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- Mercator map of Titan
- The latitude ranges from 40 deg South to 50 deg North, the longitude from
- 0 to 0, with 180 in the center. The grid is 10 deg in latitude and 45 in
- longitude. The sub-Saturn point is at 0 E, 7 N.
- This map was made from the 14 F850LP fimages of Titan, which are primarily
- sensitive to the 0.94 micron methane window. At the beginning of our
- obsering period, the sub-Earth longitude was about 120 deg. The first
- seven images were taken approximately every seven hours, and will be used
- to attempt to locate and track clouds in a sort of Titanian weather movie.
- During the time these first seven images were taken, the large bright
- feature slowly moved off of the observable disk. The next seven images
- were spaced about every 32 hours and gave us near complete coverage of the
- surface, with the exception of a 96 hour gap centered near 10 deg. The
- bright feature re-appeared in the last two images.
- To make the map, the haze background was subtracted from each image. The
- resulting images were individually projected onto a map, and they were
- then averaged to make what you see. Maps made from even iand odd images in
- the sequence were compared against each other to verify that the larger
- and brighter features are all real, that is, observed in multiple images.
- Some of the brightness may be from clouds, and the smaller and less
- contrasty "features" are likely to be noise. Signal to noise in the
- original images was ~200:1, and the range of contrast shown is plus or
- minus ~5% from the mean.