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Directions for using the TWO-PLUS-ONE list:
Many great plays in Scrabble (tm) result from a "junction" to an existing
word already on the board. Knowing when adding a one-letter prefix or suffix
to a word results in a legal play can help achieve high scoring turns. It is
impractical to list here all "1-letter plus" combinations in the OSPD (tm).
Here, though are all the "2 + 1's".
Each line below contains a two-letter word in ALL CAPS. This is a "legal"
word. Adding a letter from the left *or* from the right (not both!) creates
a "legal" three-letter word. Since all "legal" two-letter words are listed
below, all possible "legal" three-letter words built from them are contained
in this list.
This listing is compatible with the Second Edition of the OSPD (tm). It has
*not* been updated for the Third Edition of the OSPD (tm).
b AA hls
bcdfghlmprstw AD dosz
ghkmnstw AE
bdfghjlmnrstwz AG aeo
abdhnpry AH a
AI dlmnrst
badgps AL abelpst
bcdghjlnprty AM aipu
bcfgmprtvw AN adeity
bcefgjlmoptvwy AR bcefkmst
abfghklmprtvw AS hkps
bcefghklmopqrstvw AT e
cdhjlmnprstvwy AW aeln
flprstwz AX e
bcdfghjklmnprswy AY es
a BA adghlmnrsty
o BE deglnty
o BI bdgnostz
a BO abdgopstwxy
a BY es
DA bdghklmpwy
o DE beilnsvwxy
au DO ceglmnrstw
kr EF fst
fhpy EH
bdegmst EL dfklms
fghmr EM esu
bdfhkmpstwy EN dgs
fhps ER aegnrs
dhopry ES s
bfghjlmnprstvwy ET ah
dhklrsv EX
FA dgnrstxy
ae GO abdortxy
asw HA deghjmopstwy
st HE hmnprstwxy
cgkp HI cdemnpst
o HM m
mortw HO bdegnptwy
abdfghklmry ID s
kr IF s
abdfghjklprstvwy IN kns
abchlmpstvwx IS m
abdfgklnpstwz IT s
JO begtwy
os KA befsty
a LA bcdgmprstvwxy
LI bdenpst
LO bgoptwx
a MA cdegnprstwy
e ME dlmntw
a MI bdglmrsx
hu MM
MO abdglmnoprstw
ae MU dgmnst
a NA beghmpwy
ao NE betw
NO bdghmorstw
g NU bnst
bcghmnprsty OD des
dfhjrtvw OE s
OF ft
fnop OH mos
dmnprty OM s
cdefhimstvwy ON es
bcfhklmpstw OP est
cdfgkmnt OR abcest
bcdkmnsw OS e
bcdhjlmnprstvwy OW eln
bcfglpsv OX oy
bcfghjst OY
s PA cdhlmnprstwxy
ao PE adeghnprstw
PI acegnpstux
aeio RE bcdefgimpstvx
a SH aehy
p SI bcmnprstx
SO bdlnpstuwxy
eu TA bdegjmnoprstuvwx
TI celnpst
TO degmnoprtwy
h UH
bcghlmrsy UM mp
bdfghjmnprst UN s
cdhpsty UP os
bjmnp US e
bcghjmnoprt UT as
aeo WE bdent
t WO egknopstw
XI s
pr YA hkmprwy
abdelprtw YE ahnpstw
This listing was compiled by, and is supplied courtesy of the Eagle Rock
Scrabble (tm) Club No. 329.
Scrabble (tm) and OSPD (tm) are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Co., a
subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.