CYBER-MAG is a cinematic comic book series incorporating video, sound, fantastic artwork and interactivity into an on-going story series on CD-ROM.
Click on the DEMO button to view three pages of this exciting series, or click on any of the three box images for a sample screen from each episode and story description.
In Virtual Cop, there are three ways to view the story. First, you can watch the comic, where rich artwork, live-action video and sound tell the main story. Some pages contain interactive choices where you can affect the scene. Second, you can interview the characters to learn about their world. Third, you can explore the COP FILES exhibits and learn about the technology of Virtual Cop, even print blueprints on your printer (some features are inactive in this demo).
To open, just double-click on the CYBER-MAG Demo icon and click on the buttons you are interested in.
Check out our web site at to order Virtual Cop or to get more information about CafΘ Entertainment, Inc.
CafΘ Entertainment is a division of Digital CafΘ, Inc. The CafΘ was founded in 1991 for the development of entertainment, marketing and promotional products for the entertainment industry. In addition to production services, Digital CafΘ has access to both traditional consumer and online distribution, replication, packaging and promotion. For more information about our company, its divisions, its clientele or its consumer products, check out the our web site (see above), E-Mail us or call us at 612-227-1000.