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BASIC Source File
270 lines
INPUT "Mode? (<ENTER> for regular play.)", o$
IF o$ = "cheat" THEN 1
IF o$ = "" THEN 10
2 INPUT "Enter cheat code...", n$
GOTO 55555
10 CLS
40 PRINT "RACING MADNESS II: The Race Car Match! + The RM2 Upgrade 2.0 + SECRET 1.0"
49 PRINT "By: Matt Stidle"
60 INPUT "Press <ENTER> to bet on the race.", a$
70 CLS
71 INPUT "Please enter racer 1's name...", c$
72 INPUT "Please enter racer 2's name (Same amount of letters as 1)...", d$
3783 INPUT "What is broadcaster 1's name?", v$
39903 INPUT "What is broadcater 2's name?", q$
73 INPUT "Is racer 1 a he or she?", y$
74 INPUT "Is racer 2 a he or she?", z$
75 IF y$ = "he" THEN g$ = "him"
76 IF y$ = "she" THEN g$ = "her"
10020 IF z$ = "he" THEN s$ = "his"
30289 IF z$ = "she" THEN s$ = "her"
100000 IF y$ = "she" THEN j$ = "She"
101010 IF y$ = "he" THEN j$ = "He"
10001 IF y$ = "he" THEN l$ = "his"
10002 IF y$ = "she" THEN l$ = "her"
10003 IF y$ = "he" THEN k$ = "his"
10004 IF y$ = "she" THEN k$ = "her"
77 PRINT "Sorry, but this is crucial for the game!!!"
78 SLEEP 2
79 CLS
80 PRINT c$; " or "; d$; ", who will win?"
81 INPUT b$
90 CLS
100 PRINT v$; ": The race will soon begin..."
110 SLEEP 2
120 PRINT q$; ": But first, a word from our sponsor, VORTEC@..."
130 SLEEP 2
140 CLS
150 PRINT "Yes folks, it's here again, RACING MADNESS!!!"
155 SLEEP 2
156 CLS
160 PRINT "It is better than the first one by far with a longer race and 2"
161 PRINT "sportscasters!!!"
165 SLEEP 5
167 CLS
170 PRINT "But watch out for RACING MADNESS III: The Final Race, to check out"
180 PRINT "2, yes I said 2 tracks!!! It even has tracks that go longer than"
190 PRINT "ever!!! This all comes together to make the best text race EVER!!!"
200 SLEEP 10
205 CLS
210 PRINT "Now, back to the regularly scheduled race..."
220 SLEEP 1
230 PRINT v$; ": Okay folks, there they go..."
235 SLEEP 2
240 PRINT q$; ": AND THEY'RE OFF!!!"
250 SLEEP 2
260 CLS
270 PRINT c$; "- *>"
280 PRINT d$; "- *>"
290 PRINT v$; ": I think that "; d$; "'s gonna take this one for sure..."
300 PRINT q$; ": We can't be too sure of that at this point in the race..."
310 SLEEP 5
320 CLS
330 PRINT c$; "- *>"
340 PRINT d$; "- *>"
350 PRINT q$; ": Wow, "; c$; " really took off!!! What do you think "; y$; " did?"
360 PRINT v$; ": I don't know, but it better not be illegal!!!"
370 SLEEP 5
380 CLS
390 PRINT c$; "- *>"
400 PRINT d$; "- *>"
410 PRINT v$; ": I think this is pretty close, you?"
420 PRINT q$; ": Yeah, "; d$; " isn't taking off fast like last time..."
430 SLEEP 5
440 CLS
450 PRINT c$; "- *>"
460 PRINT d$; "- *>"
470 PRINT q$; ": Wow!!! I spoke a BIT too soon, Chuck..."
480 PRINT v$; ": I think you did! I would advise you to SHUT UP next time, ha."
490 SLEEP 6
500 CLS
510 PRINT c$; "- *>"
520 PRINT d$; "- *>"
530 PRINT q$; ": I KNOW you didn't just tell ME to shut up!"
540 PRINT v$; ": I DID!"
550 SLEEP 5
560 CLS
570 PRINT c$; "- *>"
580 PRINT d$; "- *>"
590 PRINT v$; ": Now, let's not get into a fight, we've got a job to do..."
600 PRINT q$; ": I agree, we're grown sportscasters..."
610 SLEEP 5
620 CLS
630 PRINT c$; "- *>"
640 PRINT d$; "- *>"
650 PRINT q$; ": They're not moving, there must be a problem..."
660 PRINT v$; ": No, they just sat in the middle of the track for nothing, dimhead.."
670 SLEEP 6
680 CLS
690 PRINT c$; "- *>"
700 PRINT d$; "- *>"
710 PRINT q$; ": You're calling me names again!"
720 PRINT v$; ": Am not!"
730 SLEEP 5
735 CLS
740 PRINT c$; "- *>"
750 PRINT d$; "- *>"
760 PRINT q$; ": Are too!"
770 PRINT v$; ": LOOK!!! We've got a show to do, now we should just cool it..."
780 SLEEP 5
790 CLS
800 PRINT c$; "- *>"
810 PRINT d$; "- *>"
820 PRINT v$; ": Seems like "; c$; " is having troubles with "; k$; " engine..."
