The Starbase One Astronomy & Space Collection
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10075178.jpg Official emblam of Apollo 11, the first scheduled lunar landing mission
10075179.jpg Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11 mission
10075180.jpg Portrait of Astronaut Edwin Aldrin, Lunar Module pilot of Apollo 11 mission
10075181.jpg Portrait of Astronaut Michael Collins, Command Module pilot of Apollo 11
10075182.jpg Portrait of Apollo 11 crewmembers
10075183.jpg Portrait of Apollo 11 crewmembers
10075184.jpg Artists concept of Apollo 11 Lunar Module descending to surface of moon
10075185.jpg Artists concept of Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong on the moon
10075186.jpg Artists concept of Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage launched from moon
10075187.jpg View of silicon disc to be left on moon by Apollo 11 astronauts
10075188.jpg Gold replica of olive branch left on moons surface by Apollo 11
10075189.jpg Flag to be implanted on the moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts
10075190.jpg Plaque which Apollo 11 astronauts will leave on the moon
10075191.jpg Lunar Landing Site 2 comparisons with size of various metropolitan areas
10075192.jpg Lunar Landing Site 2 comparisons with size of various metropolitan areas
10075193.jpg Lunar Landing Site 2 comparisons with size of various metropolitan areas
10075194.jpg Lunar Landing Site 2 comparisons with size of various metropolitan areas
10075195.jpg Lunar Landing Site 2 comparisons with size of various metropolitan areas
10075196.jpg 16mm Lunar Module Descent Photo Plots to Touchdown
10075197.jpg Artist's concept depicting implanting flag on surface of moon by Apollo 11
10075198.jpg Composite artist's concept of lunar surface activities of Apollo 11 mission
10075199.jpg Composite artist's concept of lunar surface activities of Apollo 11 mission
10075200.jpg Table top view of Astronaut Neil Armstrong's Apollo space suit
10075201.jpg View of Apollo Spacecraft 107 Command and Service Modules at KSC
10075202.jpg Lunar Module 5 ascent stage in Final Assembly area on overhead hoist
10075203.jpg Lunar Module 5 ascent stage being moved for mating with adapter
10075204.jpg Lunar Module 5 mated with Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter (SLA)
10075205.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong studies rock samples during geological field trip
10075206.jpg Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin study rock samples during field trip
10075207.jpg Apollo 11 prime crew during manned altitude chamber test activity
10075208.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in lunar surface simulation training
10075209.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in lunar surface siumlation training
10075210.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in lunar surface siumlation training
10075211.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075212.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075213.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075214.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075215.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075216.jpg Apollo 11 cremembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075217.jpg Apollo 11 cremembers participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075218.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in simulation of moon's surface
10075219.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong during thermovacuum training
10075220.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong during thermovacuum training
10075221.jpg Apollo 11 crew on ship during water egress training in Gulf of Mexico
10075222.jpg Apollo 11 crewmembers participate in water egress training in Gulf of Mexico
10075223.jpg Astronaut Michael Collins inside Apollo Command Module mockup in training
10075224.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin in EMU verifies fit of Portable Life Support System
10075225.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in simulation training
10075226.jpg Astronaut Neil Armstrong participates in simulation training
10075227.jpg Apollo 11 preflight press conference
10075228.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin undergoes zero-gravity training aboard KC-135
10075229.jpg Aerial view of Apollo 11 spacecraft on launch pad A
10075230.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen during prelaunch countdown
10075231.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen during prelaunch countdown
