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A D V E N T U R E R ' S M A Z E
W r i t t e n b y
W i l l i a m H. R o u n t r e e
C o p y r i g h t (c) 1 9 9 2, 1 9 9 3
Adventurer's Maze is a role playing game. Unlike many other door advent-
ure games, this one limits the number of moves you can make per day. It does
not limit the amount of time you can spend in it.(Within your alotted time on
the BBS.)
The Quest: To kill the DRAGON!
Requirements: ANSI! Color is nice, but not required.
The Start: Decide upon a name for your Character (upto 20 characters in
length). Next, you will be shown 5 possible races. Currently,
the only difference between the races is their starting attributes,
as displayed when you make your selection:
Human : Good overall choice.
Elf : Weak starting physical attacking/defense, best starting magic use.
Half-Elf: Cross between Human and Elf.
Dwarf : Weak starting physical attacking, but good defense. Best starting
health, but no starting spells units.
Gnome : Weak starting physical attacking, but best defense. Weakest start-
ing health. Good starting spell units with good magic defense.
Choice |Race |Attadv|Attdef|Health|Spell Units|Spladv|Spldef|
1 |Human | 10 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
2 |Elf | 7 | 7 | 8 | 6 | 2 | 2 |
3 |Half-Elf | 9 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
4 |Dwarf | 8 | 11 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
5 |Gnome | 7 | 12 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
After that their will be a short pause, usually 2 or 3 seconds for setting up
your character. The screen will clear and be followed by a number appearing
on the left part of the screen, your character information written on the top
right part of the screen and on the bottom section of the screen will be your
options while at the merchant.
Your Stats:
Name: You selected this upon starting.
Health: This is a combination of strength and constitution. It
represents the amount of damage a character can take before
dying. This also determines the amount of treasure that can
be carried and effects that amount of damage inflicted
while attacking a monster.
Attack Adv: This represents a character's ability to hit a target in
Attack Def: This represents a character's ability to avoid being hit
in combat.
Spell Adv: This represents a character's ability to make a spell work.
Only spells being cast against a monster use this.
Spell Def: This represents a character's ability to avoid having a spell
work against them. If successful, either 1/2 damage or no
damage is sustained.
Spell Units:The first number is the current number of spell units avail-
able. The second number is the character's maximum. Depend-
ing on the level of spell cast, a number of spell units is
used. For example a 1st level spell requires 2 spell units.
Experience: This number is an indication of how successful a character is.
A character gains experience by defeating monsters and
delivering treasure to the Merchant.
Exp. Level: Upon reaching a certain number of Experience points, a char-
acter advances in Exp. Level. It becomes harder to advance
as a character gains levels. For example:
1st level: 1000
2nd level: 2000
3rd level: 4000
4th level: 8000
5th level: 16000
Upon advancing to a new level, the player has 8 points to
increase his character's abilities.
Armor: This may be purchased and repaired at the Merchant. The first
number (When worn) indicates the amount of damage that the
armor can withstand. The second number is the maxium amount
of damage that that type of armor can withstand.
Weapon: Hand weilded weapons, these may either be purchased at the
Merchant or gained thru defeating a monster. These increase
the amount of damage inflicted during a sucessful attack.
- Dam: Additional points of damage inflicted on the monster.
- AA : Additional points used with the character's Attack Advantage.
For every 1 point, add 2.5 points to Attack Advantage.
- AD : Additional points used with the character's Attack Defense.
For every 1 point, add 2.5 points to Attack Defense.
Moves Left: A character is giving 30 moves each day. There is no limit
as the number of times a player may enter this door or a time
limit in the door.
Credits: This is an amount that you are in good standing with the
Merchant. Unlike treasure, credits cannot be lost only spent.
Jewerly: This is the finest treasure. It is worth 10 credits and 5
experience points per item when traded to the Merchant.
Gems: This is worth 5 credits and 2.5 experience points per item
when traded to the Merchant.
Platium: This is worth 2 credits and 1 experience point per item when
traded to the Merchant.
Gold: This is worth 1 credit and .5 experience point per item when
traded to the Merchant.
Silver: This is worth .5 credit and .25 experience point per item when
traded to the Merchant.
Copper: This is worth .25 credit and .125 experience point per item
when traded to the Merchant.
The Merchant: The character will start out at the Merchant's location. There
is only one Merchant and he does not move, so remember where he
is! Here is a brief explaination of the options available here:
0:Return to Aventuring: Allows the character to do normal tasks such as:
moving to another room, drinking a potion, casting
a spell or quiting and returning to the BBS.
