Sunny 1,000 Collection
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File List
206 lines
87MISCCB.ZIP 115118 09-25-95 1000 Misc. Games from 1987, ChessBase
94ISR_CA.ZIP 34932 02-24-95 1994 Israeli National Championship Chess Ass.
94LP_CA.ZIP 18144 02-24-95 1994 Las Palmas; Chess Assistant with Tree.
94LP_PGN.ZIP 20229 02-21-95 1994 Las Palmas; PGN Format.
94METZCB.ZIP 13200 09-07-95 1994 Metz Open ChessBase Format.
95AUS_CA.ZIP 10282 09-15-95 1995 Melbourne (Aus) Masters, Chess Assistant
95AUS_PG.ZIP 13468 09-15-95 1995 Melbourne (Aus) Masters, PGN Format
95BRMUCB.ZIP 11785 03-20-95 1995 Bermuda: ChessBase.
95BRN_CA.ZIP 33621 02-24-95 1995 Bern, Chess Assistant with Tree.
95BRN_PG.ZIP 41044 02-19-95 1995 Bern, PGN Format.
95MALMCB.ZIP 6815 08-13-95 1995 Malme (Sweden) ChessBase
95NETHCA.ZIP 21266 03-15-95 Netherlands Ch.: Chess Assistant with Tree.
95NETHPG.ZIP 24019 03-10-95 Netherlands Ch.: PGN Format. 1995.
95RED_CB.ZIP 7776 02-04-95 The 1995 Redcar Open England: ChessBase.
95REG_CB.ZIP 8372 03-15-95 Reggio Emilio: ChessBase. 1995.
95RIL_CA.ZIP 41162 02-13-95 1995 Rilton Cup, Chess Assistant with Tree.
95RUS_CA.ZIP 9479 08-13-95 1995 Russian Armed Forces Ch., Chess
| Assistant
95RUS_PG.ZIP 11079 08-13-95 1995 Russian Armed Forces Ch., PGN Format
95SCHWPG.ZIP 38118 03-10-95 Schwabisch: Pgn Format. 1995.
95WAZ_CA.ZIP 39289 02-13-95 1995 Wijk aan Zee, Chess Assistant with Tree.
95WAZ_NB.ZIP 20793 02-13-95 1995 Wijk aan Zee, NicBase 3 Format.
ADAMS_CB.ZIP 47262 02-19-95 398 Michael Adams Games: Chessbase.
ALAPINCA.ZIP 573025 02-13-95 Sicilian Alapin, 5114 Games Chess Assistant
ALEKDEF.ZIP 1351542 03-10-95 Alekhine's Defense, 10,593 games
BASMANCA.ZIP 17262 02-02-95 Eighty-nine Unorthodox Opening Games by Mike
BATLLE.ZIP 930776 10-21-97 A Chess Game
BC4DEMO.ZIP 1408931 08-30-93 Battle Chess 4000 Demo
BENONICB.ZIP 998453 09-22-95 Benoni Def. 7265 Games ChessBase Format
BLED61PG.ZIP 35056 02-19-95 Bled '61: Tal, Fischer, Najdorf, Portisch
BOTV_PG.ZIP 178424 05-22-95 Botvinnik Games Collection; 904 Games; PGN
| Format
CENTAUR.ZIP 73717 06-02-94 Russian Award Winning Chess Playing Program
CHESS.ZIP 8182194 11-01-95 Bobby Fishcer Teaches Chess Preview
CHESSCLK.ZIP 51262 10-21-97 ************ CHESSCLK 1.2 *************
| Full featured chess clock with large
| digital display. Useful for tournament
| play or timed "blitz" games. Features
| move counter, clock "in use" flag, opt-
| ional "low time" warning, and optional
| stimulating "flasher". Requires 286 or
| or better & VGA. Includes source. Only
| $1.00 to register.
CHESSRPL.ZIP 149896 07-04-93 CHESSRP3 VERSION 3.3 <ASP> CHESSRP3 replays
| CHESS games from users own input data file.
| CHESS MOVES file coded directly from input
| document w/ comments. Can play game forward +
| backwards. Alt, preset board at random.
| Display file coll. on-line +HELP+ERROR
| descript. VGA+IBM cmpat re
CHSCLK12.ZIP 51720 04-15-95 ************ CHESSCLK 1.2 *************
| Full featured chess clock with large
| digital display. Useful for tournament
| play or timed "blitz" games. Features
| move counter, clock "in use" flag, opt-
| ional "low time" warning, and optional
| stimulating "flasher". Requires 286 or
| or better & VGA. Includes source. Only
| $1.00 to register.
