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IMPERIUM REX - v2.10 Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Brainstorm Software
IMPERIUM REX - v2.10 (Technical Information)
Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Brainstorm Software
The _Imperium Rex Game Editor_ and _Game Player_ were
compiled/assembled by Borland C++ 3.1 and Turbo
Assembler 3.1.
Concept development, programming, and testing by
_Glenn Robins_, of _Brainstorm Software_.
Concept development, testing, and story writing by
_Jens Winslow_.
---------------------- INTRO STORY ---------------------]-------
_A game of empire building and emperor making_
"The crown, thou a glittering prize,
will rest heavily upon thy brow.
Thou will soon find that the power of command,
the power to lead, the power to set the freedom and
rights of others, leaves you with precious little
freedom and choice yourself."
"Power wisely used,
and justice tempered with mercy,
are the corner stones of government.
Think and choose wisely, before reaching for that
glittering prize,
Think twice before wishing to be a leader of men.
Pray thou will not be remembered with a curse,
but expect no recognition for thy sacrifices and
labour." ...
"Thou can please some of the people some of the time,
but thou can not please all the people all the time.
To thou, if thy grasp that prize, fall the duty of
doing what must be done, to make the difficult
decisions, well knowing thou will get little reward
or recognition, but plenty of curses for thy trouble."
"Remember, the glittering crown of leadership must sit
on someone's brow,
better for all if they be worthy and capable. Dost thou
believe thy art that someone?
Only one way for thy to find out..."
So talked the mysterious old man with the fiery eyes so
long ago. Much has happened since then - perhaps it
would be wise to review the past and reaffirm your
purpose before you go on? ...
As a student of history and societies you have long
known that not all modes of government are equally
effective, efficient, or successful. All claim to work
for the best interests of its citizens, but surely only
one is the best. Determined to find the superior mode
of government you developed the theory of
socio-economics, which allowed you to evaluate various
methods of government.
Democracy, you found, is inherently inefficient, slow,
and wasteful, being ruled by the vocal minority and the
ignorant masses. It is incapable of a concentrated
effort, and the focus of energies necessary to solve the
problems facing humanity. ...
Dictatorships, while very efficient, fail to serve its
citizens. Sooner or later revolution or counter coup
cause them to fail, usually precipitated by the death of
the dictator (accidental or otherwise).
Elitism, the government by a small elite, while more
stable than dictatorships, and capable of concentrated
long-term efforts unlike democracies, eventually must
fail. Sooner or later they result in stagnation and
waste as the ruling class becomes increasingly decadent.
Bureaucracies are efficient under the conditions that
brought them about, and can be remarkably beneficial to
its members. But, often they can be more dictatorial
than the worst of dictatorships, lacking even a dictator
as focus for its citizens' anger when they are trampled
by a faceless bureaucracy. Also, bureaucracies grow ...
to enormous sizes - never has a bureaucracy succeeded in
downsizing, or adapting to a change in environment.
Using your theories of socio-economics, you found that
in all of history only an empire had the drive and focus
necessary to solve its problems while benefiting its
citizens. The emperor, acting as a leader and a focus
for his people has the power to do what must be done,
while working for the best of all. The emperor will
delegate the duties of command and power to those who
have the skills to use them, while preventing
exploitation of the citizens from whom his power flows.
Only in an empire is there the focus of leadership and
power necessary for an efficient, benign government,
capable of doing truly great work. Only an empire has
provided the benevolent guidance humanity needs, while
letting those with the skills to do a task do it. ...
Only in an empire is there benevolence and power. In an
Empire there are Heroes, Glory, and Justice!
Using and explaining your theories of socio-economics,
you have slowly gained control of your home city - the
populace realizing YOU are the one to efficiently and
benignly govern them. Ideally, given time the whole
planet - nay, the whole Galaxy - would join united under
your Imperial banner, and all of humanity would be
governed efficiently, for the good of all.
Unfortunately your secret theories of socio-economic
control were stolen. The usurpers are presently using
_your_ theories to make their own empire, forming an evil,
oppressive dictatorship and rapidly enslaving all of
humanity for their own ends and pleasures. ...
If you are to save humanity from eternal slavery under
this evil dictatorship that your theories helped to
create, _you_ must rapidly build your own empire and crush
the usurpers - for the good of humanity. This means
abandoning your policy of slow voluntary inclusion in
your empire. For the good of humanity YOU must guide
those who will follow (and force those who do not) to
do your bidding - to do what must be done. If you
succeed, your plans of government, used in your empire,
will allow you to benevolently guide, help, protect, and
_rule_ humanity - for the benefit of all of humanity.
Save your modesty! How could there be anyone else more
qualified for this job than you? [ed. note] ...
The above statements are not necessarily the opinions of
the author or Brainstorm Software, nor are they
necessarily opinions at all. They have been included as
a fictional story introducing a recreational computer
simulation. They are fictional and any similarities or
disagreements with your view of reality is entirely
_WARNING: This simulation can take months to complete!_
Brainstorm Software is not responsible for personal
productivity loss while engaged in this recreational
File Operation Error
This is a general file OPEN operation error which may
occur for the following reasons:
_File not found in current path_ (for reading)
_Too many files open_ (although not likely given that no
files are left open while this program is executing)
_Rights violation or file locked_ (if on a network)
_Storage medium failure_ (bad disk, etc.)
Load a Game
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 238,000 - it is therefore possible for
another file to appear which coincidentally has this
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects game to load
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: loads entered file (assumed to be a game)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Save a Game
Files appearing in the file selection list are all files
with length 238,000 - it is therefore possible for
another file to appear which coincidentally has this
In mouse mode, the four buttons at the bottom of the
selection list can be used to scroll or page up/down.
_<LB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: selects game to save (overwrite)
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK_: saves to entered file (overwrites)
_- CANCEL_: cancels this operation
_<RB>_: Depends on where it was pressed:
_- Files_: backs out to directory list
_- Name Box_: accept entry of complete file name
_- OK/CANCEL Options_: selects CANCEL
Selection of a Value
The value on the left is the current value.