R:Repair Armor: Allows a character to bring his armor's ability to
absorb damage back to it's full potential.
T:Trade Treasure: This exchanges your 6 types of treasure for credits
with the Merchant as well as giving you experience
Q:Quit Playing
and Return to BBS: Pretty well describes it.
C:Change Levels: This option allows characters access to all levels
of the maze. You may either assend, decend, or
remain on the current maze level.
P:Purchase Menu: This selection will move the character to an area
where they may purchase items from the merchant.
These include:
ATTENTION!: Prices increase as a character ad-
S:Selling Menu: This selection will move the character to an area
where they may sell items to the merchant for
credits. These selections include:
4:Weapons captured from Monsters
ATTENTION!: Characters do not get full price for
used goods.
E:Enchant Weapon: This selection will give the character the
ability to change to probabilities during a
battle with a monster. The cost of each
modification is based upon the character's
level and the amount that the weapon has already
been modified.
- Dam: Additional points of damage inflicted on the monster.
- AA : Additional points used with the character's Attack Advantage.
For every 1 point, add 2.5 points to Attack Advantage.
- AD : Additional points used with the character's Attack Defense.
For every 1 point, add 2.5 points to Attack Defense.
- SD : NEW! For every 1 point, 2.5 points of damage from Monsters
casting spells, is now nullified.
The other option now available here is to
repair damage done to a weapon that could
lead to the weapon breaking.
After selecting "0" at the Merchant's, you will have a new prompt appear on
line 22 of your screen. This is the movement prompt. You may press "?"
for the help screen with a summary of the options available. Below is a
short desciption of each:
N: Move North: If a passageway exists, the character will move up,
toward the top of the screen, one room.
E: Move East: If a passageway exists, the character will move right,
toward the right of the screen, one room.
S: Move South: If a passageway exists, the character will move down,
toward the bottom of the screen, one room.
W: Move West: If a passageway exists, the character will move left,
toward the left of the screen, one room.
G: Get Treasure: If the character's health allows, the character will
pickup as much treasure as currently able. If only
part of the treasure is picked up, the most valuable
will be taken.
D: Drop Treasure: Upon selecting this option, the character will drop all
treasure that is in their possesion.
P: Drink Potion: A list of potions the character is carrying will be
shown and the player can then select the desired one.
R: Check Room: A prompt will appear on line 22 asking what room is de-
sired. If a character has visited a room, the current
contests will be shown.
C: Cast Spell: A list of levels of spells the character is capable of
casting will be displayed. After selecting the level,
a list of spells of that level will be displayed. The
player can then make a selection.
Q: Quit and Save: This is the way to end the this visit to this door and
return back to the host BBS.
X: Exchange Weapon: If your character's weapon breaks, this will select the
best weapon that has been taken from a defeated mon-
M: ReDraws the
Screen: If for some reason the screen becomes misalligned,
use this to get your display back to normal.
Z: Status of
Potions & Spells:This shows all active potions and spells at that time
on a character. Some potions and spells last for a
period of time, while others are cast and gone.
H: Help Text: This option allows users to view specific parts of the
players documentation while in the game.
Upon encountering a monster, the lower right hand part of the screen will
display the monster and it's stats. The following is a summary of the avail-
able options in combat:
S: Surrender: This is HIGHLY recommended for character's with NO
treasure! If you surrender, no attack will be made
against the character and you will be allowed to
R: Run: This option is for those character's that do not like
to lose some of their hard earned treasure. The
monster that you are running from does get to attack
P: Drink Potion: This option allows a character to drink a potion.
C: Cast Spell: This option allows a character to cast a spell, either
offensive or defensive.
A: Attack: This option has the character strike once at the
T: Till death: Upon selecting this, the battle will only end once
either the character or the monster is dead, unless a
character breaks their weapon!
Q: Quit and Save: This is the way to end the this visit to this door and
return back to the host BBS.
X: Exchange Weapon: If your character's weapon breaks, this will select the
best weapon that has been taken from a defeated mon-
M: ReDraws the
Screen: If for some reason the screen becomes misalligned,
use this to get your display back to normal.
H: Help Text: This option allows users to view specific parts of the
players documentation while in the game.
If a character dies, the player may start the character back with 0 experience
points. Again the character will start at the Merchant and hopefully the
player will learn from his mistake.
Other features of the maze include:
Traps: These do damage directly against the health of the
Pits: Do damage, and place the character on a deeper level.
