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/ SunSoft Catalyst 1995 September to December / CDware_Sep-Dec_1995.bin / .products / MicroPlanning / Decentralized.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-09-25  |  8KB  |  432x334  |  4-bit (5 colors)
Labels: box | clock | data system | monitor | tree
OCR: Decentralved Resource Vanagenent UrTT: reores for each subproject Resource conflic ts re solved a sub project level Schedul lyzedat subproject avel Read/write acces a subproject (ee, Results trausnitted to highe pvel Subproject Subproject Transmit Executive Levrl Report Project A ProjectB Project C Subproject Resources Subproject Project D Project P Subproject Subproject Transmit Transmit Subproject Resources Subproject Resources Hollings Ir 1905 Deeirare Nesource Managenent Uniqe transmitted Subproiect Twusui Trausmi Exscutiu Proiect Subprojec ProjeotD Subproieci Trusui