The value on the right is either a 1 or a 10, indicating
by what amount the value will be incremented or
_<RB>_: Cancels (keeps original value)
_<LB>_: On one of the following buttons:
_E_ Allows manual entry of value
_«_ Decrements value by amount on the right
_»_ Increments value by amount on the right
_OK_ Accepts current value on the left
_+_ Toggles increment/decrement step (1 or 10)
Incrementing and decrementing involves pressing _»_ and _«_
repeatedly - holding the button down has no effect.
The maximum value varies according to context, and is
discovered (if not known already) when the current
value cannot be incremented past this max. value.
Game saved to...
The game has now been saved using the same filename
and pathname specified when loading the game, or the one
specified if recently saved using the _Save As..._ option.
End of turn: Objects still capable of moving
This is just a reminder that there is at least one
object with a non-zero movement count (and is therefore
capable of moving this round). Clicking _OK_
acknowledges this, having the option of ending the turn
or cancelling the end of turn request immediately after
the acknowledgement.
Note that you will not receive a "bonus" movement count
next turn for any objects that are non-zero this turn.
Not enough MegaCredits to collect resources
Given the current funds spent on resource collection
this turn, you will not have enough credits to spend
on collection of resources next turn, assuming the same
collection pattern and the same tax income.
You may remedy this by selectively turning off
collection of resources in settlements, if possible.
Otherwise, when credits run out during collection next
turn, whatever collecting that would normally be done
after that point will not take place.
Note: This does not take into account the loss or gain
in MegaCredits at the posting of a transaction on the
global market that may take place at the end of this
Not enough resources/MegaCredits to complete transaction
You cannot end this turn until you change your market
transaction so that you have enough money and/or
It is possible you issued the transaction during the
turn when it may have been valid, but you spent money
and/or resources to build an object, or shipped
resources away from your HQ afterwards (or you just made
an error).
Hostile surface destroys object
This scenario should not occur - if it does, please let
me know! Normally, there should be no way that an
object can be located on an incompatible surface without
it being inside a city/settlement or loaded on a
transport, which normally would be destroyed if the
city/settlement/transport was destroyed. I would
consider this a bug in the code somewhere. Please save
your game immediately and keep it aside and notify me
if possible.
Failed tech-level advancement
The funds invested in research for the advancement of
this tech-type have gone to waste, due to the
inadequate management of the distribution of the funds
and/or due to the insufficient knowledge base.
All the managers and scientists in this tech-group have
been reprimanded, and strongly encouraged to perform up
to your expectations.
Perhaps if you try investing more money, they may
contribute sufficient effort and lack of stupidity to
Succeeded in tech-level advancement
The managers and scientists in this tech-group
contributed sufficient effort and lack of stupidity to
They have been rewarded appropriately.
Too many objects to produce another
There are too many objects in your empire to manage and
support to build another one. You must first select one
to be disbanded and dismantled before issuing production
This is accomplished using the _Orders, Disband object_
Place production request in waiting list?
You do not have enough MegaCredits or resources to begin
production on the specified object. Placing the request
in the waiting list will ensure that production on the
object will begin as soon as the city obtains sufficient
resources and/or MegaCredits.
One production order can be placed in the waiting list
for each tech-type. If two or more production orders in
the waiting list are able to execute at the same time,
but there are not enough resources/MegaCredits for both,
you will be notified and requested to select the item to
begin producing first.
Too many objects to build a resource container
There are too many objects in your empire to manage and
support to build another one. You must first select one
to be disbanded and dismantled before attempting to pack
resources which creates container objects.
This is accomplished using the _Orders, Disband object_
An alternative to packing is to create an _RTS_ (Rail
Transport Schedule) and transport the resources this
way, where no resource containers need to be created.
Invalid location to build settlement
Settlements cannot be constructed immediately beside a
city or another settlement (or of course inside a city
or settlement).
Anti-Sat Defense Establishment
This is a semi-permanent establishment that continuously
scans for enemy satellites passing by within its range.
You will be notified if a satellite is detected, and
asked if you want to destroy it with one of its
missiles, if in attack range.
When the last missile is fired, this establishment will
be dismantled.
Too many resources too dismantle container
If the combined number of resources in the container and
in the city/settlement for a particular type exceeds the
maximum (set at 255), the container cannot be dismantled
and the resources cannot be added to the reserves.
No schedule assigned to resume
The _Resume_ option is to be used to instruct an RT to
continue following the schedule assigned to it, from the
point where the schedule was interrupted by a clear to
the RT's orders, or from the new point in the schedule
that may have been set - the city/settlement schedule
item that the RT will proceed to is indicated in the
schedule itself by the _>_ in the left-most column.
Cannot unload RTS resources while active
This is a precautionary measure to make sure that RTS
resources are not unloaded by accident while an RT is
following a schedule.
RTS resources are those that are transported on a
schedule basis and are not packaged so that they can
be unloaded as independent units. The option for
unloading them as an entire group is provided in the
event that in an unusual situation where the schedule
needs to be abandoned and the capacity of the RT is
required, that the RTS resources can be unloaded.
To proceed, the orders of the RT must be cleared and the
RTS resources must be unloaded _inside_ a city or
RTS resources can only be unloaded in city/settlement
Due to the method of packaging and transporting
resources on a schedule basis, they cannot be unloaded
as independent units. Therefore, RTS resources can only
be unloaded in a city or settlement, where the necessary
equipment exists.
Not enough movement points to unload
The object to be unloaded must have enough movement
points to move from the surface that the object and its
transport is on.
The most probable reason for this notice is that you
tried to both load this object onto a transport and
unload it in the same turn. Your empire _may_ be
efficient, but not _that_ efficient!