Wishing Well: This moves around to a new room each day. Once you
visit it on that day, it disappears until the next.
There are many things that can be performed here, and
you will soon discover what changes each performs on
your character.
Spells: Currently this version contains 27 different spell
that character's may select as they advance.
Potions: Currently this version contains 8 different potions
that allow a character different advantages if used.
*Strength: Adds 5 to ATTADV for 5 rounds.
*Protection: Adds 5 to ATTDEF for 5 rounds.
*Magic Res.: Adds 5 to SPLDEF for 5 rounds.
Healing: Heals 10 points of health upto Max. Health.
Restoration: Adds 5 more movements.
!Detect Traps: Allows a character to disarm any traps while moving
into a new room and not take damage.
Teleport: Takes a character to the merchant.
Locate Well: Displays the location of that day's well.
*: These potions last for 5 movements.
!: This potion lasts for 10 movements.
* Randomly a Wizard appears and neutralizes some enhanced abilitys!
Each spell costs 2 spell points per level of that spell. As a
character advances, the option to add more spell points is avail-
able. When a character reaches 5th level of experience, they gain
the capability to cast 2nd level spells. Every 5 levels of exper-
ience, a new set of spells becomes available.
1st Level:
1:Magic Missle: Does 2 points of damage per Level of the castor.
2:Cure Light Wounds: Heals 5 points of health.
3:Protection: As per the potion.
4:Sleep: Allows the character to move out of a room that has a mon-
5:Damage Resistance: Reduces the damage recieved from a monster by
2nd Level:
1:Shield: Protects a character from Magic Missles.
2:Detect Traps: As per the potion.
3:Charm: Allows a character to get a monster's treasure without a
4:Strength: As per the potion.
5:Locate Well: As per the potion.
6:Detect Monster: Shows occupants of all ajoining rooms.
3rd Level:
1:Lightning Bolt: Does 4 points of damage per Level of the castor,
but the receipiant may save for 1/2 based upon their SPLDEF.
2:Cure Serious Wounds: Heals 20 points of health.
3:Invisibility: Allows a character to aviod monsters while moving
through their rooms.
4:Hit!: Makes each attack by a character hit.
5:Magic Resistance: As per the potion.
4th Level:
1:Passwall: Allows a character to move in any direction.
2:Fireball: Does 6 points of damage per Level of the castor, but again
the receipiant may save for 1/2 based upon their SPLDEF.
3:Save!:Character automatically makes all saves for 1/2 damage.
4:Mend: Fixes 20 points of damage to armor.
5:Fireshield: Monster takes 1/2 of all damage he inflicts upon the
5th Level:
1:Telepot: Allows a character to move to any room, on any level.
2:Asteral Walk: Like PASSWALL, but lasts for 5 movements.
3:Icestorm: Does 8 points of damage per Level of the castor, but again
the receipiant may save for 1/2 based upon their SPLDEF.
4:Word of Recall: Upon dying, the character is returned to the mer-
chant will all posessions and has 1 point of health.
5:Max Damage: Character does maximum damage, if he strikes during
6th Level:
1:Regeneration: Returns 2 health per movement and keeps the charac-
ter from death, even with a negative health!
2:Restoration: Adds 15 movements.
3:Heal: Returns health to maximum.
4:Lifestealing: Upon a success full attack, this gives 1/2 the
damage inflicted to the castor.
5:Power Word KILL: Monster saves or DIES!
* Randomly a Wizard appears and neutralizes some enhanced abilitys!
HINT!: At the beginning you have few spell units. You can cast a CURE
LIGHT WOUNDS and get some of you health restored......
HINT!: The higher your health the more treasure you can carry......
HINT!: The higher your health the more damage you inflict.....
HINT!: In the beginning, fight GNOLLS, but not much else........
HINT!: Use all your spell units each day.....
HINT!: Cast Damage Reduction upon starting a battle with a monster that
has a weapon better than yours.....
HINT!: Try to visit the WELL every day.....
HINT!: Expore, move around and locate the monster. The tougher the monster
the more treasure it has.....
HINT!: When drinking potions or casting spells that last for several move-
ments, try to attack several monsters before the effects disapate.....
HINT!: Always carry a backup weapon, just in case your's breaks.....
HINT!: For the first few times, when you advance, choose to modify your
characters ATTADV, ATTDEF and HEALTH......
HINT!: If you must fight the toughest monster on one level, go down to the
next level and fight them down there! They have more treasure the
lower you go.....