10075232.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075233.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075234.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075235.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075236.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075237.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075238.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075239.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075240.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075241.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075242.jpg Liftoff of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission
10075243.jpg View of activity in Mission Control Center during launch of Apollo 11
10075244.jpg View of Earth showing clouds over water taken by Apollo 11 crewmembers
10075245.jpg View of Earth taken by Apollo 11 crewmembers
10075246.jpg View of Earth, showing Africa, Europe and Asia taken by Apollo 11 crewmember
10075247.jpg View of Earth rising over Moon's horizon taken from Apollo 11 spacecraft
10075248.jpg View of Earth rising over Moon's horizon taken from Apollo 11 spacecraft
10075249.jpg Oblique view of crater Theophilus at northwest edge of Sea of Nectar
10075250.jpg Oblique view of lunar farside in area of IAU crater no. 312
10075251.jpg View of bright-rayed crater on lunar farside
10075252.jpg Northeasterly, low-oblique view of unnamed crater on lunar farside
10075253.jpg Apollo 11 oblique view of lunar farside
10075254.jpg Apollo 11 oblique view of lunar farside
10075255.jpg Oblique view of lunar farside photographed from orbit looking southwest
10075256.jpg View Lunar module from the Command module before its descent to lunar surface
10075257.jpg Apollo 11 Command/Service modules photographed from Lunar Module in orbit
10075258.jpg View of approach to Apollo Landing Site 2 in southwestern Sea of Tranquility
10075259.jpg View form Lunar Module of surface of the moon near where LM touched down
10075260.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin egresses lunar module on lunar surface
10075261.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin descends steps of Lunar Module ladder to walk on moon
10075262.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin poses for photograph beside deployed U.S. flag
10075263.jpg Close-up view of astronauts footprint in lunar soil
10075264.jpg Close-up view of astronauts foot and footprint in lunar soil
10075265.jpg View of plaque Apollo 11 astronauts left on moon
10075266.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin walks on lunar surface near leg of Lunar Module
10075267.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin walks on lunar surface near leg of Lunar Module
10075268.jpg View of footpad of Apollo 11 Lunar Module as it rested on lunar surface
10075269.jpg View Apollo 11 Lunar Module as it rested on lunar surface
10075270.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin prepares to deploy EASEP on surface of moon
10075271.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin prepares to deploy EASEP on surface of moon
10075272.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin after deployment of EASEP on surface of moon
10075273.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin deploying the EASEP on surface of moon
10075274.jpg Crater photographed by Apollo 11 crew near landing site
10075275.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin deploying Solar Wind Composition experiment
10075276.jpg Shadow of the Apollo 11 Lunar module silhouetted against Moon's surface
10075277.jpg Shadow of the Apollo 11 Lunar module silhouetted against Moon's surface
10075278.jpg Components of the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP)
10075279.jpg Flag of the U.S. deployed on surface of the Moon
10075280.jpg View of Astronaut Neil Armstrong in Lunar Module
10075281.jpg View of Astronaut Edwin Aldrin Jr. in Lunar Module
10075282.jpg Interior view of Apollo 11 Lunar Module showing displays and controls
10075283.jpg Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage photographed from Command Module
10075284.jpg Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage photographed from Command Module
10075285.jpg Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage photographed from Command Module
10075286.jpg View of docking target on Apollo 11 Lunar Module from Command Module
10075287.jpg View of Astronaut Edwin Aldrin in Lunar Module taken from television
10075288.jpg Telecast of Astronaut Neil Armstrong descending ladder to surface of the moon
10075289.jpg Telecast of Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin by the Lunar Module ladder
10075290.jpg Telecast of Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin by the Lunar Module
10075291.jpg View of Mission Control during lunar surface Apollo 11 EVA
10075292.jpg Astronaut David Scott in Mission Control Room during Apollo 11
10075293.jpg View of Mission Control during lunar surface Apollo 11 EVA
