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Image from the NASA/IRTF using the near-infrared 256*256 array
camera, NSFCAM:
Two sets of images are shown. The July 12 image set shows
the typical aspect of Jupiter in 8 different near-infrared
"colors". On the top row, images are shown taken in colors
that are progressively more affected by gas absorption
in the atmosphere (namely, hydrogen and methane, the main
absorbers of light in the Jovian atmosphere). The gas
absorption prevents light from reaching deep levels in the
atmosphere: as that absorption increases (as from left
to right in the top row images), only higher and higher
levels of the atmosphere can be viewed. At 2.27 um ,
the very large absorption allows one to see only the
stratosphere in any clarity. There, the polar hazes
(a thin veil of haze thought to be generated by magnetospheric
ions smashing into the hydrogen- and methane-rich atmosphere and
therby generating more complex, solid molecules) can be
seen. However, much more optically-thick condensate clouds (principally
ammonia ice particles) disappear below the gaseous murk, leaving
the high-altitude but actually very thin veil of stratospheric polar
hazes as the dominant reflector.
The second row shows the polar aurorae in the first three
pictures. The leftmost picture is taken in an extremely
absorbing wavelength, where methane wipes out virtually every
bit of sunlight that strikes the planet. The only light seen
from Jupiter is light that Jupiter emits itself from very
high altitudes, i.e, auroral emission from the H3+ molecule.
The next two images show this aurorae again, but with
progressively more contribution from cloud reflections of
sunlight as methane absorption becomes progressively
less effective, allowing us to see through the "murk" once
again to underlying clouds. The last image shows five-micron
radiation generated in the relatively-warm deep atmosphere. At
this wavelength, the Sun's light is very feeble. The bulk
of the radiation that is seen from Jupiter is generated by
Jupiter's own heat. However, overlying clouds above the
source of heat generation (at about 5 bars pressure) obscures
much of this radiation. Light is seen emanating only in
relatively cloud-free (or less cloudy) regions of Jupiter...
The July 17 set shows the affect of the comet impacts on
the atmosphere. At wavelengths which allow one to peer
deep in the atmosphere (such as 1.6 um and 4.0), not much
affect is seen. However, at wavelengths which restrict
deep-atmosphere viewing, the impact sites are more and
more prominent, in a relative sense to other features
such as the Great Red Spot (near the right hand side
of these images). Two impact sites are seen near the
western limb. Impact Site A is the one nearest the
center (left of center), here seen having just completed
its first Jovian "day" or rotation after the impact of
the A fragment some 12 hours earlier. Impact Site C, here seen just
one hour after impact, is near the limb. In most absorption
bands (such as 2.27 um), Impact site C is dimmer than A,
indicating that it has less reflective clouds. However, it is
quite prominent in the deepest absorption bands (such as 3.4
um), probably indicating a higher altitude cloudtop than for A,at
this time. However, its strong prominence in both 3.4 and 3.8-um
pictures may indicate other effects (such as thermal
or auroral emission).
Submitted by Kevin H. Baines for the NASA IRTF Comet
Science Team.