Sunny 1,000 Collection
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MASH TRIVIA is provided AS IS without any warranty - period!
To keep this legal stuff simple -- I am not responsible in any way
shape or form for anything this program may or may not do to you or
yours! Now how's that for boiling it all down?
You should find the following files in the M_TRIV10.ZIP distribution:
README.1ST (this file)
MASHTRIV.EXE (the program)
MASHTRIV.DAT (the data file)
When posting on bulletin boards, please post only the complete ZIP
file as M_TRIV##.ZIP where ## is the revision (M_TRIV10=rev 1.0)
Program requirements:
IBM PC or compatible with 512K of memory (286 or better
recommended - it will run on XT class machines only slower).
ANSI.SYS or equivalent must be loaded by the CONFIG.SYS file.
CGA, EGA or VGA compatible display adapter. (EGA/VGA recommended).
I've only tested this program on CGA/EGA & VGA adaptors/monitors.
FILES=20, BUFFERS=10 (or better) should be in CONFIG.SYS.
If you have a problem running MASH TRIVIA please write and describe
the situation. Please include a description of your operating
Mash Trivia was written originally in Clipper S'87 during 90 & 91
but I decided to re-write it in Clipper 5.01 before releasing it. I
hope you have as much fun playing this game as I did writing it.
I consider myself somewhat of a MASH expert. I have every episode
on video tape as well as the sound tracks on audio tape. I would
guess that we either listen to or watch at least 15 episodes a
week. My entire household is constantly quoting lines and
referencing different scenerios (exciting lifestyle - huh?).
Planned Enhancements (any suggestions? --- PLEASE !):
Add ability to save score (rank). / High scores list.
Add ability to save a game for continuing later.
Add option to allow displaying of the correct answer.
Display rank on screen with graphics (I better get out the "C" manuals).
Timed game.
M * A * S * H is a registered trademark of Twentieth Century-Fox.
IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
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Mash Trivia is Copyright (c) 1992 by Bob Rogers and is distributed as
shareware. If you find this program entertaining - a registration fee of
$10.00 would be in order. In addition to my undying gratitude, you'll
get the latest registered version of Mash Trivia which, among other
things, will allow you to select the question category -AND- an
additional 216 questions. I will have alot more questions (800+) during
'92. All registered users will be notified when available.
If you don't want to register Mash Trivia, at least drop me a postcard
and let me know where you obtained your copy and what you think of it.
I'd like to track how far this program goes.
Mail registration fee or comments (appreciated) to:
Bob Rogers
P.O. Box 1111
Attleboro, MA 02703-1111
(please say 5-1/4" as the 3-1/2" takes a little more effort on my part).
Mash Trivia is a game of trivia based on the television series M*A*S*H.
Each question has 4 possible answers from which to choose. Game play is
straight forward with the necessary commands/instructions shown in a box
at the bottom of the screen.
The questions fall into 6 different categories (Early episodes, Quotes,
Love & War, Personnel, Mixed up MASH, Closing seasons). With the shareware
version the questions are all mixed up so you cannot select which category.
The registered version will allow you to select a specific category or
"General Knowledge" (all 6 mixed up) at the beginning of play. There will
be more than 200 questions per category by the end of '92.
Questions are tracked as they are answered and won't repeat until all have
been viewed and answered. Regardless of how many times you play the game
you should not get the same question twice until you have answered all of
them. If you exit the game "<Esc>" before answering the displayed question,
that question is put back into the available pool. A "Resetting Data
Library...." message will appear letting you know that all questions have
been answered and will now be recycled.
Scoring: You will be awarded a military rank (how appropriate) from
Private to General based not only on how many answers you got right
but also by how many questions you attempted to answer (i.e. 25 out of 25
won't make you a General).
A minimum of 25 questions must be answered to be considered for a rank.
# Questions Highest Rank Possible
less than 20 No Rank (Civilian)
25 Private
30 Corporal
40 Sergeant
50 Lieutenant
60 Major
70 Colonel
more than 70 General
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