Not enough fuel to unload
If the object to unload has no fuel, it cannot be
unloaded as an independent unit. To resolve this, you
can either load fuel onto the transport (if there is
room) so the object can fuel itself up in the following
turn, or you can unload the object in a city or
settlement (where they can drag it off).
By the way, the city/settlement you unload the object
into does not have to have fuel either.
Not a compatible load
The transport you are trying to load this object on to
is not designed to carry it. The list of objects that
a particular transport can carry is displayed in its
object window, and is also available in the "off-line"
Used up funds collecting resources
Since you have no control over which cities collect
resources first (which is determined by object number),
but you do have some control over the collection of
settlements, it is recommended that you turn off
collection of settlements that are non-vital to save
MegaCredits. If that is not possible, you must hold
back on object production until your tax income raises
your total funds to a safe level (or you could play the
global market and hope to make some money).
Repair unit is busy
A repair unit can only repair one damage point per
object per turn.
Choose object to disband to take this city
There are too many objects in your empire to manage and
support to acquire another one. You must first select
one to be disbanded and dismantled before taking this
city. It can be any non-city object or any empty
transport. If you do not choose one, the first one in
the object list that satisfies this criteria is
automatically disbanded.
Next city taken is HQ
Note that without an HQ, you will not have access to the
_global market_. All resources in your last HQ have been
lost, and you will inherit no resources from your next
A mine has detonated
Either an enemy object or your object has triggered the
detonation of your mine.
A break in rail/road has been detected / canal destroyed
Either an enemy object or your object has deliberately
destroyed a piece of rail, road, or canal.
Note that if an object is bombed and destroyed on a
rail, road, or canal segment, that segment will also be
If a bomb is dropped directly onto a rail or road
segment, it will always be destroyed. If one is dropped
onto a canal, the probability of it being destroyed is
determined in the Game Parameter Table.
Detector has scanned an enemy object
One of your detectors has scanned the presence of an
enemy object somewhere within its range.
The enemy object has not noticed the scan.
Detector has scanned enemy object and is exposed
One of your detectors has scanned the presence of an
enemy object somewhere within its range.
The detector was aware that the object has noticed the
scan, and it self-destructed so that it cannot be traced
back to you.
Also destroyed...
If a _transport_ has been destroyed, all that it carried
has also been destroyed.
If a _city_ has surrendered, all objects in the city have
been destroyed by the occupants, so that they will not
fall into your hands.
You spotted a detector
One of your objects has detected the active scan of an
enemy detector. Detectors are designed so that they are
able to determine when their scan has been noticed, and
to self-destruct if this is the case.
The last of its items has been placed or fired
In the cases of rail constructors, road constructors,
detector placers, or anti-sat defense, you are notified
when they have placed or fired the last of their items,
and then they dismantle themselves.
Too many satellites to launch another
Only _5_ satellites may be launched at any one time. If
the need is critical to launch this one, you have the
option of sending a destruct message to one of the other
satellites already in orbit.
No maneuvering fuel left
Once all the maneuvering thruster fuel has been used up,
the orbit of the satellite cannot be altered. It will
continue in its current trajectory until such time as
you order its destruction (unless the enemy destroys it
with _anti-sat defense_).
Enemy satellite out of attack range
This message will come up each turn if this is a
stationary satellite. If so, you may want to produce
another _anti-sat builder_ and move it to within attack
Cannot access market without HQ
You need to have a city (ie. a semi-permanent
infrastructure) to be recognized as a relatively low
risk, semi-stable trading organization to be granted
credit and a license for trading. They will not admit
stragglers from the countryside to the trading forum,
no matter how many MegaCredits you _claim_ to have.
Global market has changed
This is a notification that the current resource stock
of the marketplace has changed since your last
Your transactions are not accounted for - ie. if no
other transactions have occurred other than your own,
you will still receive this notification.
Note that if the net effect of all trading on the market
since, and including, your last transaction is zero,
this message will _not_ appear.
Confirmation to quit
This confirmation appears whether or not you just saved
the game. It is just a reminder to make sure you have
saved the game if desired.
Clear orders of all objects?
This will clear the orders of all objects _except_ the
_Cities_: Production is not changed.
_All loaded objects_: They will all remain loaded on
their transports.
_RT's following a schedule_: Their RTS will not be
Abort for new production?
The resources and MegaCredits invested in producing an
object will be lost if production is aborted.
If aborting a _waiting list_ order, nothing is lost.
Plant mine confirmation
Once a mine is placed, it cannot be moved or disabled.
It can only be detonated by the first object that it
detects - be it one of your objects, or the enemies'.
See the "off-line" documentation for a list of objects
that can trigger a mine detonation.
Devastate city confirmation
Once a city is devastated, it is reduced to a pile of
worthless rubble that no one would care to inherit,
except perhaps the homeless squatters if any shelter
remains - no, you will not be able to collect taxes
from these people (get real!).
Establish anti-sat defense confirmation
Once anti-sat defense is established, it cannot be
moved. It will only cease to exist here if it is
disbanded, destroyed, or if it uses up its missiles.
Objects in city - confirm devastation
You would not be looked upon favourably by your people
if you send your loyal fighters to their death, if it
could easily have been avoided by warning them that you
will be devastating the city and so it would be wise
for everyone to vacate the premises.
It is likely that they would appreciate an evacuation
Unload priority delivery?
This is a priority item that has been designated to
arrive at a particular city or settlement according to
the rail transport schedule. This is a confirmation
that you want to unload it prematurely.
If you do not choose a new HQ, this will be interpreted
as a wish to surrender. Is this what you really want?
It is now your turn
_--->_ Dummy option - prevents user from accidentally
pressing _RETURN_ twice at _End of turn_ which would
begin the next player's turn if this option was not
_OK_ Acknowledge that it is your turn, and that all
people that should not look are not looking.
There is a winner
The game is over, depending on interpretation.
_SAVE_ Save the game and quit (if you wish to examine the
current game state in the editor).
_QUIT_ Quit the game without saving current game state.