10075294.jpg View of Mission Control during lunar surface Apollo 11 EVA
10075295.jpg Astronaut Edwin Aldrin makes sandwich in zero gravity conditions
10075296.jpg Dr. Garry Latham studies seismometer tracings from the moon
10075297.jpg One-third of Earth's sphere as seen from Apollo 11 spacecraft
10075298.jpg View of a full Moon photographed from Apollo 11 spacecraft
10075299.jpg View of Mexico and southwest United States from the Apollo 11 spacecraft
10075300.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen await pickup by helicopter after landing
10075301.jpg President Nixon on deck of U.S.S. Hornet awaiting Apollo 11 crew arrival
10075302.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen arrive aboard U.S.S. Hornet during recovery operations
10075303.jpg Apollo 11 spacecraft Command Module hoisted aboard U.S.S. Hornet
10075304.jpg Apollo 11 spacecraft Command Module hoisted aboard U.S.S. Hornet
10075305.jpg View of Mission Control Center celebrating conclusion of Apollo 11 mission
10075306.jpg View of Mission Control Center celebrating conclusion of Apollo 11 mission
10075307.jpg View of Mission Control Center celebrating conclusion of Apollo 11 mission
10075308.jpg View of Mission Control Center celebrating conclusion of Apollo 11 mission
10075309.jpg View of Mission Control Center celebrating conclusion of Apollo 11 mission
10075310.jpg Apollo 11 Command Module and Mobile Quarantine Facility aboard U.S.S. Hornet
10075311.jpg President Nixon welcomes the Apollo 11 astronauts aboard the U.S.S. Hornet
10075312.jpg Offloading of the Mobile Quarantine Facility in Hawaii
10075313.jpg Mobile Quarantine Facility unloaded at Ellington Air Force Base, Texas
10075314.jpg Mobile Quarantine Facility unloaded at Ellington Air Force Base, Texas
10075315.jpg Mobile Quarantine Facility unloaded at Ellington Air Force Base, Texas
10075316.jpg Interior view of Mobile Quarantine Facility with Apollo 11 crewmembers
10075317.jpg First Apollo 11 sample return containers arrive at Ellington AFB
10075318.jpg First Apollo 11 sample return containers unloaded at Lunar Receiving Lab.
10075319.jpg First Apollo 11 sample return containers unloaded at Lunar Receiving Lab.
10075320.jpg First direct exposure to lunar material for Crew Reception personnel
10075321.jpg Closeup view of lunar rocks contained in first Apollo 11 sample container
10075322.jpg Closeup view of lunar rocks contained in first Apollo 11 sample container
10075323.jpg Closeup view of lunar rocks contained in first Apollo 11 sample container
10075324.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen during first postflight debriefing
10075325.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen during first postflight debriefing
10075326.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen dining in Crew Reception area of Lunar Receiving Lab
10075327.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen dining in Crew Reception area of Lunar Receiving Lab
10075328.jpg Dr. Grant Heikan examines lunar material in sieve from sample container
10075329.jpg Second Apollo 11 sample return container in Vacuum Laboratory
10075330.jpg Apollo 11 lunar sample no. 10046
10075331.jpg View of lunar rocks contained on second Apollo 11 sample return container
10075332.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen released from quarantine
10075333.jpg Apollo 11 crewmen released from quarantine
10075334.jpg Mice examined in Animal Laboratory of Lunar Receiving Laboratory
10075335.jpg Mice examined in Animal Laboratory of Lunar Receiving Laboratory
10075336.jpg View of undisturbed lunar sediment as core tube from Apollo 11 is opened
10075337.jpg Photo micrograph of lunar sample 10022
10075338.jpg Enlarged view of hypervelocity impact of lunar surface material
10075339.jpg Enlarged view of hypervelocity impact of lunar surface material
10075340.jpg Enlarged view of hypervelocity impact of lunar surface material
10075341.jpg Apollo 11 lunar surface panoramic views
10075342.jpg Apollo 11 lunar surface panoramic views
10075343.jpg Apollo 11 lunar surface panoramic views
10075344.jpg Apollo 11 stereo view showing lump of surface powder with glassy material
10075345.jpg Apollo 11 stereo view showing lump of surface powder with colored material
10075346.jpg Apollo 11 stereo view showing lump of surface powder with colored material
10075347.jpg Apollo 11 stereo view showing stone embedded in powdery lunar surface
10075348.jpg Examination of plants in lunar (germ free) soil in Plant Laboratory
10075349.jpg Progress photograph of sample experiments being conducted with lunar material
10075350.jpg Progress photograph of sample experiments being conducted with lunar material
10075351.jpg Ticker tape parade for the Apollo 11 astronauts
10075352.jpg Ticker tape parade for the Apollo 11 astronauts
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