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/ SunSoft Catalyst 1995 September to December / CDware_Sep-Dec_1995.bin / .products / DocuVenture / slide004.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-08-29  |  53KB  |  536x694  |  8-bit (92 colors)
Labels: bird | car | fence | grandstand | monitor | person | plant | sky | stairs | toucan
OCR: Marketi nc/Consulti Services Marketing proarams relationship management creafive services Planning implementation sales and marketing programs Fecruitmen f sales organizations, vendors and ISVs Sales training seminar programs Management of third party co-marketing programs Optimization Sales channels Far detaib onhis Home Presentations CO-ROU Consulting Home Page Desig DocuVenture Assistance DocuVenture Inc mangaement implementatior Recruitment futhergetqis bnthis topic Presentation