Bethlehem was called the city of _______. David Roses Moses Solomon Luke 2:4 Saul of Tarsus had his name changed to ______. Paul Solomon Peter Samuel Acts 13:9 Jesus cast demons out of a man and into a herd of _______. pigs cows dogs goats Matthew 8:30-32 Jesus had compassion on the crowds because they were like sheep without ________. a shepherd wool goats water Matthew 9:36 What did Jesus say to do if someone forces you to go a mile with him? go two miles give him a drink refuse hit him Matthew 5:41 God confused the languages of mankind at _______. Babel Eden Ur Nineveh Genesis 11:9 When in Egypt, Abram wanted his wife to say that she was his _____. sister mother servant daughter Genesis 12:13 The phrase, "Lead us not into temptation", is from ________. the Lord's prayer the 10 commandments the last supper the 7 last words Matthew 6:13 Jesus said, "Store up for yourselves treasures ______, where moth and rust do not destroy." in heaven on earth of gold in church Matthew 6:20 What is the sign of the covenant God made with Noah? a rainbow baptism a unicorn stone tablets Genesis 9:12-16 Where did Noah's ark finally come to rest? Ararat Sinai Zion Pisgah Genesis 8:4 Who was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth? Noah Moses Abraham Adam Genesis 6:10 The Lord made clothes out of _____ for Adam and Eve. skin leaves cotton denim Genesis 3:21 Adam and Eve's first child was named ______. Cain Abel Seth Enosh Genesis 4:1 Who was NOT the son of Adam and Eve? Isaac Cain Abel Seth Genesis 4 God formed man from the _____ of the ground. dust bones grass animals Genesis 2:7 After each day of creation, God saw that it was ______. good finished time raining Genesis 1:9 etc. On which day did God rest after creating everything? seventh fourth sixth fifth Genesis 2:2 What were James and John doing when Jesus called them? fixing their nets milking their cows selling their goods building a house Matthew 4:21 James, the disciple of Jesus, had a brother named _______. John Peter Paul Andrew Matthew 4:21 Christ's disciple, Simon, was also called _______. Peter John James Paul Matthew 4:18 Jesus said to Simon and Andrew, "Come, follow me, and I will make you ________ of men." fishers leaders heroes builders Matthew 4:19 To escape Herod, Joseph took his wife, Mary, and the baby Jesus to _____. Egypt Moab America Babylon Matthew 1:13 In our English Bible, which book is the last book of the Old Testament? Malachi Obadiah Nehemiah Habakkuk Which direction did the wise men come from to find Jesus? East North South West Matthew 2:1 John the Baptist wore clothes made of ______ hair. camel's zebra's goat's mule's Matthew 3:4 John the Baptist saw the Spirit of God descending like a ______ on Jesus. dove storm balloon hawk Matthew 3:16 The mother of Samuel was _______. Hannah Elizabeth Naomi Peninnah I Samuel 1:20 The author of the book of Acts also wrote the gospel of _________. Luke Mark John Matthew Acts 1:1;Luke 1:1-4 Jesus said "You will be my _____ in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." witnesses apostles messengers preachers Acts 1:8 Who was the first person to be killed for being a Christian? Stephen Silas Peter Abel Acts 6, 7 Peter healed a beggar at the temple gate in the name of ______. Jesus charity Jehovah the Holy Spirit Acts 3:6 When the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles, they were celebrating the Jewish feast of _______. Pentecost Passover Purim Tabernacles Acts 2:1 The question, "What must I do to be saved?" was asked by a ______. Philippian jailer Roman soldier Pharisee Ethiopian eunuch Acts 16:30 Who wrote the book of Romans? Paul Titus Peter Caesar Romans 1:1 When he heard about the ark being captured, Eli fell backward off his chair and broke his _____. neck glasses arm nose I Samuel 4:18 Ruth got married to _____ and they lived happily ever after. Boaz David Obed Barak Ruth 4:13 ff After she arrived in Israel, Ruth planned to make a living by _____. picking up grain sewing raising sheep selling olive oil Ruth 2:2 Ruth found herself working in a field which belonged to a man named _____, Boaz Nabal Joash Abimelech Ruth 2:3 The most romantic scene in the book of Ruth takes place on a _____. threshing floor moonlit beach city street Friday night Ruth 3:1-14 Psalm 100 talks about us being God's people, the _____ of his pasture. sheep cows horses goats Psalm 100:3 In Psalm 105 the psalmist recalls the deliverance of Israel and the plagues experienced in the land of _____. Egypt Canaan Moab Assyria Psalm 105:23-38 Psalm 119 says that God's words are sweeter than _____. honey sugar chocolate maple syrup Psalm 119:103 In Psalm 122 David writes, "I rejoiced with those who said to me, `Let us go to the _____ of the Lord'." house word servant city Psalm 122:1 In Psalm 126 we read that those who sow in _____ will reap with songs of joy. tears the morning church quantity Psalm 