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/ SunSoft Catalyst 1995 September to December / CDware_Sep-Dec_1995.bin / .products / DocuVenture / slide002.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-08-29  |  43KB  |  536x694  |  8-bit (47 colors)
Labels: animal | fence | hakham | monitor | person | plant | plaything | poster | sky
OCR: Slide Shows and Multimedia Presentations Providing presentation services for UNIX and other platforms aristry combined wilh technical KnO w-how proiect specification development of content concept design, scripting integration of graphics. audio video special effects cross-platform compatibility hyperlinks interactivity FOI he Qetais this topic Home Presentations CO-ROM Consulting Home Page Design Docuventure Assistance DocuVenture Inc presentatior artistry combinea technica project storvboarding croscpao cempatibility fwtheroeros