM
- Cross Index, and to D. Hoffleit, S. F. McLaughlin, P. C. Schmidtke and W. L.
- Stein for communicating errors.
- 4-3
- Aitken, R. G. 1932, New General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120 degrees of
- the North Pole, Carnegie Institution of Washington Pub. 417 (Washington:
- Carnegie Institution of Washington).
- Barney, I., Hoffleit, D. and Jones, R. B. 1959a, Catalogue of the Positions
- and Proper Motions of 8380 Stars Between Declinations +50 and +55 degrees,
- reduced without applying Proper Motions to the Equinox 1950.0, Trans. Astron.
- Obs. Yale Univ. 26, Part II.
- Barney, I., Hoffleit, D. and Jones, R. B. 1959b, Catalogue of the Positions
- and Proper Motions of 8164 Stars Between Declinations +55 and +60 degrees,
- reduced without applying Proper Motions to the Equinox 1950.0, Trans. Astron.
- Obs. Yale Univ. 27.
- Bonnet, R. 1978, Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnees Stellaires, No. 15, 115.
- Boss, B. 1937, General Catalogue of 33342 Stars for the Epoch 1950, Carnegie
- Institution of Washington Pub. 468 (Washington: Carnegie Institution of
- Washington).
- Burnham, S. W. 1906, A General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120 degrees of
- the North Pole (Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington).
- Cannon, A. J. 1925-1936, The Henry Draper Extension, Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard
- College 100.
- Cannon, A. J. and Walton Mayall, M. 1949, The Henry Draper Extension, The
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