830 PRINT q$; ": Let's use the MIND-CAM to see what their thinking..."
840 SLEEP 6
850 CLS
860 BEEP
870 PRINT "MIND-CAM data:"
890 PRINT c$; ": Oh man, my engine's gettin hot. I think I should stop... Na!!!"
900 PRINT d$; ": I'm hot on "; c$; "'s trail now, I know I'll win!"
920 PRINT "Copyright MIND-CAM @1995, VORTEC@ "
930 SLEEP 10
940 CLS
950 PRINT c$; "- *>"
960 PRINT d$; "- *>"
970 PRINT v$; ": Seems that "; c$; "'s having problems..."
980 PRINT q$; ": Yes, "; y$; "'s moving slowly..."
990 SLEEP 5
1000 CLS
1010 PRINT c$; "- *>"
1020 PRINT d$; "- *>"
1030 PRINT v$; ": Oh NO! If "; c$; " just sits there "; y$; "'ll be sure to lose..."
1040 PRINT q$; ": "; d$; " is really getting ahead..."
1050 SLEEP 5
1060 CLS
1070 PRINT c$; "- *>"
1080 PRINT d$; "- *>"
1090 PRINT v$; ": "; c$; " moved, but not too far..."
1100 PRINT q$; ": Let's use the EXPRESSO-CAM to see the drivers' expressions."
1110 SLEEP 6
1120 CLS
1130 BEEP
1150 PRINT
1160 PRINT c$; "- :)"
1170 PRINT d$; "- :*"
1180 PRINT
1190 PRINT "EXPRESSO-CAM copyright, @1995, VORTEC$"
1200 SLEEP 8
1210 CLS
1220 PRINT c$; "- *>"
1230 PRINT d$; "- *>"
1240 PRINT v$; ": The expression on "; c$; "'s face was weird..."
1250 PRINT q$; ": I guess, but "; y$; " may still have a chance!"
1260 SLEEP 5
1270 CLS
1280 PRINT c$; "- *>"
1290 PRINT d$; "- *>"
1300 PRINT v$; ": "; d$; " thinks "; z$; "'s sooo cool, waiting up for "; c$; "..."
1310 PRINT q$; ": Yeah, real jerk, "; d$; " is."
1320 SLEEP 5
1330 CLS
1340 PRINT c$; "- *>"
1350 PRINT d$; "- *>"
1360 PRINT v$; ": Goodness, I didn't think I'd see "; c$; " pull up like that!!!"
1370 PRINT q$; ": "; j$; " must have worked out "; k$; " engine problems, oh MIND-CAM?!?"
1380 SLEEP 6
1390 CLS
1394 BEEP
1400 PRINT "MIND-CAM data:"
1410 PRINT
1420 PRINT c$; "- I am sooooo happy I got the engine goin'!"
1430 PRINT d$; "- Why must "; c$; " ALWAYS embarrass me?!?"
1440 PRINT
1450 PRINT "You know all the copyright stuff!"
1460 SLEEP 8
1470 CLS
1480 PRINT c$; "- *> |FINISH"
1490 PRINT d$; "- *> |FINISH"
1500 PRINT v$; ": I haven't seen a race this close in ages!"
1510 PRINT q$; ": Yeah, the last time "; c$; " and "; d$; " raced..."
1520 SLEEP 6
1530 CLS
1540 PRINT c$; "- *> |FINISH"
1550 PRINT d$; "- *> |FINISH"
1560 PRINT v$; ": Why does "; c$; " have to fall behind that idiot?"
1570 PRINT q$; ": Oh, "; c$; "'ll catch up in a matter of time..."
1580 SLEEP 6
1590 CLS
1600 PRINT c$; "- *> |FINISH"
1610 PRINT d$; "- *> |FINISH"
1620 PRINT q$; ": That was a nice little zoom on "; c$; "'s part..."
1630 PRINT v$; ": Not enough to give "; g$; " the lead, I'm afraid..."
1640 SLEEP 6
1650 CLS
1660 PRINT c$; "- *>|FINISH"
1670 PRINT d$; "- *>|FINISH"
1680 PRINT v$; ": I think it's..."
1690 PRINT q$; ": It looks like..."
1700 SLEEP 4
1710 CLS
1720 COLOR 1
1730 PRINT "A TIE!"
1740 SLEEP 2
1745 CLS
1750 COLOR 2
1760 PRINT "A TIE!"
1770 SLEEP 2
1780 CLS
1790 COLOR 3
1800 PRINT "A TIE!"
1810 SLEEP 2
1820 CLS
1830 COLOR 9
1840 PRINT "It's all the judges' desicion (Wait 1 minute...)"
1850 SLEEP 60
1855 CLS
1860 BEEP
1870 BEEP
1880 BEEP
1890 BEEP
1900 BEEP
1925 PRINT c$; " is 1, "; d$; " is 2.."
1930 PRINT "The judges' desicion is:"
1940 SLEEP 3
1945 IF o$ = "" THEN 3994
1950 PRINT t$; " is the winner!!!"
1955 PRINT "You said that "; b$; " would win!!!"
1960 SLEEP 10
1970 CLS
1980 PRINT "Thank you..."
1990 SLEEP 1
2000 PRINT "For buying..."
2010 SLEEP 1
2020 PRINT "Or trying..."
2030 SLEEP 1
2040 PRINT "RACING MADNESS II: The Race Car Match..."
2050 SLEEP 1
2060 PRINT "And look out..."
2070 SLEEP 1
2080 PRINT "For more VORTEC@ games..."
2090 SLEEP 1
2100 PRINT "VORTEC, 1995!!!"
2110 END
55555 IF n$ = "mfgj4541" THEN t$ = "1"
55556 IF n$ = "mfgj4542" THEN t$ = "2"
3995 x% = INT(RND * 2) + 1
3996 PRINT x%; "is the winner!!!"
GOTO 1955