_RESUME_ Resume the game given that one or more players
are no longer in the game and having acknowledged
victory. You would probably only choose this option if
you wish to conquer the remains of the neutral player.
Main game menu options
_Game_ Provides a menu for saving, quitting, examining
the market, sending messages, and other options.
_Move Mode_ Enters object movement mode where objects may
move or ask for orders. This mode must be manually
entered when your turn begins. You may exit move mode
at will, and then enter it later to continue movement.
This mode ends when there is nothing left to move and no
orders are needed from you.
_Tactical_ Enters tactical mode, where the map can be
scrolled at will, and objects may be selected for
non-movement related orders.
_Reports_ Provides a menu for viewing various reports.
_Orders_ Provides a menu for larger-scale orders, such as
RT Schedule maintenance.
_Observation_ Provides a menu for observing various
aspects of your empire.
_End of Turn_ Is your acknowledgement that you have
completed all you want to accomplish this turn. There
is a confirmation request after selecting this.
Game submenu options
_Save_ Saves game to lastly specified file.
_Save As..._ Saves game to a file you may now specify.
_About..._ Produces game introduction story.
_Market_ Accesses global market for inspection and
the issuing of transactions.
_Messages_ To send a one-line message to another player.
_Options..._ To change game or player options.
_Quit_ Exit this program without automatically saving.
_<RB>_ Main menu
Reports submenu options
_Object Symbols_ Produces table of object symbols/names.
_Tactical_ Lists and reports on status of all
movement-associated objects (tanks, hover-scouts, etc.)
_Logistical_ Lists and reports on status of all
logistics-associated objects (fuel, settlements, etc.)
_City Status_ Lists and reports on status of all cities.
_General Status_ Reports on resource collection and
MegaCredit expenditure and income, and provides a table
of alive/dead counts for all objects.
_Satellite Stats_ Lists all satellites, either launched
or not launched.
_<RB>_ Main menu
Orders submenu options
_Clear all orders_ Clears orders of all
movement-associated objects following a confirmation.
_RT Schedules_ Lists all RT Schedules, including
schedule slots that are not used.
_Create Schedule_ To overwrite/create an RT schedule in
a selected slot.
_Disband object_ To select an object to disband.
_Resign to NP_ To eliminate yourself from the game.
_<RB>_ Main menu
Note that RT Schedule options are not available when
playing a _pooled resources_ game.
_Disband object_ is not available unless the total number
of objects exceeds 279. The maximum number of objects
allowed is 300.
Observation submenu options
_Select object_ To keep in view a selected object in the
observation window.
_Satellite view_ To keep in view a selected satellite in
the observation window.
_View scan range_ Highlights the scan ranges of all
_Attack range_ Highlights the attack ranges of all
_Surveyed area_ Highlights the resource-scanned area.
_Objects_ Produces a graphical map of all objects,
colour-coded by player.
_Known Resources_ Produces a graphical map of all known
resources, colour-coded by resource type.
_Infrastructure_ Produces a graphical map of all your
cities, settlements, roads, railroads, and canals.
_Collected Res._ Produces a graphical map of all
collected and uncollected resources.
_<RB>_ Main menu
End of turn submenu option
_Confirm EOT_ Select to confirm end of turn.
_<RB>_ Main menu
Production options
_PRODUCE_ Give production orders for selected object.
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Ignore selection - exit production menu.
If selected tech-level advancement, _Produce_ will invest
the specified number of MegaCredits and attempt to
advance a tech-level.
If selected an object, _Produce_ will invest the resources
and MegaCredits into the production of that object,
_unless_ an object of its tech-type is already being
produced, in which case you will be asked if you want to
about current production; or unless an object of its
tech-type is in a waiting list, in which case you will
be asked if you want to cancel the waiting list item.
Too many guards
You have a limit to the number of guards a city can
sustain. This limit is explained in the "off-line"
Package resources options
_+_ Add one resource to the container.
_-_ Remove one resource from the container.
_F_ Fill the container.
_PACK_ Confirm packing the specified number of resources
of each type into a container.
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Do not pack resources - abort.
There is a maximum capacity of 5 resources per
City orders options
_PRODUCTION_ Change production/View capability.
_PACK_ Pack some resources in city into a container.
_OK/<RB>_ Exit city orders window.
This window shows the current production list, where
items in blue are objects being produced, items in red
are waiting list objects, and items in yellow are
confirmation objects - in this case, you should enter
the _production_ window and select which one of the
confirmation objects should be produced first.
If the resource type is bright blue, one of that type is
collected each turn; if it's cyan, two or more are
collected. _Guards_ shows the number of guards out of the
maximum allowed, _Hits_ shows the number of hits left out
of the maximum given the current number of guards, _Fuel_
shows the total number of fuel units and the number of
fuel depots inside this city. Beside each tech-type is
the current tech-level and the number of turns before
advancement is possible.
Settlement orders options
_PACK_ Pack some settlement resources into a container.
_G,M,O_ Toggle collection of resource type.
_OK/<RB>_ Exit settlement orders window.
This window shows the number of hits left out of its
total, the resource collection state (on or off), and
the total number of fuel units and the number of fuel
depots inside the settlement.
Object orders options
_NEW ORDERS_ For most objects, clears orders.
_WAIT_ Gives object orders to wait one turn.
_OK/<RB>_ Exit object orders window.
This window shows current orders, hits left out of total
hits, fuel left out of total fuel capacity, and for some
particular objects, specific item inventory such as
rail/road sections, detectors, repair units, and canals.
_NEW ORDERS_ will produce a selection for the following
objects: settler units, mine layers, devastators, and
anti-sat builders.
Resource container orders options
_NEW ORDERS_ Clears its orders.
_WAIT_ Gives container orders to wait one turn.
_UNPACK_ Unpack and dismantle container (only in a city
or settlement).
_OK/<RB>_ Exit container orders window.
This window shows current orders, and resource contents.
Transport orders options
_NEW ORDERS_ Clears orders except for RT - produces RTS
_WAIT_ Gives transport orders to wait one turn.
_OK/<RB>_ Exit transport orders window.
_UNLOAD_ Unload an object.
This window lists the objects that are loaded, and the
object types that can be carried, their weights, and the
number of these types of objects that are currently
loaded. It also shows the weight capacity left out of
the total capacity, the fuel left out of the total
capacity, and the hits left out of total hits.
The current orders of the transport are shown, and if
the transport is an RT and is assigned to a schedule,
the schedule number is shown as well as the current item
number of the schedule that is active.
Rail Transport orders suboptions
_CLEAR_ Clear current orders.
_ASSIGN_ Assign this RT to a rail schedule.
_RESUME_ Resume a rail schedule that was previously
_<RB>_ Do not change current orders.
Assigning a schedule will cause the RT to immediately
begin following it - called the _active_ state. This
option will bring up a list of schedules to choose from.
Resuming a schedule will cause the RT to proceed to the
next destination as shown in the schedule.
Clearing orders while a schedule is active will cause
the schedule to temporarily cease, until such time as it
can be resumed.
Attack orders options
_ATTACK_ Proceed with the attack.
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Cancel attack command.
This window shows the object type and player you are
going to attack, and the object type you are attacking
with along with some statistical information about the
predicted outcome of the attack.
Probability of being destroyed on retaliation is based
on the enemy you are attacking having full damage
potential when attacking you, and accounts for the
number of hits your object has left. If you are
attacking a city, this is unknown as you do not know
the number of guards in the city. If you are attacking
a bomber, this is based on the bomber _attacking_, not
Your damage potential decreases linearly as you lose
movement points. Therefore the more you move before
attacking, the less damage you can do.
Attack Report
The total number of hits this turn reflects the total
damage points inflicted by all objects that have
attacked this enemy object in this turn (which includes
damage caused by other enemy players).
City defense system alert options
_ENGAGE_ Engage the enemy object.
_«_ Reduce by one the number of attacking guards.
_»_ Increase by one the number of attacking guards.
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Do not attack this object.
If there is more than one enemy object in attack range,
and it is scanned (of age 0), selecting _CANCEL_ will
proceed to the next object for attacking. You can
adjust the number of guards you are using for attack,
based on the damage potential you want to use for
attacking each of the objects in range. For maximum
damage potential, ensure that there are _no_ idle guards
when you select _ENGAGE_ (cancelling the attack command
issued by _ENGAGE_ will _skip_ this object, losing the
chance to attack it this turn).
Damage report
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
This report shows which object type got damaged (the
actual object is flashing on the map), the number of
hits sustained by all who attacked you last turn, and
the number of hits it has left, unless it got destroyed.
If only one object attacked you, it tells you the object
type. Otherwise, it tells you that a multiple number of
objects has attacked you.
Cannot load object
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
This message appears when you are trying to load an
object that is either too heavy for the transport given
its current load, or is not an object that this
transport is capable of carrying.
The object you are trying to load now has its orders
Unlaunched Satellite orders options
_LAUNCH_ Launch the satellite from this location.
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Exit satellite orders window.
Selecting _LAUNCH_ will produce a menu asking you what
type of orbit you wish - the launch can still be
cancelled at this point.
Satellite orbit selection
_GEOSYNCHRONOUS_ Launch satellite into a stationary orbit
that will continously monitor the same geographical area.
_MOVING_ Launch satellite into a moving orbit, in a
direction to be specified.
_ABORT LAUNCH_ Abort the launch.
Selecting _GEOSYNCHRONOUS_ will ask you for the specific
location to be synchronous with.
Satellite direction specification
First click on a direction "symbol".
The satellite will move in this direction continuously -
if the end of the map is reached, it will loop around to
the other side and continue moving from there.
Once a direction is selected, you can choose to:
_CONFIRM_ In which case it will be launched.
_CANCEL_ Forget the whole thing.
Change Satellite orbit options
You can select a new direction or _GEOSYNC_, in which case
it will immediately take effect, or
_OK/<RB>_ Exit satellite orbit window.
The direction in NSEW notation is shown (unless it is
stationary) and the amount of maneuvering fuel is shown.
Each time an orbit is changed, one unit of fuel is lost.
The orbit can no longer be changed when all fuel is used
up (unless you send it a destruct message, or it is
destroyed by an enemy anti-sat missile).
Satellite monitoring options
_MONITOR_ The observation window will follow the selected
_DESTRUCT_ The satellite you selected will be destroyed
(after a confirmation).
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Exit satellite monitoring window.
City defense system alert - satellite scanned
Your city has scanned an enemy satellite at the location
that is flashing. It cannot be destroyed unless you
have _anti-sat defense_ built and in attack range.
You do not know which player owns this satellite.
Anti-sat defense alert - in attack range
_DESTROY_ Destroy the satellite at the location that is
now flashing.
_ABORT_ Do not destroy it.
You have scanned a satellite at this location which is
in attack range. You do not know which player owns this
Shooting it down requires one missile.
Global Market
Under the _Transaction_ heading, clicking on _₧_ under the
_To Buy_ heading is a request to buy one pack of resources
from the market (or would reduce the number you are
selling by one pack), and under the _To Sell_ heading is a
request to sell one pack of resources to the market (or
would reduce the number you are buying by one pack).
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledges the current state, including the
current transaction if any.
All resource transactions are by the pack (5 units of
the same type of resource). At the top is a chart
showing the current stock of the market, with buying and
selling prices. Underneath is the state of the market
before your last transaction was posted, along with the
details of your last transaction.
All transaction postings are done at the end of your
General Status Report (screen 1)
_MORE/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
The _RESOURCE DATA_ shows the resources just collected,
and the total amount in reserves (if not playing _pooled
resources_, this is the total of all individual pools).
The _OBJECT DATA_ tells you the total number of objects
you have, and whether or not you have too many!
_MEGACREDITS_ shows you the number of MegaCredits you
have, your tax revenue (as a function of the total
tech-levels of all your cities), and your cost of
collecting resources.
General Status Report (object table)
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
This report shows for every object type, the number you
have, the number that have died by all causes, and the
number you have killed by player.
There may be some objects that this report claims you
have killed yourself - this occurs in particular cases
where for example you drove an object into your own
mine, an aero-porter ran out of fuel over water and all
loaded objects died as well, etc.
Change object name?
_NEW NAME_ Change the name of this object.
_OK/<RB>_ Do not change the name of this object.
Names can have a length of at most 19 characters, of any
type (any printable character).
Selecting _NEW NAME_ will highlight the name entry field
in the top left corner, where you may edit the current
Select object for high priority monitoring
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the object you wish to continuously monitor
in the observation window. It can be any object as long
as you own it. If more than one object exists at the
selected location, the object monitored will be the
city, settlement, or transport - none of the objects
inside a city/settlement or loaded on a transport can be
selected in this way.
_<RB>_ Cancels operation.
Monitoring will be cancelled by any manual repositioning
of the observation map.
Select location of satellite
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the location where you wish your satellite to
be. The first time you select a location, the scan
range of the satellite is highlighted and the location
selected will be flashing. You may at this point select
another location instead, confirm this location by
clicking on it again, or abort the launch using _<RB>_.
Select city to be new HQ
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the city you wish to designate your new HQ.
Pressing _<RB>_ will cancel this operation, interpreted as
a wish to surrender.
Select object to disband
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the object you wish to disband. If more than
one object exists at the selected location, the object
disbanded will be the city, settlement, or transport -
none of the objects inside a city/settlement or loaded
on a transport can be selected in this way.
_<RB>_ Cancels operation.
There is a maximum of 300 objects per player.
Select city/settlement to add to RTS
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the city or settlement you wish to add to
your RTS. If you select the same city/sett you added
first, it is interpreted that this is the last stop in
the loop and add mode finishes.
_<RB>_ When you are finished adding schedule items.
All schedules are intended to be loops - where you start
is where you must end. If you use _<RB>_ to finish adding
items, it is implied that the very next stop will be the
city/sett specified as the first item.
There is a maximum of 16 schedule items.
Select location for RT to move to
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to locate
and select the location of where your RT should proceed
to as a schedule item. Do not select a location where a
semi-permanent object exists - if the RT is given orders
to move to that location and an object is in the way, it
will alert you to this effect and cannot automatically
proceed to the next schedule item. If you want the RT
to proceed to the same location as a city, just add the
city as an item and if desired, do not set any load or
unload orders.
_<RB>_ Cancels the addition of this MOVE TO item.
Satellite scanned the enemy in this vicinity
At least one enemy object has been scanned within the
range of this satellite.
The location of the satellite is flashing.
_OK/<RB>_ Acknowledged.
This object is not disbandable
You can not disband cities (or your HQ), or non-empty
transports. Any other kind of object is disbandable.
RT Schedule selection
_SN_ Schedule number (maximum of 15 schedule slots)
_Assigned RT_ The name of the RT assigned to this
schedule, or _< Unused >_ if this schedule slot is empty,
or _* None *_ if this schedule slot is not empty but no RT
has been assigned to it.
_ON_ The object number of the assigned RT, if any.
_Status_ Whether or not the schedule is _active_.
A schedule is _active_ if an RT is currently following it.
_<RB>_ Exits RTS selection window.
Select item type to add to schedule
_CITY/SETT_ Add a city or settlement.
_WAIT_ Add a wait command.
_MOVE TO_ Add a movement command.
_<RB>_ Cancel operation.
The _WAIT_ command is used to tell the RT to wait a
specified number of turns before proceeding to the next
schedule item.
The _MOVE TO_ command is used to direct the RT in the
proper direction if there is an ambiguity in the rail
infrastructure, and the _MDT (Minimum Distance Tracking)_
of the RT cannot correctly decide on the proper path to
the destination. See "off-line" documentation.
RTS Viewing/Editing options
> Click in the first column to change the orders to a
new item. Click in the section to the right of _OBJ_ on
an item line to insert/delete an item. Click on any
resource quantity in the _ORDERS_ section to increase or
decrease the value (depending on context) - it cannot
exceed the maximum weight capacity of the RT. Click in
the _Priority_ section for a city/sett item under _O_ to
toggle through the list of objects that can be loaded as
a priority item, and under _DST_ to select the destination
of this priority object. Click in this section for a
_WAIT_ item under _O_ to increment the wait count, and under
_DST_ to temporarily suppress the _WAIT_.
> Click on the indicated line above this table to
produce a load analysis.
> Click on the blank item line just underneath the last
item in the list to add an item.
> _<RB>_ Exits RTS window (changes have immediate effect)
_RTT_: Round Trip Time (updated at item 1)
_TSLV_: Turns Since Last Visited this item
Resource load analysis screen
Any button click exits.
Displayed is the resource load on departure for each
schedule item and the total weight, and a histogram as a
graphical representation of the load of the RT for each
item. If the load is not balanced (ie. the number of
resources loaded and unloaded per type do not match),
this is indicated and the predicted resource load data
would be meaningless.
If the current weight of the transport is as expected
according to the schedule, a _√_ is displayed beside the
This weight analysis assumes the RT was empty when the
schedule has started.
Add new item to list?
You will be asked to choose from three types of items to
add, if you proceed.
There is a maximum of 16 items per schedule.
Change orders of RT to a different item?
Select one of the flashing arrows (_>_) to change the
orders of the RT so that it will instead proceed to this
new item. The current orders are shown by the yellow
_<RB>_ To not change schedule orders of RT.
Confirmation to change RTS orders
This could have the consequence of unbalancing the
schedule, if you are bypassing a loading/unloading item.
It is also possible that the timing change will have
adverse effects. But you are the boss!
Insert/Delete a schedule item
_INSERT ABOVE_ To insert an item at the current line,
pushing all items downward from and including this line.
_DELETE_ To delete the item on this line (there is no
_CANCEL/<RB>_ Do not insert or delete anything.
If you select to insert an item, you will be asked which
type of item to insert.
Change priority item destination
Flashing arrows will appear in the column for every
item. Select a city/sett item as the destination for
the priority item. The number under the _DST_ heading is
the object number of the city or settlement that the
priority item will be delivered to. These object
numbers are listed on the left under the _ON_ heading.
Priority items cannot be delivered to a _location_, ie.
a _MOVE TO_ item.
Aside: If there is more than one of the same type of
object at the city/sett where the priority object is to
be loaded, it chooses the object that is the least
damaged, or in the case of a fuel depot, the most full.
Overwriting a schedule slot
An RT is following the current schedule you are trying
to overwrite. As a precaution, you must clear the RT's
orders first.
Overwriting an inactive schedule
This is just a warning message that this current
schedule you are going to overwrite has been assigned
to an RT. You may abort this operation following this
warning, or proceed in which case the RT will be
Create a new schedule?
This is a general confirmation for creating a new
schedule in the specified schedule slot, whether or not
the previous schedule exists.
Added a city/sett item to schedule
You successfully added this city or settlement to the
The very next stop after your last item will be the
city/sett you selected as the first item, completing the
There is a maximum of 16 items per schedule.
No more items may be added to schedule
There is a maximum of 16 items per schedule, including
all _WAIT_ and _MOVE TO_ commands.
The very next stop after your last item will be the
city/sett you selected as the first item, completing the
RT is damaged - hold for repair?
If an RT is damaged and stops in a city as part of its
schedule, you may hold it for repairs. However, you
must manually instruct it to _RESUME_ when it asks for
orders once repairs are completed, and you must also
consider the possible adverse effects on the schedule as
a whole for prolonging this stop.
Schedule already assigned to another RT
You cannot have more than one RT follow the same
schedule. The only way to do this is to create another
schedule with the same items for this RT to follow.
Send message to a player
Select which player you want to send a one-line message
to. This message will be the first thing presented when
the player's turn starts.
You may send a message to yourself (perhaps to remind
yourself to do something next turn).
You may also send a message to the neutral player,
although currently the neutral player does not care to
read messages - it is another place where you may leave
a reminder to yourself as it is never cleared.
_<RB>_ Do not leave a message right now.
Here is a message for you!
Press any button to acknowledge message - it will then
be immediately cleared.
Tactical Mode
_<RB>_ Exits tactical mode.
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to
observe the world, or click the _<LB>_ on one of the
_Your object_ To open its object window and view its
current status. If you select a _city_ or _settlement_,
object windows for each object at the same location will
appear successively, in order of object number.
_Enemy object_ To tell you the age of the object, and to
give you the option of removing the icon if you feel the
location information is too old; or if it is a city of
age 0, its tech-levels are shown. _<RB>_ exits.
_Stat option_ To change city or object map stat.
_Additional Highlighting_: On _+_ to change range, or on
number to active highlight mode (anywhere you select
will be highlighted with specified range - _<RB>_ to
_Name field_ (2nd line/left) For Naming mode (to change
names of objects you select - _<LB>_ in _Name field_ again
to cancel, or _<RB>_ to exit tactical mode.
Observation (Tactical) Mode
_<RB>_ Exits observation mode.
You may use the standard map scrolling methods to
observe the world, or click the _<LB>_ on one of the
_Additional Highlighting_: On _+_ to change range, or on
number to active highlight mode (anywhere you select
will be highlighted with specified range - _<RB>_ to
_In 4-line region described in instruction window_
For a graphical, global map display of highlighted
areas. In this mode, you may exit using _<LB>_ where
your map view will be centered on the location of the
mouse pointer, or _<RB>_ to just exit.
Move Mode
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Transport_ Issue orders to move to and load onto it.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Sea Objects)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Photon Cannon)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_City or Settlement in loading area_ Issue orders to move
_Transport in loading area_ Issue orders to load onto it.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ (Avoid! You will lose your movement pts.)
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Airborne Objects)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Transport_ Issue orders to move to and load onto it.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
_WARNING:_ If in _Standby_ over water, one fuel unit is
lost per turn.
Move Mode (Detector Placer)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_P box_ Place a detector at current location.
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Canal Constructor)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_P box_ Place a canal at current location.
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Rail Constructor)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_P box_ Place a section of rail at current location.
_T box_ Toggle auto-place mode (places where moved to).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
_BONUS_ Moving from a rail segment only takes one
movement point - otherwise, all are lost per move.
Move Mode (Road Constructor)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_P box_ Place a section of road at current location.
_T box_ Toggle auto-place mode (places where moved to).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Non-movement-associated)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_City or Settlement in loading area_ Issue orders to move
_Transport in loading area_ Issue orders to load onto it.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ (Avoid! You will lose your movement pts.)
Move Mode (Stealth Bomber)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_B box_ Drop a bomb in bombing range (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
_WARNING:_ If in _Standby_ over water, one fuel unit is
lost per turn.
Move Mode (Repair Unit)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Transport_ Issue orders to move to and load onto it.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Rail Transport (RT))
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_T box_ Toggle MDT mode (minimum distance tracking).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
The RT is only able to travel on rail, unless it moves
into a city or settlement. _Follow_ is not recommended.
Move Mode (Hover-Scout)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_H box_ Highlight surveyed area (_<RB>_ to return).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Terra-Porter)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
Move Mode (Aero-Porter)
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or click on one of:
_Name field_ To change the name of this object.
_Object status field_ (top left corner) Toggle hits/fuel
and nearest fuel/nearest base status displays.
_Other Orders_ (top middle) Open object window.
_Main Menu_ (top right) Exit move mode prematurely.
_S box_ Set orders to _Standby_.
