The Starbase One Astronomy & Space Collection
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NEPTUNE.ZIP Animated moon revolving around Neptune. AAPLAY to view. FLI format.
NEPTURN.ZIP Animated rotating Neptune. AAPLAY to view. FLI format.
1989N1.GIF (512*480*256) 6/8 The tiny Neputian moon discovered by Voyager.
BIGNEPTU.JPG 1500 x 1000 globe of Neptune from Voyager, colour. Includes great dark spot
and light cloud formations.
C1134652.GIF (600*480*256) Globe of Neptune
C1135648.GIF (480*480*256) Larger globe of Neptune
C1135818.GIF (500*480*256) Large globe of Neptune again.
C1135942.GIF (480*480*256) Clouds emphasized on Neptune globe
C1137542.GIF (640*480*256) High contast clouds on Neptune
C1138739.GIF (640*480*256) Clouds in sharp relief against Neptune image.
C1139255.GIF (640*480*256) Triton Limb
C1139321.GIF (640*480*256) Triton, Smooth surface.
C1139416.GIF (640*480*256) Triton Whole Globe.
C1139609.GIF (600*480*256) Triton, half lit
C1139621.GIF (640x480x256) Flow features on the surface of Triton.
C1139627.GIF (640*480*256) Triton, Walled plain.
C1139629.GIF (640x480x256) Complex terrain on the surface of Triton.
CRATER.GIF 640x480x256 Voyager image of Triton's surface. Not as sharp as the size would suggest.
GDS1.GIF 320x200x16 Neptunes Great Dark Spot.
HUBNEP.JPG 2 hemispheres of Neptune, as imaged recently by the Hubble space telescope.
Faint wispy pale clouds can be clearly seen. See the text file for full
HUBNEP.TXT Text file describing the HUBNEP.JPG image.
INDEX.JPG Index of the JPG images in this file area.
IP0TITN1.GIF 320x200x256 Excellent image of Titan, Neptunes moon.
jpl17_1.jpg False-color image of Neptune. Red areas are semitransparent haze covering planet.
jpl17_10.jpg Detail of Neptune's rings.
jpl17_11.jpg Bright southern hemisphere on Triton.
jpl17_12.jpg View about 300 miles across of Triton's surface.
jpl17_13.jpg Triton from 80,000 miles. Long feature is probably a narrow down-dropped fault block.
jpl17_14.jpg Triton's south polar terrain. About 50 dark plumes mark what may be ice volcanoes.
jpl17_15.jpg Triton from 25,000 miles. Depressions may be caused by melting and collapsing of icy surface.
jpl17_16.jpg Computer-generated perspective view of one of Triton's caldera-like depressions.
jpl17_17.jpg High-resolution color mosaic of Triton.
jpl17_18.jpg Triton just after closest approach.
jpl17_19.jpg Post-encounter view of Neptune's south pole.
jpl17_2.jpg Neptune's Great Dark Spot, accompanied by white high-altitude clouds.
jpl17_20.jpg Neptune and Triton 3 days after flyby. Triton is smaller crescent and is closer to viewer.
jpl17_3.jpg Cloud systems in Neptune's southern hemisphere.
jpl17_5.jpg Great Dark Spot on Neptune. This storm system rotates counterclockwise.
jpl17_6.jpg High-altitude cloud streaks in Neptune's atmosphere.
jpl17_7.jpg Two views of satellite 1989N2. Dark, irregularly shaped moon was discovered by Voyager 2.
jpl17_8.jpg Neptune's satellite 1989N1, discovered by Voyager 2.
jpl17_9.jpg Neptune's ring system, shown in two exposures lasting nearly 10 minutes each.
LARISSA.GIF Voyager 2 image of Larissa, the satellite of Neptune.
NEP4.GIF (576*432*256) Grey scale image of the planet Neptune
NEPANEL1.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Neptune
NEPANEL2.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Neptune clouds and body of planet.
NEPANEL3.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Neptune clouds and great dark spot.
NEPANEL4.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Neptune Rings.
NEPANEL5.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Neptune Rings.
NEPTCRES.JPG 1000x1500 image of the crescent Neptune, from Voyager, colour.
NEPTGDS2.GIF (320*200*16) Neptunes second dark spot, as seen by Voyager.
NEPTHIC.JPG 1500x1000 colour picture of high clouds in Neptune's atmosphere.
NEPTUNE.GIF 320x200x32 The planet Neptune with storm features.
NEPTUNE1.GIF 320x200x32 Neptune.
NEPTUNE2.GIF (320*200*16) Great Dark Spot, up close.
NEPTUNE4.GIF 640x480x16 Greyscale Neptune and Triton - Neat.
NEPTUNE4.JPG 640x480 Globe of the planet Neptune.
NEPTUNE5.JPG 640x480 Globe of the planet Neptune.
NEPTUNEC.GIF (320*200*256) Nice deep blue image of the planet Neptune.
NEPTUNED.GIF (650*650*256) Colour image of the planet Neptune, showing the Great Dark Spot.
NEPTUNED.JPG 650x650x256 Delicately coloured globe of Neptune.
NEPTUNEX.GIF (500*500*256) Excellent image of Neptune, in colour, direct from NASA.
NEPTUNQ1.GIF (640*480*256) Voyager approaches Neptune - JPL simulated view.
NEPTUNQ2.GIF (640*480*256) Voyager looks back at Neptune & Triton - JPL simulated view.
PROTEU2M.GIF A second airbrush map of Proteus.
PROTEU2M.TXT Text file describing PROTEU2M.GIF.
PROTEUS.GIF Voyager 2 image of Protues, the satellite of Neptune.
PROTEUSM.GIF Airbrish map of Proteus, the moon of Neptune.
PROTEUSM.TXT Text file describing PROTEUSM.GIF.
SB91012G.GIF (640*480*256) 10/10 Triton Montage - superb detail.
SB91012G.JPG 640x480x256 Colour mosaic of Neptune's moon Triton.
TRITON1.GIF 320x200x32 Nice image of Triton.
TRITONQ1.GIF (640*480*256) Voyager passes Triton, from JPL simulation.
TRPANEL1.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Triton Closeup.
TRPANEL3.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Triton Globe.
TRPANEL4.GIF (640*480*256) Control info + Triton + Neptune Crescents.