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The "Classic Edition" (i.e., the normal/old/regular version) of AGT is very
simple to use and can be used by programming novices or even by
non-programmer's to create very professional text adventures similar to those
from firms like Infocom. Versions of the "Classic Edition" are available for
IBM (both DOS and Windows versions -- available separately), Macintosh, Atari
ST and Amiga computers and games created on any of these computers can be
re-compiled and played on any of the other computers. The Classic Edition is
still supported and available from Softworks as Shareware for only $20 (or $40
including a 223 page printed manual with lots and lots of detailed examples).
People who are already registered users of AGT may upgrade to the WINDOWS
version for only $ 12.00.
The "Master's Edition" contains all the features and capabilities of the
"Classic Edition" plus a whole lot more. It is totally compatible with the
Classic Edition and games originally developed for the Classic Edition can be
easily converted to and used with the Master's Edition. The Master's Edition
is available only for IBM (DOS only) computers. The Master's Edition is aimed
at the more sophisticated and experienced programmer/game designer. The
Master's Edition allows you to create games that are approximately twice as
large as those possible using the Classic Edition. Plus, your games can have
optional graphic illustrations, sound effects, music, "pop-up" hints, unique
fonts (EGA or VGA screens only), and a customizeable "look-and-feel" user
interface including a menu-driven player input option.
The Master's Edition is available from Softworks for only $50. This price
includes the cost of seven ZIPped disks with over 5 megabytes of goodies
including complete documentation on disk, a bunch of game creation utilities,
several brand new sample games including the complete AGT source code to
HUMONGOUS CAVE (believed to be the largest text adventure game available on
any microcomputer).
Which version is right for you? If you are a "power" gamer/programmer and
know that you can use (or need) the full power of the Master's Edition, then
by all means -- get the Master's Edition. If you have less experience with
programming or game design, then you should probably start with the Classic
Edition. If you select the Classic Edition, you can always upgrade later when
you need the full power of the Master's Edition -- for a special "registered
AGT user" upgrade price of only $35.
Remit to:
43064 Via Moraga
Mission San Jose, California 94539-5748
You can also order by phone using your Mastercard or VISA by dialing
(510) 659-0533, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM., PST ONLY, Monday to Thursday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM., PST ONLY, Saturday and Sunday
AGT Registration (Classic Edition -- DOS or Windows).......$ 20.00 $ ______
includes: (1) Notice of future AGT upgrades, new AGT Adventures and
related AGT products. (2) Latest version of the programs, sample
Adventure game source files (CAVE, CRUSADE, UNDERGND, ALICE and others),
and summary documentation on disk. Over one and half megabyte of program
and data files -- ZIPped on two disks. (3) Telephone support from 7 PM to
9 PM PST (M-Th) plus Weekends. (4) The option to upgrade to the Master's
Edition of AGT at any time for only $ 35. SPECIFY Windows or DOS!!!!
Above with printed AGT manual (Classic Edition)........... $ 40.00 $ ______
includes: Above items plus printed manual (223 pages) with numerous
detailed examples on how to use the Adventure Game Toolkit to create very
professional and very clever Adventure games. The printed AGT manual has
approximately 300% the amount of information as contained in the summary
disk documentation.
Printed "Classic Edition" AGT manual (Only) .............. $ 25.00 $ ______
Registered Users Upgrade to WINDOWS version of "Classic".. $ 12.00 $ ______
Master's Edition AGT Purchase ............................ $ 50.00 $ ______
The Master's Edition of AGT is for the IBM only and is aimed at
more sophisticated programmers/game designers. The package includes:
(1) Notice of future AGT upgrades, new AGT Adventures and related AGT
products. (2) Latest version of the Master's Edition programs and
utilities, sample Adventure game source files (HUMONGOUS CAVE, HURRY,
PORK, SQUYNCH, PIRATE and others), and complete documentation on disk.
Over three megabyte of program and data files -- ZIPped on seven disks.
(3) Telephone support from 7 PM to 9 PM PST (M-Th) plus Weekends.
Orders are normally shipped by US mail at no additional charge.
For UPS ground shipment, please add $5.00............. $ 5.00 $ ______
Shipments outside the United States are sent via Air Mail:
For shipments to Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand
or Australia add ................................ $ 14.00 $ ______
For shipments to Canada or Mexico add............... $ 6.00 $ ______
For shipments to Great Britain and Europe add....... $ 10.00 $ ______
For shipments elsewhere outside the USA add......... $ 12.00 $ ______
Subtotal $ ______
(California residents please add 8.25% sales tax) Tax $ ______
******** U.S. Dollars ONLY!!! -------------->>> Total $ ______
Payment by: ( ) Check ( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA ( ) Cash
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Company: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
: ____________________________________________________________
City : ____________________________________________________________
State: ___________________________ Zip:____________________________
Country: ____________________________________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________ Eve: ___________________________
Card #: _________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________
Signature of cardholder: ____________________________________________
AGT Version/Disk Size desired: ______ Macintosh ______ Atari ST ______ Amiga
______ IBM 5 1/4 ______ IBM 3 1/2
------------------------ User comments ------------------------------
I heard about the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT) from
[ ] - Friend [ ] - Disk Vendor
[ ] - Computer Club [ ] - Computer Store
[ ] - CompuServe [ ] - BIX
[ ] - GEnie [ ] - Electronic Bulletin Board
[ ] - Other - Please Specify ________________________________
We would also appreciate any input you would care to give concerning
AGT. If you have any ideas or comments that would make AGT a better
system, then please let us know.
We value your comments and/or suggestions: