Sunny 1,000 Collection
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Text File
209 lines
COLORS version 1.1
by jim bonczyk
june 14, 1990
I'm sure you don't want long documentation ...
so here it is in about 100 lines ...
this is shareware ... it would be great if you registered ...
but either way, please distribute the whole package together ...
[ colors.exe, colors1.pix, colors2.pix, & colors.doc ]
if ya like it, put it up on another bbs, thanks
IBM compatible and VGA graphics
auto speed detection - not dependent on processor speed
the program and this documentation are copyrighted by me.
you are licensed to use the software, supply it in unmodified
form, and have fun. oh yeah, don't charge money for it except
for a small handling fee ( like $5.00 ). last but not least,
i'm not responsible for anything. this software has no
warranty, expressed or implied. that means that i cannot be
held liable for any damages. you used it, go along with it.
on the surface COLORS looks quite a bit like its main inspiration,
TETRIS. but with a closer look, it is easy to see that the
strategies are quite a bit different. while the main goal of
TETRIS is to get horizontal rows, the goal of COLORS is to place
matching colored blocks next to each other. when five or more
blocks are adjacent, that entire group disappears, and anything
on top of the newly removed blocks will fall to the ground.
to advance to the next level you need to remove all occurrences of
the goal color.
to help you, there are also 'toys' that can be 'bought' if you have
removed enough groups to earn them. you start with a certain number
of toy points each level and earn one toy point for each group that
you remove. there is also an increasing bonus if you remove more than
one color group with a single piece and if you remove extra large
groups of colors.
here is a list of the toys ...
toy cost key use
---------- ---- --- ---
jackhammer 4 [J] causes blocks below it to fall
color 8 [C] gives you one square in your goal color
bomb 12 [B] destroys the eight blocks surrounding
the bomb
inflator 16 [I] causes the block it touches to expand
down, left and right
all the keys are described on the title screen,
and here they are ...
[left arrow] [right arrow] moves the falling piece
[5 - keypad center] rotates the falling piece
[down arrow] accelerates the falling piece down
[space bar] drops the falling piece
[B] [C] [I] [J] buys toys
[Pause] or [Num Lock] pauses the game
[Esc] exits the game
[F10] boss key - very quick exit!
there are four status windows visible during your game
│ ┌────┐ │
│ ┌───┐│ │┌───┐ │ 1 - current goal color
│ │ 1 ││ ││ 2 │ │ 2 - current score, current level,
│ └───┘│ │└───┘ │ and number of groups removed
│ ┌───┐│ ▒█▒│┌───┐ │ 3 - current number of toy points, what toys
│ │ ││░ ▒││ │ │ are available for purchase, and how many
│ │ 3 ││▒▒░ ││ 4 │ │ of each you can buy with all your toy points
│ │ ││░▓░█││ │ │ 4 - colors statistics, the first column is how
│ └───┘└────┘└───┘ │ many of each color has been placed on the board
└──────────────────┘ and the other is how many have been removed
if you don't want to see the help screen at the beginning, send
your players name via the command line:
c:\games\colors> COLORS jim
if you would like to play in a training mode and have
unlimited toy points use the command line parameter /cheat
c:\games\colors> COLORS /cheat
if the auto-detect for a vga adapter is not working use the
command line parameter /vga
c:\games\colors> COLORS /vga
of course you can mix and match command line parameters
c:\games\colors> COLORS jim /cheat /vga
the top 250 scores and the most recent score are saved in
the file COLORS.SCR
every players current level is automatically saved in the
both the log file and the high score file are simple text files
which can be edited at will, with any text editor. just make
sure you keep all of the text right justified under the column
hi cathy
dave biersach anish chatterjee dan lever mike reicherts
the guys at MEC ( alphabetically )
dave corner doug lim sean matthiesen tracy morrisey marty wegner
you're the only reason i kept working on it
colors is always open for improvement. i would appreciate any
suggestions that anyone might come up with. also, if you know of
an elegant but easy way to add decent sound support let me know.
version 2.0 could contain:
ega support if anyone asks
automatic game saving when escape is pressed
different goals to finish each round
two player simultaneous play
two player competitive play
since the development of colors version 1.0, i have updated
many of my supporting units & assembly language routines. therefore
version 2.0 will contain better animation and better timing among
other things.
i've really enjoyed that arcade game "buster bros." and i've been
putting it together in my head. maybe you'll see it on the pc
someday from me. then again, maybe not.
i also have a cross between PACMAN and TARG in the works ...
about 75% done. ( who remembers the arcade game TARG? )
my address is:
jim bonczyk
1505 harvard lane
schaumburg, il
or you can contact me through compuserve
my id number is 73227,3045
send $5.00 to register and I'll let you know when new versions
are available as well as other games
send $10.00 and I'll ship you the next version and some of my
favorite shareware games along with it
either way please tell me what version you have and what size
disk you want
or just write to tell me that it stinks ... i can take it
1.1 fixed bug that deleted current .log & .scr files
when all is said and done, it took more than a hundred lines.
i hate long documentation. man, it's almost two hundred lines.
the software and documentation are
copyright (c) 1990 by
jim bonczyk
1505 harvard lane
schaumburg, il