DynaWeb-EBT's Dynamic Wide-area Electronic Bookserver-enables DynaText(tm) electronic book publishers to take full advantage of the Internet WAN distribution channel for disseminating large collections of information electronically. DynaWeb is a server-side tool that links DynaText publishers' electronic books to existing World-Wide Web (Web) client browsers.
DynaWeb is designed to fully exploit the SGML structures already in place in publishers' DynaText electronic books. DynaWeb connects your DynaText electronic books to the Internet, adds powerful search and navigation functionality to the multitude of Web client browsers, and does so in a manner that is efficient and sustainable.
EBT provides an unlimited supply of royalty-free, read-write DynaText browsers for LAN or stand-alone CD-ROM, UNIX, Windows, and Mac publishing. DynaWeb provides full access to Web client browsers for WAN distribution.
DynaWeb Feature = 1) DynaWeb Benefit = 2)
1) Web content (HTML) is sourced directly and automatically from DynaText electronic books
2) Access to the Internet Web distribution channel with no duplication of information or conversion to HTML required
1) DynaWeb publishing process requires minimal effort to set-up
2) Same publishing process and tools as DynaText; no need to hire additional resources
1) Supports HTML and future variants through InStEd(tm) stylesheet mechanism
2) DynaWeb publishing process is sustainable; requires minimal effort to maintain or scale
1) Web-client browsers have access to the DynaText search engine for fulltext, boolean, proximity, wildcard, and SGML structure-aware searching
2) Intelligent search capabilities for browsing large DynaText electronic books
1) TOC generation on-the-fly for sub-document navigation
2) Solves the "big file size" problem for publishing on the Internet
1) Supports multiple "views" of DynaText books through stylesheet mechanism
2) Publishers can define multiple mappings for client-specific requirements-different TOCs,
hidden text, etc.
1) Automatically creates the Web hypertext links directly from the intra-document hypertext link information in the DynaText stylesheet
2) No need to set-up and maintain separate link semantics or process. Eliminates need to chop large files into many small HTML fragments
1) InStEd/DynaWeb translations are not limited to SGML-to-HTML. SGML-to-SGML also supported
2) Solution scales to handle any future variants of HTML/SGML delivery on the Internet
EBT's World-Wide Web Home Page URL is http://www.ebt.com