_A box_ Attack rail, road, or canal (selection follows).
_Highlighted surface/City or Settlement_ Issue orders to
proceed to this destination.
_Fuel/Repair Unit_ Fuel up or get repaired.
_Other object_ Issue orders to follow this object.
_Enemy_ Attack enemy if in range.
_WARNING:_ If in _Standby_ over water, one fuel unit is
lost per turn.
City production status report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select a city from the list to
center the map on the city.
_C_ Either City (C) or HQ (H).
_TAH_ Tech-levels in order of Terra, Aero, and Hydro
_ON_ Object number.
_Name_ Name of city.
_G, M, O_ Resource stock at this city.
_Producing, T_ Object being produced and number of turns
left before completion.
_GD_ Number of guards in city.
_Fuel_ Total fuel units of all fuel depots in city.
There are as many extra lines per city as necessary to
list all objects being produced.
Tactical report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select an object from the list to
center the map on the object.
_Object_ Type of object.
_ON_ Object number.
_Name_ Name of object.
_Orders_ Current orders of object.
_Hits_ Number of hits left.
_Fuel_ Fuel units left.
_Wt_ For transports, this is the weight capacity left.
All movement and attack-associated objects are listed.
Logistical report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select an object from the list to
center the map on the object.
_Object, ON, Name_ Type, number, and name of object.
_G, M, O_ Resources packed if container, or resource
stock if settlement.
_Fuel_ Fuel left if depot, or fuel in settlement.
_Hits_ Number of hits left if settlement.
_Orders_ Orders of object.
Settlements, fuel depots, and resource containers are
listed. Also, the following information is provided:
_SCANNED RESOURCES_ Collected and uncollected.
_LOADED BOMBS_ Total bombs loaded on all bombers.
_RAIL SECTIONS_ Total sections of your placed rail.
_ROAD SECTIONS_ Total sections of your placed road.
_MINES_ Total active number of your mines.
_DETECTORS_ Total number of your placed detectors.
_CANAL SECTIONS_ Total sections of your built canal.
Satellite status report
_<RB>_ Exit report, or select a satellite from the list
to center the map on the satellite (surface flashes).
_ON, Name_ Number, and name of satellite.
_Present Location_ Coordinates of satellite.
_Orbit/Stat_ Moving, Stationary, or Inactive (not
The easiest way to locate a satellite to open its object
window (since the actual object is not visible on the
map) is to view this report and select the particular
satellite. This will center the map on it and show its
location by flashing the surface. You may then enter
_Tactical Mode_ and select that location.
Active satellite monitoring
_<RB>_ Exit this window, or select one of the listed
satellites to perform an action on it, such as _MONITOR_
_ON, Name_ Object number and name of satellite.
_(Row, Col)_ Coordinates of satellite.
_Orbit_ _S_ (Stationary), or _M_ (Moving).
A _√_ beside a satellite indicates that this satellite
is being monitored in the _Observation Window_.
There is a maximum of 5 satellites allowed in orbit.
Move mode - Object is obstructed
Rather than have the computer guess as to the
appropriate direction to move to avoid this obstacle, it
is safer to ask you instead.
_<RB>_ Skip object (temporary), or select one of the
surrounding locations for the object to move to, or:
_C box_ Clear orders of object.
_W box_ Set movement points to zero (skip until next
turn) - this is irreversible.
Skipping this object with _<RB>_ may allow the obstructing
object to move if that is its intent. If you do not
wish to clear its orders or wait, you may have the
opportunity to exit move mode after skipping this object
and enter tactical mode to possibly resolve this (to
tell the obstructing object to move). However if this
is the last object to move this will not be possible,
and you must clear or wait. For RT's on a schedule in
this case, it may be necessary to wait (unless you do
not mind clearing its orders and then resuming later).
Unloading from transport
_<RB>_ Cancel unloading operation, or select an object to
unload from list.
If you select an object to unload, you will be asked to
choose a location immediately surrounding the transport
in the small map window, to unload the object to.
(Objects must be unloaded away from the transport's
location). You may abort the unload using _<RB>_. You may
unload an object directly into another transport or into
a city or settlement. All unloading requires that you
have sufficient movement points to unload from the
current location. These unloading conditions do not
apply if the transport is inside a city or settlement:
all unloading takes place inside.
A little dot beside the _ON_ (object number) indicates
that the object is a priority item. _RTS Resources_ are
those resources transported on a schedule basis, and may
be manually unloaded if necessary.
Production - Object Selection
_<RB>_ Do not change current production.
The objects that can be produced are listed by category,
and in order of production time. If one or more
tech-types can be advanced, they will be listed on top.
An asterisk (*) beside an object indicates that this was
the last object produced for that tech-type.
Your total MegaCredits is displayed at the top right;
all other information on the right is as displayed in
the city object window, and follows the same colour code
conventions, if any.
Game/Player Options
Click anywhere on the line corresponding to the option
to change.
_<RB>_ accepts changes (if any) and exits.
_Remote play provision_: See off-line manual.
_All game sounds OFF_
It will now be quiet enough to hear a pin drop!
_Normal sound ON, Special effects OFF_
Normal selection sounds are on, but all combat
sounds are off.
_All game sounds ON_
Now it will make all the sounds it is capable of!
(In due course.)
Game sound selection is saved to _OPTIONS.REX_.
_Grid lines_ may be turned on or off; unknown territory
gridding may be turned on or off separately.
_Auto-scrolling_ allows you to click on a scroll arrow,
and have the map scroll continuously until any mouse
button is pressed (anywhere).
Object cannot move to that surface
This particular object is not capable of surviving on
the surface that you ordered it to move to.
Consult the _Object Specification Table_ for the surface
types that are not hostile to this object.
Enter password
Enter the current password for the designated player.
The colour scheme was chosen so that the password should
not be readable by others during "casual glances".
Change password
Enter a new password for the designated player.
The colour scheme was chosen so that the password should
not be readable by others during "casual glances".