<TITLE><B>Welcome to Internet Resources</B></TITLE>
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Welcome to the Internet Resources Corporation's <A HREF = "ircmisc.htm#WebToo">World-Wide-Web Server</A>.<P>
Internet Resources is a <A HREF = "ircmisc.htm#NewYork">New York</A>-based consulting and application development firm,
specializing in Internet connectivity, systems integration, and client-server applications
We regularly assist clients in:<P>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#IntConn">Connecting to the Internet</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#IntUse">Utilizing the resources of the Internet for commercial purposes</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#IntProv">Providing commercial services on the Internet</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#RDBMS">Designing and developing relational database applications using popular database products</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#CliServ">Designing and developing client-server applications</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#FourGL">Using fourth-generation languages to develop applications quickly and inexpensively</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#Distrib">Creating and maintaining distributed databases</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#UnixInt">Integrating UNIX with corporate enterprise systems</A>
<LI><A HREF = "ircapp.htm#LanWan">Creating and maintaining LANs and WANs</A>
For more information on any of these services, please click on the appropriate topic
(if you are using a mouse), or highlight the topic and select it.<P>
<A HREF = "irccorp.htm#NameAdd">Internet Resources</A> is uniquely positioned to assist <A HREF = "irccorp.htm#YouInf">your company</A> in making the
most of <A HREF = "ircint.htm#TheInt">the Internet</A> and its resources, including the <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#WWWInf">World-Wide-Web</A>, <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#GophInf">Gopher</A>,
and <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#EMailInf">E-Mail</A>. We can also help you deal with <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#Secure">privacy and security</A> issues arising
from connection to the "<A HREF = "ircapp.htm#OLWorld">on-line world</A>". And we can help you create client-server
applications using <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#SQLInf">SQL</A>-based <A HREF = "ircapp.htm#RDBProd">relational database products</A> and fourth-generation
languages. We can do all this because of our <A HREF = "irccorp.htm#IRCExp">extensive experience</A> with new
technologies as they appeared, as well as the range of industries in which <A HREF = "irccorp.htm#IRCClient">our clients</A>
have been involved.<P>
For further information, please call us at (212)626-6886, or send e-mail to