CHSU4.ZIP 72781 10-21-97 ===================
| CHESSU4 For windows
| ===================
CVIEW.ZIP 243232 10-21-97 C h e s s V i e w
| ver 2.50
| Nightware
| Copyright 1991 All Rights Reserved
DIACHESS.ZIP 109627 10-21-97 DiaChess 1.0: Allows you to record and print
| complete chess games with a diagram for every
| move. DiaChess is also a valuable teaching
| and study tool for serious players. Ideal for
| printing a permanent record of tournament
| games. Improve your play by studying your own
| games, the games of masters, and standard
| "book" openings. Printing requires an IBM- or
| Epson-compatible dot matrix printer.
| Shareware ($20.00) from TNT Software.
DRAGONCA.ZIP 505288 03-15-95 Sicilian Dragon. 4860 Games. Chess Assist.
E2NF6_CB.ZIP 127186 02-18-95 1.C4 c5 2.nc3 Nf6 1102 Games; Chessbase.
FIS60_CA.ZIP 10951 04-01-95 Bobby Fischer's 60 Most Memorable Games
FIS60_NB.ZIP 5175 04-01-95 Bobby Fischer's 60 Most Memorable Games
FISCH_NB.ZIP 65234 03-27-95 Bobby Fischer, All Games: NicBase 3.
| LINES OR your companys NETWORK. ALSO
GAZCHESS.ZIP 297078 10-21-97 Gazebo Chess! For windows
GKKRAMCA.ZIP 8521 02-13-95 Garry's Post-Mortem of Kasparov-kramnik
GNUCHESS.ZIP 537503 10-21-97 Gnu Chess Version 3.21 Game for Windows NT
| If you thought chess was for squares then
| think again! Because now it's
| for hexagons instead!
JPOLG_CA.ZIP 76498 09-03-95 Judit Polgar, 715 Games Chess Assistant
JPOLG_NB.ZIP 54100 09-03-95 Judit Polgar, 715 Games, NicBase 3 Format
KARPCKCB.ZIP 24869 09-04-95 Karpov's Caro-Kann 190 Games ChessBase
KARPCKPG.ZIP 33737 09-04-95 Karpov's Caro-Kann 190 Games PGN Format
KCHESS20.ZIP 154909 03-16-95 K-CHESS 2.0 - an instructional Chess program
| which shows its calculations as it works.
| It features various types of hints and help
| such as showing the best line of attack for
| several moves ahead. One-player, two-player
| and autoplay modes. Move undo and redo.
| Fully keyboard or mouse controlled. Games
| can be printed and saved to disk.
KGNIM_CA.ZIP 20293 02-13-95 King's Gambit. Nimzowitch Defense
KIA_CA.ZIP 519345 02-18-95 Comprehensive King's Indian Attack
KIAVB_CB.ZIP 266216 09-21-95 King's Indian Averbach, 1925 Games, ChessBase
KIDSAMCA.ZIP 535509 09-17-95 King's Indian, Saemisch var., 6915 Games,
| Chess Assistant
KISAMPG1.ZIP 258233 09-17-95 King's Indian, Saemisch 6915 Games, PGN, Disk
| 1 of 4. Disks are in chronologic order.
KISAMPG3.ZIP 306649 09-17-95 King's Indian, Saemisch 6915 Games, PGN, Disk
| 3 of 4. Disks are in chronologic order.
KNGTTOUR.ZIP 17006 04-04-93 Knights Tour Of A Chess Board
LAMPOON.ZIP 2853407 10-21-97 Spectrum HoloByte Presents...
| National Lampoon's
| Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1!
LATV_CA.ZIP 69134 02-07-95 586 Latvian Gambit Games, Chess Assistant
LATV_PGN.ZIP 80336 02-07-95 586 Latvian Gambit Games, PGN Format.
LAZER.ZIP 152614 10-21-97 LazerChess v1.5
MATE.ZIP 124471 10-21-97 MATE is a true Virtual Reality Chess Game
| that allows TWO players to interact in a
| single virtual environment. In addition, you
| don't have to live close to your opponent.
| Just call them up and play over the modem
| and telephone lines.
