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Welcome the The Delrina Opus 'n Bill Sampler README.TXT!
***** If you already own the Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver,
you have the modules in this sampler set! ******
To install the Opus 'n Bill Sampler:
a. Create a new empty directory for the sampler files.
b. Place OPUSNB.EXE in the new directory.
c. From DOS, change to the directory containing OPUSNB.EXE
d. Type "OPUSNB" at the the DOS prompt.
e. A list of the unzipped files follows...
The directory you created for the Opus 'n Bill Sampler
should contain these files:
This file will be created in the Windows directory:
*LICENSE.TXT contains the Opus 'n Bill Sampler license agreement.
**THEPITCH.TXT contains information on how to order
the Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver.
OPUSNB.EXE zipped file size (approx) = 420k
Total size of the unzipped files (approx) = 820k
To Run the Opus 'n Bill Sampler:
a. From the Windows File Menu in Progam Manager select Run.
b. Choose <Browse...>
c. Select the appropriate directory, (the one containing
d. Highlight "OBSAMPLE.EXE"
e. Press <Enter> or <OK> to select, then <Enter> or <OK> to run.
f. Prepare to be entertained by the Opus 'n Bill Sampler!
The Opus 'n Bill Sampler does not make changes to any of
your .INI files or to your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files.
It should be very easy to cleanly remove the sampler
when you upgrade to the full-featured screen saver.
To remove the Opus 'n Bill Sampler:
a. Ensure that the Opus 'n Bill Sampler is not running.
(You can do this by removing the sampler from the
Startup Group & restarting Windows, or by exiting
from Windows to DOS.)
b. From Windows File Manager (or from DOS),
delete the directory containing OBSAMPLE.EXE.
c. From Windows File Manager (or from DOS),
delete OBSAMPLE.INI from the Windows directory.
1. The Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver is a sound-capable
multimedia product. Sound will run through an installed
sound card or through the internal speakers of your computer
if either driver has been installed.
You can check to see if either driver has been installed by
looking in the Control Panel in the Main Group of your
Windows Program Manager.
If you don't have a sound driver installed, the internal
speaker driver can be downloaded from the Delrina forum
under the Consumer Software Division section on Compuserve.
From America Online, you can download the speaker
driver file from the PC Forum, Sound & Music library.
The filename is SPEAK.EXE.
2. The Opus 'n Bill Sampler is not designed to run
while other screen savers are running. This includes
Intermission 4.0, 3.0, 2.0 and Screenpeace. The sampler
will not run modules from other screen saver products,
although the sampler modules can be added to
Intermission 4.0 (see instructions below).
3. The following features have been disabled or removed
from the full-featured Opus 'n Bill Screen Saver to create
this sampler:
All "Start-up" Options:
Auto Blank, Using Password
All "DOS Saving" Options:
Save DOS
Re-Maximize 386 Enhanced DOS Session
Blank Exclusive DOS Box
"Novell Password" Option:
Use Novell Password
"Add" Option:
No modules can be added to the Opus 'n Bill Sampler
"Remove" Option:
No Modules can be removed from the Opus 'n Bill Sampler
4. The Opus 'n Bill Sampler ships with the same Help
as Intermission 4.0. So, don't be alarmed if you find Help
documented for features which don't exist in the Sampler
(such as the disabled functions -- DOS options, Novell
Password, etc.).
Because the Opus 'n Bill Sampler does not have an Install
program, automatic recognition of the Winfax Pro comm port
is not supported by the sampler.
Intermission 4.0 and the full-featured Opus 'n Bill ARE able
to recognize and intelligently monitor the comm port that
WinFax Pro is using to enable error free faxing!
If you have been avoiding screen savers until now because
they tend to bounce your incoming faxes, check out Delrina's
full-featured screen savers!
WinFax Pro owners: If you also own Intermission 4.0 and are
used to getting port-monitoring functionality when WinFax
is set to receive faxes, we offer the following solution...
Owners of Intermission 4.0 can add the two modules
that are included in this Opus 'n Bill Sampler!
[Adding Opus 'n Bill Sampler modules to Intermission 4.0]
a. Unzip the OPUSNB.EXE file as instructed above.
b. Run Intermission 4.0.
***The following must be done from Intermission 4.0,
NOT the sampler!***
c. Select the ADD button.
d. Change to the directory containing the unzipped files.
e. Highlight BUNGEE2.ASA and SWINGER.ASA
f. Select the ADD button.
g. The modules should appear in your Installed Saver list.
Known Opus 'n Bill Sampler Caveats:
[Cirrus Logic video cards]
Users of Cirrus Logic video cards, running the Cirrus Logic
drivers, could experience problems with the Opus 'n Bill
Sampler. You can check to see whether you are running the
Cirrus Logic drivers by checking the Windows Setup area in
the Main Group. If the Display reads "CL <code number>",
then you are running the Cirrus Logic drivers. You can
avoid driver-related errors you may be having by changing
to the Windows VGA or Super VGA driver.
[No modules installed]
If no modules are listed in the Installed Saver area of the
Opus 'n Bill Sampler, when the time has come to "save" the
screen you will experience a GPF (General Protection Fault).
Reinstall the sampler, according to the Install instructions
listed above.
[Black screen]
If the Opus 'n Bill Sampler turns the screen black instead
of running a module, remove the "Enable Sysmonitor (CPU Activity
Monitor)" check mark from the "Preferences" group.
This should provide a work-around for the problem.
[Random screen trails during animation]
If the characters leave black lines or traces of themselves
during the animation process, place a check mark in the
"Optimize for 16 Color" checkbox. This checkbox is located
in the "Configure" dialog.
[Odd Colors]
If the characters seem to be the wrong color, place a check
mark in the "Optimize for 16 Color" checkbox, and one in the
"Use RealColors if Available" checkbox. Both checkboxes are
located in the "Configure" dialog.