126:1 According to Psalm 132, the Lord swore an oath to _____, "One of your descendants I will place on your throne." David Jesus Moses Pharoah Psalm 132:11 Psalm 150 says, "Let everything that has _____ praise the Lord." breath money energy Sundays off Psalm 150:6 When Moses died, the Lord appointed _____ to be the leader of Israel. Joshua Samuel David Aaron Joshua 1:1-5 The Lord told Joshua that the key to his success would be to meditate on the _____. book of the Law promised land moon and stars rules of war Joshua 1:8 Rahab's life would be saved if she put a _____ in her window. red rope golden calf bright light palm branch Joshua 2:17-21 The story of the fall of Jericho is found in the book of _____. Joshua Exodus Nehemiah Ruth Joshua 6:1-25 Baby Moses was found and adopted by the daughter of _____. Pharoah Midian Joshua Aaron Exodus 2:5-10 God promised to bring his people out of Egypt to a land flowing with milk and _____. honey cream olive oil gold Exodus 3:8, 17 When God told Moses that he should speak to Pharoah and Moses protested, God gave him _____ to help him. Aaron angels courage Joshua Exodus 4:14-16 The first plague that God brought on Egypt was to turn the _____ River to blood. Nile Jordan Euphrates Amazon Exodus 7:17 How were the Israelites commanded to cook the Passover lamb? roasted over easy boiled sauteed Exodus 12:8-9 For seven days before the Passover the Israelites were to eat bread without _____. yeast stopping wheat salt Exodus 12:14-20 After Israel left Egypt, the Lord guided them in a pillar of _____ by day and a pillar of fire by night. cloud light salt gold Exodus 13:21 At Meribah the Israelites quarreled with Moses and God gave them water out of a _____. rock river tree canteen Exodus 17:5-7 The Israelites wanted a king so that they could be like _____. other nations God animals children I Samuel 8:19-20 Jesus said, "My _____ is easy and my burden is light." yoke yolk yak yo-yo Matthew 11:30 Jesus said, "Come to _____, all you who are weary and burdened." me America your senses the hospital Matthew 11:28 Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a _____ seed. mustard caraway ketchup poppy Matthew 13:31 Jesus said that whoever wanted to be great must become a _____. servant manager politician preacher Matthew 20:26-28 Jesus told a parable of a man who rented his vineyard to some tenants. When they killed his servants, he sent his _____ to them. son lawyer Dobermann fax number Matthew 21:33-39 Jesus said that the second great commandment was to love our _____ as ourself. neighbor dog parents independence Matthew 22:39 Jesus said that at the end of the age you will hear of wars and _____ of wars. rumors mothers dozens telecasts Matthew 24:6 According to Jesus' parable, the five foolish virgins took their lamps but did not take any _____. oil food money batteries Matthew 25:3 One of the disciples, _____, betrayed Jesus to the chief priests for thirty silver coins. Judas Iscariot Thomas Simon Peter Thaddaeus Matthew 26:14 Jesus broke bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat, this is my _____." body commandment food blessing Matthew 26:26 During the trial of Jesus, _____ denied him three times before the rooster crowed. Peter John Judas Thomas Matthew 26:69-75 How did Judas Iscariot die? with a rope with a knife with a lead pipe with a revolver Matthew 27:5 When Pilate wanted to release Jesus, the crowd asked for _____ instead. Barabbas Herod Simon Judas Matthew 27:17-21 Jesus told the eleven to go and make _____ of all nations. disciples slaves fools readers Matthew 28:19 In which gospel does Jesus speak with Nicodemus at night? John Matthew Mark Luke John 3:1-2 Jesus told the woman at the well that whoever drank the water that he gave would never get _____ again. thirsty dirty lonely food John 4:13-14 According to John's gospel, "whoever believes in the _____ has eternal life". Son prophets Creator unknown John 3:36 Jeus talked at a well with a Samaritan _____. woman merchant beggar prophet John 4:6-7 Who came to Jesus at night to hear his teaching? Nicodemus Zacchaeus Barnabas Lazarus John 3:2 Jesus told Nicodemus that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is _____. born again baptized dead converted John 3:3 What did Jesus do when he found people buying and selling animals in the temple courts? chased them out bought a dove walked on by called the priests John 2:14-16 John baptized with water, but he said that Jesus would baptize with _____. the Holy Spirit milk fire mercy John 1:33 John says that the law was given through _____ and grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Moses angels congress Abraham John 1:17 According to John, no one has ever seen _____. God Jesus dinosaurs angels John 1:18 The nation of Israel was commanded to be holy because _____. God is holy it was nice Moses said so society approved Leviticus 19:1