MZX102.ZIP 560249 08-17-95 -- MegaZeux 1.02 -- From Software Visions --
| MegaZeux is a game designer's dream come
| true! Patterned after ZZT, MegaZeux includes
| a comprehensive game editor with an interal
| programming language, allowing you to create
| endless worlds of your own! One intricate
| world included, four with registration of
| $15. EGA/186 required, mouse/SB supported.
| World contest- send those worlds in!
NETCHESS.ZIP 46835 10-21-97 NETCHESS.ZIP>Verson 1.1 Use NetChess
| to play Chess across your network or
| across a phone line. Windows Graphics,
| Timed Moves. Fully Working, Netware
| compatible. Registered Version $1995
| Any Windows PC, Modem Recommended.
NOW.ZIP 88327 10-21-97 2d Chess program in VGA/EGA - An extremely
| strong player. Supports a mouse.
PARA94CA.ZIP 12395 02-19-95 1994 Paradubice. Chess Assistant with Tree.
PELIKNCB.ZIP 606452 09-12-95 Sicilian Pelikan/Lasker 5053 Games ChessBase
PMCHESS.ZIP 77246 10-21-97 Pmchess
REBEL6.ZIP 128444 10-21-97 PHOTON CHESS For Microsoft Windows.
REPLAY.ZIP 76665 10-21-97 Programmname: CHESS REPLAY
| Version : 3.3A
| Sprache : E
| Autor : CHESSRPL Software
| Programmart : Shareware
| System : DOS
| Rubrik : Spiele
| Beschreibung: Schachspiel-Utility
| ---------------------------------------------
| CHESSRP3 is a CHESS replay program. You se-
| lect a precoded CHESS game that you wish to
| play and CHESSRP3 sets up a game board on
| your PC monitor and invokes your game. You
| move the CHESS pieces with the up or down
| arrow keys. Preset a board at will and play
| from here. Code own games with any EDITOR
RETI_CB.ZIP 1149262 09-17-95 Reti Opening 9696 Games, ChessBase
SCAND_CB.ZIP 350471 09-12-95 Scandinavian Def. (1.e4 d5) 2941 Games
| ChessBase
SCHEV_CB.ZIP 1323724 12-15-95 Sicilian Scheveningen: 9719 Games. Chess
SHORT_CA.ZIP 176656 08-26-95 Nigel Short, 1164 Games Chess Assistant
SHORT_NB.ZIP 86137 08-26-95 Nigel Short, 1164 Games NicBase 3 Format
SICCL_CA.ZIP 688476 08-26-95 Closed Sicilian 5799 Games Chess Assistant
| with Tree
SIMULCHS.ZIP 191385 01-21-94 Simultaneous Match Player - is a
| roomful of world-class players ready to
| test your ability to handle the
| intricacies of the opening game of
| chess.
TBDEMO.ZIP 749325 10-21-97 TB DEMO
TRAP_CA.ZIP 16510 03-15-95 110 Tactical Miniatures. Chess Assistant
TRAP_PG.ZIP 8872 03-15-95 110 Tactical Miniatures. Pgn Format.
TW3949CB.ZIP 512028 10-01-95 The Week in Chess Nos. 39-49, ChessBase Data
TWIC48CA.ZIP 31347 09-10-95 The Week in Chess No. 48, Chess Assistant
| Data
TWIC49.ZIP 95137 09-18-95 Corrected: The Week in Chess No. 49, by Mark
| Crowther. Includes corrected PGN Games
| Section.
TWIC49CB.ZIP 32450 09-23-95 The Week in Chess No. 49, ChessBase Data
TWIC50CA.ZIP 9230 09-24-95 The Week in Chess No. 50, Chess Assistant
| Data
TWIC51.ZIP 50874 10-01-95 The Week in Chess No. 51, by Mark Crowther
TWIC51CB.ZIP 13550 10-01-95 The Week in Chess No. 51, ChessBase Data
UCHESS.ZIP 180221 10-21-97 UChess
USSR73CA.ZIP 67336 03-19-95 USSR '73 Ch.: Chess Assistant with Tree.
USSR73PG.ZIP 28519 03-19-95 USSR '73 Ch.: Pgn Format.
VULT_CA.ZIP 14334 02-13-95 The Vulture! 60 Games. Chess Assistant
WAXMAN.ZIP 2194109 10-21-97 W A X M A N version 1.2w
WINCHESS.ZIP 151731 10-21-97 WinChess